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Created April 25, 2022 13:50
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Simple physics game in F# and WPF

Simple physics game in F# and WPF

This is an example on how to use WPF and F# to do a simple physics game using Verlet Integration.

The program creates a system of particles and constraints. Particles have inertia and is affected by gravity but their motion is also contrained by the constraints.

You control the ship by firing rockets attached to the ship. Use the arrow keys to fire the rockets.

I tried to annotate the source code to help guide a developer familiar with languages like C#. If you have suggestions for how to improve it please leave a comment below.

How to run

  1. WPF requires a Windows box
  2. Install dotnet:
  3. Create a folder named for example: FsPhysicsGame
  4. Create file in the folder named: FsPhysicsGame.fsproj and copy the content of 1_FsPhysicsGame.fsproj below into that file
  5. Create file in the folder named: Program.fs and copy the content of 2_Program.fs below into that file
  6. Launch the application in Visual Studio or through the command line dotnet run from the folder FsPhysicsGame
  7. Should look like the image in this tweet.
  8. Expand the particle system at lines 236+
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
// Hi!. The particle system is defined at row: 236+
// `open` are F# version of C# `using`
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Globalization
open System.Numerics
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Media.Animation
open FSharp.Core.Printf
type V1 = float32
type V2 = Vector2
// F# inline is sometimes used for performance but often
// it's used to get access to more advanced generics than
// supported by .NET CLR
// x here can be any type that supports conversion to float32
let inline v1 x = float32 x
let inline v2 x y = V2 (float32 x, float32 y)
let v2_0 = v2 0.0F 0.0F
let clamp v i x = max i (min v x)
// Define a particle record
// Mass is stored in difference ways to avoid recomputing it
// Current is the current position
// Previous is the previous position
// The speed then implicitly is Current-Previous
// This representation is used in something called Verlet Integration
// Verlet Integration avoids needing to update the speed vector
// when computing the constraints
// It doesn't produce accurate physics but it looks believable
// which is good enough for this program
// Verlet Integration is described with some detail here:
type Particle =
Mass : V1
SqrtMass : V1
InvertedMass : V1
mutable Current : V2
mutable Previous : V2
// Verlet step moves the particle with inertia and gravity
member x.Step (gravity : V1) =
// InvertedMass of 0 means this is a fixed particle of infinite
// mass. These particles don't move
if x.InvertedMass > 0.F then
let c = x.Current
let g = v2 0.0F gravity
x.Current <- g + c + (c - x.Previous)
x.Previous <- c
// Makes a particle given mass, position x,y and velocity vx,vy
let inline mkParticle mass x y vx vy : Particle =
let m = v1 mass
let c = v2 x y
let v = v2 vx vy
Mass = m
InvertedMass = 1.F/m
SqrtMass = sqrt m
Current = c
Previous = c - v
// Makes a fix particle position x,y
// a fix particle has infinite mass and doesn't move
// used as an anchor point for other particles and constraints
let inline mkFixParticle x y = mkParticle infinityf x y 0.F 0.F
// Defines a constraint which is either a stick or a rope
// a stick tries to make sure that the distance between two particles
// are the Length value
// a rope tries to makes sure that distance between two particles
// are at most the Length value
type Constraint =
IsStick : bool
Length : V1
Left : Particle
Right : Particle
// After the verlet step most constraints are "over stretched"
// Relax moves the two particles so that the constraint is "relaxed"
// again. This will in turn make other constraints "over stretched"
// but it turns out applying Relax over and over moves the system
// to a relaxed state
member x.Relax () =
// Bunch of math but the intent is this:
// compute the distance between the two particles in the constraint
// if the distance is not the right distance
// then move the two particles towards or away from eachother
// so that the distance is correct
// The comparitive mass of the particles is used to make sure
// that a small particle moves more than the bigger one it's
// connected to
let l = x.Left
let r = x.Right
let lc = l.Current
let rc = r.Current
let diff = lc - rc
let len = diff.Length ()
let ldiff = len - x.Length
let test = if x.IsStick then abs ldiff > 0.F else ldiff > 0.F
if test then
let imass = 0.5F/(l.InvertedMass + r.InvertedMass)
let mdiff = (imass*ldiff/len)*diff
let loff = l.InvertedMass * mdiff
let roff = r.InvertedMass * mdiff
l.Current <- lc - loff
