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  • Save davidglassborow/5807cc9d058aabd655d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save davidglassborow/5807cc9d058aabd655d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//load the parties
load csv with headers from "file:/Users/rvanbruggen/Dropbox/Neo Technology/Demo/MIDDLE EAST/parties.tsv" as csv
fieldterminator '\t'
create (p:Party {name:csv.NAME, description:csv.DESCRIPTION, type:csv.TYPE, maj_pop:csv.MAJORITY_POPULATION, maj_muslim_section:csv.MAJORITY_MUSLIM_SECTION, reg_power_index:toint(csv.REG_POWER_INDEX), territory:toint(csv.TERRITORY), population:toint(csv.POPULATION), gdp:csv.GDP, oil_reserves:csv.OIL_RESERVES})
return p;
//load the relationships between parties into a generic relationship
load csv with headers from "file:/Users/rvanbruggen/Dropbox/Neo Technology/Demo/MIDDLE EAST/relationships.tsv" as csv
fieldterminator '\t'
match (p1:Party {name:csv.STARTPARTY}), (p2:Party {name:csv.ENDPARTY})
merge (p1)-[:RELATIONSHIP {type:csv.RELATIONSHIP, explanation:csv.EXPLANATION}]->(p2);
//create the specific "ally-of" relationship
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"ALLY_OF"}]->(n2)
create (n1)-[:ALLY_OF]->(n2);
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"ALLY_OF"}]->(n2), (n1)-[r2:ALLY_OF]->(n2)
set r2.explanation=r1.explanation;
//create the specific "enemy-of" relationship
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"ENEMY_OF"}]->(n2)
create (n1)-[:ENEMY_OF]->(n2);
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"ENEMY_OF"}]->(n2), (n1)-[r2:ENEMY_OF]->(n2)
set r2.explanation=r1.explanation;
//create the specific "friend-of" relationship
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"FRIEND_OF"}]->(n2)
create (n1)-[:FRIEND_OF]->(n2);
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"FRIEND_OF"}]->(n2), (n1)-[r2:FRIEND_OF]->(n2)
set r2.explanation=r1.explanation;
//create the specific "strained-relationship" relationship
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"STRAINED_REL_WITH"}]->(n2)
create (n1)-[:STRAINED_REL_WITH]->(n2);
match (n1)-[r1:RELATIONSHIP {type:"STRAINED_REL_WITH"}]->(n2), (n1)-[r2:STRAINED_REL_WITH]->(n2)
set r2.explanation=r1.explanation;
//delete the temporary generic relationship
match (n)-[r:RELATIONSHIP]->(m)
delete r;

Friend-or-Foe Relations in the Middle East

Yesterday night, I stumbled upon yet another interesting graph:


The "interactive" version of this image can be found on on this website: they basically try to interactively visualise the interplay of parties that are intervening in the many conflicts currently happening in the Middle East. It’s very, very well done.

So I did a little digging, and found that the original data is in a google doc that you can find over here. Look at the second tab: it’s basically an adjacency matrix of relationships between parties. In other words: a graph.

So I decided to take this for a spin. I created my own version of this spreadsheet so that I could load the data pretty easily with a couple of cypher statements. You can find the loading script at this gist - just run the statements in your local Neo4j server and it should run fine.

So let’s load that data into this graphgist.

