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Created December 22, 2017 09:14
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#r "packages/Twilio/lib/net451/Twilio.dll"
#r "System.Xml.Linq"
open System
open Twilio.TwiML
open Twilio.TwiML.Voice
module Model =
/// Represents what we will tell the Twilio phone system to do
type PhoneCommand =
/// Connect the caller to a given phone queue
| ConnectToQueue of queueName:string
/// Say the message, and then hangup
| Hangup of msg:string
/// Say the message, then record the caller's message
| TakeMessage of msg:string
/// Say the message, then wait for a user to input a given number of key presses
| WaitForKeypresses of msg:string * numberDigits:int
open Model
module TwilioResults =
/// Serialize the TwiML objects to XML string
let toXml (r:#TwiML) = r.ToString(System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions.None)
/// Convert our internal commands into the XML that twilio expects
let commandToXML url email cmd =
let say msg = VoiceResponse().Append(Say(msg))
match cmd with
| ConnectToQueue(queueName) ->
// Assume: conferences are used for call queues
VoiceResponse().Append( Dial().Append(Conference(queueName)))
| Hangup(msg) ->
| TakeMessage(msg) ->
say(msg).Append(Redirect( Uri( sprintf "''&Email=%s" email )))
| WaitForKeypresses(msg, numberDigits) ->
say(msg).Append(Gather(input = Gather.InputEnum.Dtmf, numDigits = Nullable.op_Implicit(numberDigits)))
/// What our workflow returns
type CallHandlingProgram =
| Complete of result:PhoneCommand
| InProgress of result:PhoneCommand * nextStep: (string -> CallHandlingProgram)
/// Use internally for any step where we need to wait for a string
type Internal =
| NeedKey of PhoneCommand
module CallHandling =
type CallBuilder() =
// No zero - we must return something
member this.Return(a:PhoneCommand) = Complete a
member this.ReturnFrom(a) = a
member this.Bind(NeedKey(x),f) =
InProgress(x, fun x -> f(x) )
let call = new CallBuilder()
open CallHandling
let waitForKeypress msg num =
WaitForKeypresses(msg,num) |> NeedKey
let listQueuesAndWaitForResponse() =
// We make this recursive so we can try a number of times before bugging out
let rec handleQueues retries = call {
let! keyPress = waitForKeypress "Please press 1 to discuss naughty lists, press 2 to discuss a reindeer malfunction, press 3 for any other enquires" 1
match keyPress with
| "1" -> return ConnectToQueue "Naughty children"
| "2" -> return ConnectToQueue "Naughty raindeer"
| "3" -> return ConnectToQueue "Account enquires"
| _ ->
match retries with
| i when i >= 3 -> return Hangup "Sorry, key not recognised"
| _ -> return! handleQueues (retries+1)
handleQueues 0
let takeCall fromNumber toNumber (now:System.DateTime) =
call {
// 1. If the call is on Christmas Eve or later, leave a message saying we are busy
if now.DayOfYear >= 358 then // 358 is the 24th of December
return Hangup "I'm sorry, we are now shut for the rest of year, happy holidays !"
// 2. If the call is out of hours, request a message is left and email it to ourselves
// Elves are 9 to 5 workers
if now.Hour <= 8 || now.Hour >= 17 then
return TakeMessage "I'm sorry, we are closed for the day, please leave a message and we'll get back to you asap"
// 3. Offer to talk to elves, or take a mesasge
let! keyPress = waitForKeypress "Please press 1 to talk to one of our elves, or 2 to leave us a message" 1
match keyPress with
| "1" -> return! listQueuesAndWaitForResponse()
| "2" -> return TakeMessage "Please leave your message after the beep"
| _ -> return Hangup "Happy christmas!"
let rec runIt listOfKeyPresses csr =
match csr with
| Complete(x) ->
printfn "Complete: %A" x
| InProgress(x,next) ->
printfn "Stepped: %A" x
match listOfKeyPresses with
| [] ->
failwith "Run out of input keys"
| keysPressed::futureKeys ->
printfn "key = %s" keysPressed
runIt futureKeys (next keysPressed)
//takeCall "123" "456" (DateTime(2017,12,24)) |> runIt [ ]
//takeCall "123" "456" (DateTime(2017,12,22,17,0,0)) |> runIt [ ]
//takeCall "123" "456" (DateTime(2017,12,22,12,0,0)) |> runIt [ "2" ]
//takeCall "123" "456" (DateTime(2017,12,22,12,0,0)) |> runIt [ "1"; "4"; "4"; "2" ]
module Controller =
open System.Collections.Generic
type Callback = DateTime * (string -> CallHandlingProgram)
let mutable callsInProgress: Map<string,Callback> = Map.empty
let removeFromMap callsid =
fun _ -> callsInProgress <- callsInProgress.Remove(callsid)
|> lock callsInProgress
let addToMap callsid f =
fun _ -> callsInProgress <- callsInProgress.Add(callsid,(DateTime.Now,f))
|> lock callsInProgress
let stepProgram callid inMap step =
match step with
| Complete(response)->
if inMap then removeFromMap callid
| InProgress(response,f) ->
addToMap callid f
let handleCall (url:string) (email:string) (parms:Dictionary<string,string>) : VoiceResponse =
let callid = parms.["CALLSID"]
match callsInProgress.TryFind callid with
| None ->
// This is a new call, lets get the workflow to run
let program = takeCall parms.["FROM"] parms.["TO"] System.DateTime.Now
stepProgram callid false program
| Some (_,program) ->
// This is a program waiting for a callback, so run it with the digits entered
let result = program parms.["DIGITS"]
stepProgram callid true result
|> TwilioResults.commandToXML url email
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