r.Current <- rc + roff
// Makes a stick constraint between two particles
let inline mkStick (l : Particle) (r : Particle) : Constraint =
IsStick = true
Length = (l.Current - r.Current).Length ()
Left = l
Right = r
// Makes a rope constraint between two particles
// allows making the rope a bit longer than the initial distance
let inline mkRope extraLength (l : Particle) (r : Particle) : Constraint =
IsStick = false
Length = (1.0F + abs (float32 extraLength))*(l.Current - r.Current).Length ()
Left = l
Right = r
// Defines a global constraint that forces all particles inside a box
type GlobalConstraint =
Min : V2
Max : V2
// If the current particle position is outside the box
// force it into the box again
member x.Relax (ps : Particle array) =
for p in ps do
let c = p.Current
p.Current <- v2 (clamp c.X x.Min.X x.Max.X) (clamp c.Y x.Min.Y x.Max.Y)
// Creates a global contraint
let mkGlobalConstraint x0 y0 x1 y1 : GlobalConstraint =
Min = v2 (min x0 x1) (min y0 y1)
Max = v2 (max x0 x1) (max y0 y1)
// Defines a rocket that fires either forward or reverse
// depending on what keys are pressed
// The rocket gets the same position as the particle it's connected
// to and the rocket direction is computed with the help of the
// anchor particle.
type Rocket =
ConnectedTo : Particle
AnchoredTo : Particle
Force : V1
ForwardWhen : Key array
ReverseWhen : Key array
member x.ForceVector key =
match key with
| ValueNone -> v2_0
| ValueSome key ->
// Compute the difference between the connected to
// and anchor particle. Normalize it ie make the length == 1
let d = V2.Normalize (x.ConnectedTo.Current - x.AnchoredTo.Current)
// The rocket direction is perpendicular to the difference
let n = v2 d.Y -d.X
// the force vector
let f = x.Force*n
// Is any of the forward keys pressed?
if Array.contains key x.ForwardWhen then
// Is any of the reverse keys pressed?
elif Array.contains key x.ReverseWhen then
// If neither then rocket is idle
// Creates a rocket
let mkRocket
reverseWhen : Rocket =
ConnectedTo = connectedTo
AnchoredTo = anchoredTo
Force = force
ForwardWhen = forwardWhen
ReverseWhen = reverseWhen
// Creates a box of particles and constraints
let mkBox mass size x y vx vy : Particle array* Constraint array =
let inline p x y = mkParticle (0.25F*mass) x y vx vy
let hsz = 0.5F*size
let p00 = p (x - hsz) (y - hsz)
let p01 = p (x - hsz) (y + hsz)
let p10 = p (x + hsz) (y - hsz)
let p11 = p (x + hsz) (y + hsz)
let ps = [|p00; p01; p11; p10|]
let inline stick i j = mkStick ps.[i] ps.[j]
let cs =
stick 0 1
stick 1 2
stick 2 3
stick 3 0
stick 0 2
stick 1 3
ps, cs
let globalConstraint = mkGlobalConstraint -600.F -400.F 600.F 400.F
// Creates a small system of particles and constraints
let particles, constraints, rockets =
// The top particle for our ship
let topParticle = mkParticle 3.0F 0.F -200.F 0.F 0.F
// The bottom particle for our ship
let bottomParticle = mkParticle 3.0F 0.F 100.F 0.F 0.F
// The bottom box particle and constraints for our ship
let boxParticles, boxConstraints = mkBox 10.0F 100.0F 0.0F 0.0F 0.0F 0.0F
let particles =
yield! boxParticles
let constraints =
// Connect the top particle to the box
mkStick topParticle boxParticles.[0]
mkStick topParticle boxParticles.[3]
// Connect the bottom particle to the box
mkStick bottomParticle boxParticles.[1]
mkStick bottomParticle boxParticles.[2]
yield! boxConstraints
let rockets =
// Add 3 rockets to the box ship
mkRocket boxParticles.[2] boxParticles.[1] 2.0F [|Key.Up;|] [||]
mkRocket boxParticles.[1] boxParticles.[2] -2.0F [|Key.Up;|] [||]
mkRocket topParticle bottomParticle 1.0F [|Key.Left|] [|Key.Right|]
particles, constraints, rockets
// Creates a CanvasElement class that will act like a canvas for us
// We override the OnRender method to draw graphics. In order to make the graphics
// animate we have a time animation that invalidates the element which forces a redraw
type CanvasElement () =
// This is how in F# we inherit, this is typically not done as much
// as in C# but in order to be part of WPF Visual tree we need to
// inherit UIElement
inherit UIElement ()
// Declaring a DependencyProperty member for Time
// This is WPF magic but it's created so that we can create
// an "animation" of the time value.
// This will help use do smooth updates.
// Nothing like web requestAnimationFrame in WPF AFAIK
static let timeProperty =
let pc = PropertyChangedCallback CanvasElement.TimePropertyChanged
let md = PropertyMetadata (0., pc)
DependencyProperty.Register ("Time", typeof<float>, typeof<CanvasElement>, md)
// Freezing resources prevents updates of WPF Resources
// Can help WPF optimize rendering
// #Freezable is like C# constraint : where T : Freezable
let freeze (f : #Freezable) =
f.Freeze ()
// Helper function to create pens
let makePen thickness brush =
Pen (Thickness = thickness, Brush = brush) |> freeze