//create the middle east relations
create (_0:`Party` {`description`:"AFGHANISTAN: Turbulent decade has seen the country invaded, occupied by and finally militarily allied with the US. Currently experiencing an equally turbulent transition to democracy.", `gdp`:"$34.29", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni ", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Afghanistan", `oil_reserves`:"0.01%", `reg_power_index`:1, `type`:"nation"})
create (_1:`Party` {`description`:"AL-QAEDA: Global militant Sunni Islamic terrorist group, responsible for the 9/11 in 2001 attacks & various other civilian & military attacks since. Enforce a very strict Wahabist/Salafi form of Islam and consider liberal Muslims, Shias and other Muslim sects as enemies.  Active in Syrian civil war.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni ", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Al-Qaeda", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"organisation"})
create (_2:`Party` {`description`:"BAHRAIN: Small island nation & absolute monarchy, one of the only Middle Eastern Arab states not reliant on oil revenue. Focuses on \"banking & tourism\" instead.", `gdp`:"$33.63", `maj_muslim_section`:"Shia", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Bahrain", `oil_reserves`:"0.00%", `reg_power_index`:1, `territory`:760, `type`:"nation"})
create (_3:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"$12,610.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"China", `oil_reserves`:"0.97%", `reg_power_index`:5, `type`:"nation"})
create (_4:`Party` {`description`:"EGYPT: Largest Arab country, key player in the region, and one of the only to have a peace treaty with Israel.", `gdp`:"$548.80", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Egypt", `oil_reserves`:"0.29%", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"nation"})
create (_5:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"$15,970.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"EU", `oil_reserves`:"0.35%", `reg_power_index`:6, `type`:"international organisation"})
create (_6:`Party` {`description`:"FATAH: Founded and led by Yasser Arafat, Islamic group Fatah currently governs the West Bank area of the State of Palestine. Formed a unity government with Hamas under Mahmoud Abbas.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni ", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Fatah", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:1, `type`:"political organisation"})
create (_7:`Party` {`description`:"FRANCE: Good business ties (mostly energy & arms) with several Middle Eastern nations.", `gdp`:"$2,291.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"France", `oil_reserves`:"0.01%", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"nation"})
create (_8:`Party` {`description`:"GAZA STRIP: Part of the State of Palestine and currently governed by Hamas.", `gdp`:"$0.77", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Gaza strip", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:2, `territory`:365, `type`:"self-governing region"})
create (_9:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"$3,250.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"Germany", `oil_reserves`:"0.02%", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"nation"})
create (_10:`Party` {`description`:"HAMAS: Palestinian Islamic group governing the Gaza Strip region of the State of Palestine. Commited to the end of the state of Israel. Recognized as a terrorist organisation by the US & EU, but not by Iran, Russia & China.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Hamas", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"political organisation"})
create (_11:`Party` {`description`:"HEZBOLLAH: Lebanese Shia militant Islamist group & terrorist organisation, funded by Iran, heavily involved in the Syrian civil war", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Shia", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Hezbollah", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"political organisation"})
create (_12:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"$4,761.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"India", `oil_reserves`:"0.58%", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"nation"})
create (_13:`Party` {`description`:"IRAN: A large powerful Shia theocracy in a largely Sunni Muslim world. Major political and economic force in the region. Close to developing a nuclear weapon. Currently under UN sanctions.", `gdp`:"$1,016.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"Shia", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Iran", `oil_reserves`:"9.87%", `reg_power_index`:6, `type`:"nation"})
create (_14:`Party` {`description`:"IRAQ: Effectively a three state country with Kurd-controlled region in the North, US-backed Shia-government controlling Baghdad and the South, and Islamic State (ISIS) controlling the rest.  ", `gdp`:"$242.50", `maj_muslim_section`:"Shia", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Iraq      ", `oil_reserves`:"9.34%", `reg_power_index`:5, `type`:"nation"})
create (_15:`Party` {`description`:"IRAQI KURDISTAN: Kurdish northern region of Iraq", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Iraqi Kurdistan", `oil_reserves`:"2.94%", `reg_power_index`:5, `type`:"region"})
create (_16:`Party` {`description`:"ISLAMIC ARMY IN IRAQ: Shia militia group formed the backbone of the Iraqi resistance against US occupation and is now back in action against Islamic State (ISIS) in northern Iraq.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Islamic Army in Iraq", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:2, `type`:"group"})
create (_17:`Party` {`description`:"ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS): Violent Sunni Jihadist military group, currently occupying most of central and Northern Iraq. Also fighting in Syria.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni ", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Islamic State (ISIS)", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"group"})
