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Created February 4, 2021 16:52
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var t1 = DoFooAsync(obj);
var t2 = DoBarAsync(obj);
var t = await WhenAnySuccessOrAllFail(t1, t2);
async Task WhenAnySuccessOrAllFail(params Task[] tasks)
var remaining = new List<Task>(tasks);
while (remaining.Count > 0)
var t = await Task.WhenAny(remaining);
if (t.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
// Successful so return it
return t;
// It failed, remove it from the remaining tasks to process
// Both failed (will bubble an aggregate exception)
return await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
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dustinmoris commented Feb 4, 2021


I don't do exceptions*, so in my case I guess I could do something like this based on your solution!

async Task<(bool, T)> WhenAnySuccessOrAllFail(Func<T, bool> checkSuccess, params Task<T>[] tasks)
    var remaining = new List<Task>(tasks);

    while (remaining.Count > 0)
        var t = await Task.WhenAny(remaining);
        if (checkSuccess(t))
            return (true, t);

        // It failed, remove it from the remaining tasks to process

    // Both failed
    return (false, null);

*) I catch exceptions where they occur immediately and then map them to a result type so that my own code doesn't have to deal with exceptions. If there is a genuine exception type which means that my program cannot operate anymore then I'd let it bubble up to be logged and crashed.

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F# code I ended up with:

    let rec waitForFirstSuccess (tasks : Task<Result<string, string>> list) =
        task {
            let! task = Task.WhenAny(tasks)
            match task.Result with
            | Ok _    -> return task.Result
            | Error _ ->
                    |> List.filter(fun t -> t = task)
                    |> waitForFirstSuccess

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