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Last active November 15, 2017 13:36
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find test
set -eu
declare -r TMP="${1:-"${TMP:-/tmp}/find-test"}"
declare -ri file_count="${2:-1000000}" pad="${3:-255}"
declare -ar find=( find "$TMP" -mount -mindepth 1 )
# Preparation
mkdir -p -- "$TMP"
declare -i free_inodes="$(stat -f -c %d -- "$TMP")"
if [ "$free_inodes" -gt 0 ]; then
free_percentage="$(bc -l <<< "$file_count * 100 / $free_inodes")"
/usr/bin/printf \
"This action requires %'.1f %% of free inodes on the device.\n" \
"$free_percentage" >&2
[ "${free_percentage#.*}" -lt 50 ] ||
read -p "If you don't want to proceed, press CTRL+C to abort; otherwise press ENTER."
# Create files
declare -i char_count="$(
seq 1 "$file_count" |
xargs -rd '\n' -- printf "$(sed -e 's/[%\\]/&&/g' <<< "$TMP")/%0${pad}u\0" |
tee >(exec xargs -r0 -- touch --) |
wc -c)"
printf "%'u created files, %'u total path name length\n" \
"$("${find[@]}" -printf . | wc -c)" "$char_count" >&2
# Touch files through `find`
"${find[@]}" -exec touch -c -t 197012250000 -- {} +
# Find any files that weren't changed in the last year
"${find[@]}" -ctime +365 -printf '%f\n'
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