create (_18:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"$252.80", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"Israel", `oil_reserves`:"0.00%", `reg_power_index`:6, `type`:"nation"})
create (_19:`Party` {`description`:"JORDAN: Key diplomatic and strategic player & meditator in the region", `gdp`:"$39.29", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Jordan", `oil_reserves`:"0%", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"nation"})
create (_20:`Party` {`description`:"KUWAIT: Oil-rich and struggling to reform its economic & political structures amid much internal factional disputes.", `gdp`:"$153.40", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Kuwait", `oil_reserves`:"6.63%", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"nation"})
create (_21:`Party` {`description`:"LEBANON: Complex melting pot of communities and religions.", `gdp`:"$64.22", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Lebanon", `oil_reserves`:"0.00%", `reg_power_index`:2, `type`:"nation"})
create (_22:`Party` {`description`:"MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: Pan Arabic religious social movement and group. Its brand of Islamic politics differs from the strict Salafi creed of Saudi Arabia. Considered a terrorist organisation by some Arab nations. Currently \"under review\" by major Western governments.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Muslim Brotherhood", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"organisation"})
create (_23:`Party` {`description`:"OMAN: Moderate Islamic monarchy that pragmatically avoids trouble.", `gdp`:"$76.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Oman", `oil_reserves`:"0.32%", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"nation"})
create (_24:`Party` {`description`:"PAKISTAN: Nuclear state with close ties to the US", `gdp`:"$514.56", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Pakistan", `oil_reserves`:"0.03%", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"nation"})
create (_25:`Party` {`description`:"ISLAMIC JIHAD: Full name: \"Palestinian Islamic Jihad\" - an terrorist organisation opposed to the state of Israel, funded by Iran", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Islamic Jihad", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:2, `type`:"organisation"})
create (_26:`Party` {`description`:"STATE OF PALESTINE: After prolonged conflict, Fatah and Hamas formed a unity government under Mahmoud Abbas to unite the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a single State of Palestine (recognised by the UN in 2012)", `gdp`:"$11.95", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"State of Palestine", `oil_reserves`:"0", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"nation"})
create (_27:`Party` {`description`:"QATAR: Tiny, oil rich state, notable for directly and indirectly sponsoring Islamist groups, especially in the Syrian Civil War. Home of Al Jazeera. Location of the 2018 Football World Cup.", `gdp`:"$191.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Qatar", `oil_reserves`:"1.67%", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"nation"})
create (_28:`Party` {`description`:"RUSSIA:  Substantial arms contracts in the Middle East. 13% of its sales going to government forces in Syria. ", `gdp`:"$2,555.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"Russia", `oil_reserves`:"3.92%", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"nation"})
create (_29:`Party` {`description`:"SAUDI ARABIA: Regional superpower, religious, political, economic.", `gdp`:"$921.70", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Saudi Arabia", `oil_reserves`:"17.27%", `reg_power_index`:6, `type`:"nation"})
create (_30:`Party` {`description`:"SYRIA: Increasingly isolated nation after brutal putdown of protests during Arab Spring resulted in civil war", `gdp`:"$59.96", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Syria", `oil_reserves`:"0.16%", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"nation"})
create (_31:`Party` {`description`:"SYRIAN \"REBELS\": Umbrella term for mainstream groups opposing the Assad government in Syria.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Muslim ", `name`:"Syrian \"rebels", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:1, `type`:"groups and individuals"})
create (_32:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Taliban", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:2, `type`:"group"})
create (_33:`Party` {`description`:"TURKEY: Sunni nation has many cultural and historical ties with Middle Eastern states.", `gdp`:"$1,142.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni   ", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Turkey", `oil_reserves`:"0.02%", `reg_power_index`:5, `type`:"nation"})
create (_34:`Party` {`description`:"UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Federation of several authoritarian emirates with Dubai as its most famous. Important economic centre.", `gdp`:"$275.80", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"UAE", `oil_reserves`:"6.38%", `reg_power_index`:3, `type`:"nation"})
create (_35:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"$2,375.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"UK", `oil_reserves`:"0.18%", `reg_power_index`:4, `type`:"nation"})
create (_36:`Party` {`description`:"", `gdp`:"$15,940.00", `maj_muslim_section`:"-", `maj_pop`:"Non-Muslim", `name`:"USA", `oil_reserves`:"1.35%", `reg_power_index`:8, `type`:"nation"})
create (_37:`Party` {`description`:"WEST BANK: Region of the State of Palestine governed by Fatah.", `gdp`:"-", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"West Bank", `oil_reserves`:"-", `reg_power_index`:2, `type`:"occupied territory"})
create (_38:`Party` {`description`:"YEMEN: Troubled and unstable region struggling against militant factions and an Al-Qaeda style insurgency.", `gdp`:"$60.06", `maj_muslim_section`:"Sunni", `maj_pop`:"Muslim", `name`:"Yemen", `oil_reserves`:"0.19%", `reg_power_index`:2, `type`:"nation"})