// Help text
let helpText =
FormattedText ( "Use arrow keys to fire rockets. Drive responsibly"
, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
, FlowDirection.LeftToRight
, Typeface "Arial"
, 36.0
, Brushes.Gray
, 1.0
// Some pens to draw lines with
let particlePen = makePen 2. Brushes.White
let stickPen = makePen 2. Brushes.Yellow
let ropePen = makePen 2. Brushes.GreenYellow
let globalPen = makePen 2. Brushes.Gray
let forcePen = makePen 2. Brushes.Red
// Currently pressed key
let mutable pressed = ValueNone
// More WPF dependency property magic
// Not very interesting but this becomes member function in the class
static member TimePropertyChanged (d : DependencyObject) (e : DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs) =
let g = d :?> CanvasElement
// Whenever time change we invalidate the entire canvas element
g.InvalidateVisual ()
// Idiomatically WPF Dependency properties should be readonly
// static fields. However, F# don't allow us to declare that
// Luckily it seems static readonly properties works fine
static member TimeProperty = timeProperty
// Store pressed key
override x.OnKeyDown e =
pressed <- ValueSome e.Key
// Reset pressed key
override x.OnKeyUp e =
pressed <- ValueNone
// Gets the Time dependency property
member x.Time = x.GetValue CanvasElement.TimeProperty :?> float
// Create an animation that animates a floating point from 0 to 1E9
// over 1E9 seconds thus the time. This animation is then hooked onto the Time property
// Basically more WPF magic
member x.Start () =
// Initial time value
let b = 0.
// End time, application animation stops after approx 30 years
let e = 1E9
let dur = Duration (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (e - b))
let ani = DoubleAnimation (b, e, dur) |> freeze
// Animating Time property
x.BeginAnimation (CanvasElement.TimeProperty, ani);
// Finally we get to the good stuff!
// dc is a DeviceContext, basically a canvas we can draw on
override x.OnRender dc =
// Get the current time, will change over time (hohoh)
let time = x.Time
// This is the size of the canvas in pixels
let rs = x.RenderSize
let center= v2 (0.5*rs.Width) (0.5*rs.Height)
for _ = 1 to 1 do
// Apply rocket force
for r in rockets do
let f = r.ForceVector pressed
let p = r.ConnectedTo
p.Current <- p.Current + f
// Apply the verlet step to all particles
for p in particles do
p.Step 0.05F
// Relax all constraints 5 times
// If you relax less times the system becomes more "bouncy"
// More times makes it more "stiff"
for _ = 1 to 3 do
globalConstraint.Relax particles
for c in constraints do
c.Relax ()
// Draw the instructions
dc.DrawText (helpText, new Point(0, 0))
// inline here allows us to create helper function that
// uses a local variable without the overhead of creating
// a new function object
// Creating a bunch of objects during drawing can lead
// to GC which we like to avoid
let inline toPoint (p : Particle) =
let pos = p.Current + center
Point (float pos.X, float pos.Y)
// Draw all constraints
for c in constraints do
let pen = if c.IsStick then stickPen else ropePen
dc.DrawLine (pen , toPoint c.Left, toPoint c.Right)
// Draw all particles
for p in particles do
let r, b =
if p.InvertedMass = 0.F then
10., Brushes.White
let r = 3.0F + p.SqrtMass |> float
r, Brushes.Black
dc.DrawEllipse (b, particlePen, toPoint p, r, r)
// Shadowing the previous toPoint function is fine in F#
let inline toPoint (p : V2) =
let pos = p + center
Point (float pos.X, float pos.Y)
// Draw all rockets
for r in rockets do
let cto = r.ConnectedTo
let c = cto.Current
let f = -100.0F*r.ForceVector pressed
let pt0 = toPoint c
let pt1 = toPoint (c + f)
let pen = forcePen
dc.DrawLine (pen, pt0, pt1)
// Draws the Global Constraint (surrounding box)
dc.DrawRectangle (null, globalPen, Rect(toPoint globalConstraint.Min, toPoint globalConstraint.Max))
// Tells F# that this method is the main entry point
// More 1990s magic! Basically in Windows there's a requirement that
// UI controls runs in something called a Single Threaded Apartment.
// So we tell .NET that the thread that calls main should be in a
// Single Threaded Apartment.
// Basically MS idea in 1990s on how to solve the problem of writing
// multi threaded applications.
// The .NET equivalent to apartments could be SynchronizationContext
let main argv =
// Sets up the main window
let window = Window (Title = "FsPhysicsGame", Background = Brushes.Black)
// Creates our canvas
let element = CanvasElement ()
// Makes our canvas the content of the Window
window.Content <- element
// Make element focusable to be able to capture key strokes
element.Focusable <- true
element.Focus () |> ignore
// Starts the time animation
element.Start ()
// Shows the Window
window.ShowDialog () |> ignore
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