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Created April 13, 2017 22:13
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compressing permuations by using elimination coding
import math
from functools import reduce
def bit_count(x):
""" The minimum bits needed to represent a number """
# return math.ceil(math.log(x + 1) / math.log(2))
return math.ceil(math.log2(x))
def initial(data):
largest_number = max(data)
bits = bit_count(largest_number)
print("Encoding this by the number values in the set, with %d bits, dictated by the max value %d, yields:" % (bits, largest_number))
print(reduce(lambda x, y: '%s%s' % (x, "{0:03b} ".format(y)), data, ''))
print('%s bits' % (len(data) * bits))
def index_encoded(data):
print('Now lets encode by index')
# create output
output = ''
# create an array of the amount of data, populate it
l = sorted(data)
for num in data:
# find the index of the slot with the value of our number
index = l.index(num)
# determine how many bits needed to encode the free slot index
# we do this by taking length of array of data
bits_needed = bit_count(len(l))
# add to output stream
output += "{0:0{1}b} ".format(index, bits_needed)
# remove the slot from the array
del l[index]
print('%s bits' % sum(c != ' ' for c in output))
def main(data):
""" compressing permuations by using elimination coding """
if __name__ == '__main__':
main([5, 7, 1, 4, 6, 3, 2, 0])
Encoding this by the number values in the set, with 3 bits, dictated by the max value 7, yields:
101 111 001 100 110 011 010 000
24 bits
Now lets encode by index
101 110 001 011 11 10 1 0
18 bits
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