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Created February 20, 2019 16:58
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import simplejson
from urllib.request import urlopen
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase
import time
uri = "bolt://localhost:7687"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=("neo4j", "changeYourPassword"))
GEOCODE_ROUTE_URL = ',VA&destination='
GEOCODE_API_KEY = 'yourGoogleAPIKey'
base64string = 'your Neo4j password in base64'
def geocode(fullAddress):
def geocode2(startAddress, endAddress):
# url = GEOCODE_BASE_URL + '?' + urllib.urlencode(geo_args)
url = GEOCODE_ROUTE_START_END_URL + urllib.parse.quote(startAddress) + '&destination=' + urllib.parse.quote(endAddress) + '&key=' + GEOCODE_API_KEY
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
result = simplejson.load(urlopen(request))
totalTravelTime = 0
# print simplejson.dumps([s['duration'] for s in result['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['steps']], indent=2)
print (len(result['routes']))
with driver.session() as session:
for y in result['routes'][0]['legs']:
# print(str(endlat) + "," + str(endlng))
numSteps = len(result['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['steps'])
# print(numSteps)
for s in result['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['steps']:
totalTravelTime = totalTravelTime + int(s['duration']['value'])
turnLat = s['end_location']['lat']
turnLng = s['end_location']['lng']
if i < 2:
neoQuery = "CALL com.dfauth.h3.lineBetweenLocations(" + str(startlat) + "," + str(startlng) + "," + str(turnLat) + "," + str(turnLng) +") yield nodes unwind nodes as locNode match (locNode)<-[:HAS_PRACTICE_AT]-(p:Provider)-[:HAS_SPECIALTY]->(t:TaxonomyCode) return distinct locNode.Address1 + ' ' + locNode.CityName +', ' + locNode.StateName as locationAddress, locNode.latitude as latitude, locNode.longitude as longitude, coalesce(p.BusinessName,p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName) as practiceName, p.NPI as NPI order by locationAddress;"
# print(neoQuery)
result =
for record in result:
print(record["locationAddress"] + " " + record["practiceName"])
if i > 1 and i < numSteps:
neoQuery = "CALL com.dfauth.h3.lineBetweenLocations(" + str(prevLat) + "," + str(prevLng) + "," + str(turnLat) + "," + str(turnLng) +") yield nodes unwind nodes as locNode match (locNode)<-[:HAS_PRACTICE_AT]-(p:Provider)-[:HAS_SPECIALTY]->(t:TaxonomyCode) return distinct locNode.Address1 + ' ' + locNode.CityName +', ' + locNode.StateName as locationAddress, locNode.latitude as latitude, locNode.longitude as longitude, coalesce(p.BusinessName,p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName) as practiceName, p.NPI as NPI order by locationAddress;"
result =
for record in result:
print(record["locationAddress"] + " " + record["practiceName"])
if i > (numSteps-1):
# print(i)
neoQuery = "CALL com.dfauth.h3.lineBetweenLocations(" + str(prevLat) + "," + str(prevLng) + "," + str(endlat) + "," + str(endlng) +") yield nodes unwind nodes as locNode match (locNode)<-[:HAS_PRACTICE_AT]-(p:Provider)-[:HAS_SPECIALTY]->(t:TaxonomyCode) return distinct locNode.Address1 + ' ' + locNode.CityName +', ' + locNode.StateName as locationAddress, locNode.latitude as latitude, locNode.longitude as longitude, coalesce(p.BusinessName,p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName) as practiceName, p.NPI as NPI order by locationAddress;"
# print(neoQuery)
result =
for record in result:
print(record["locationAddress"] + " " + record["practiceName"])
prevLat = turnLat
prevLng = turnLng
i += 1
print("Total Travel Time in minutes: " + str(float(float(totalTravelTime)/60)))
def travelTime(postalCode, taxonomyCode):
print("My zip code is: " + postalCode)
print("My desired physician taxonomy is: " + taxonomyCode)
url=NEAREST_PHYSICIAN_URL + postalCode + '/' + taxonomyCode
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
result = simplejson.load(urllib2.urlopen(request))
for s in result['Providers']:
print("Nearest Address is " + s['FullAddress'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
geocode2('700 Courthouse Road, Stafford, VA 22554','50 N. Stafford Complex, Center St Suite 107, Stafford, VA 22556')
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