create _2-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _3-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _3-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_0
create _4-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Egypt’s military government has made cracking down on extremist groups in the Sinai Peninsula a priority, and the al-Qaeda-inspired group Ansar Beyt al-Maqdis has emerged as the country’s most formidable terror threat."}]->_1
create _4-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _5-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _5-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _5-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _6-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _7-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _7-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _7-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _8-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _8-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _8-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Tensions over cease-fire with Israel."}]->_6
create _8-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _9-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _9-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _9-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Outside of Europe, China is Germany's most important trading partner. And Germany is China's first trading partner in Europe. No other European leader has met with the Chinese leadership as much as Angela Merkel."}]->_3
create _9-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Germany remains one of the most significant donors of foreign aid and partners in the rebuilding of Afghanistan."}]->_0
create _9-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _10-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Hamas ousted rival party Fatah from Gaza in 2007 and governed the region until the formation of the unity government in 2014."}]->_8
create _10-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The new Egyptian government has reportedly arrested or killed dozens of Hamas members within Egypt,7340,L-4403706,00.html and destroyed the smuggling tunnels used to bring goods and weapons into Gaza."}]->_4
create _10-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Hamas is considered a terrorist organisation by the EU"}]->_5
create _10-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The two groups share a hatred of Israel, but their ultimate goals are quite different. Hamas authorities in Gaza have at times clashed with even more radical al-Qaeda-linked groups there."}]->_1
create _10-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Formerly rival Palestinian factions and bitter enemies, in June 2014 both parties supported the formation of the Palestinian unity government. This is officially nonpartisan and includes no ministers who formally belong to any political party."}]->_6
create _10-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _11-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: While nominally on the same side in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Shiite Lebanese militia and the Sunni international terror network are on opposite sides in the Syrian civil war. Al-Qaeda-linked groups have carried out attacks against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon."}]->_1
create _11-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The EU considers the military wing of Hezbollah a terrorist organisation"}]->_5
create _11-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Hezbollah has been designated a terrorist group by Egypt since 2009. Ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was put on trial for conspiring with Hezbollah and other groups."}]->_4
create _11-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_6
create _11-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The two groups have long shared a common goal in the struggle against Israel. Their relationship soured after Hamas made the decision to support the rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad, but more recently the ice has broken after representatives of both groups have spoken out together in support of Gaza."}]->_10
create _12-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Long-standing allies. Bahrain's King Hamad Al Khalifa visited India in early 2014. Bahrain is an important trading partner for India and over 350,000 Indian nationals work in Bahrain."}]->_2
create _12-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahri recently announced the launch of an India wing of the organisation to \"raise the flag of jihad\" across the subcontinent."}]->_1
create _12-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_9
create _12-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _12-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _12-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_0
create _12-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The world's two most populous nations are important trading partners. But the relationship is strained by ongoing border disputes."}]->_3
create _13-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Iran is a major funder of Hezbollah, much to the US's consternation. The funding mostly flows through unofficial, non-governmental channels."}]->_11
create _13-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _13-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _13-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Broad partnership based around China's oil needs. 50% of Iran's oil exports go to China."}]->_3
create _13-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: There are growing tensions between Iran’s Shiite clerics and the Sunni Muslim terrorist group, particularly over the civil war in Syria, where they are backing opposing sides."}]->_1
create _13-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The countries severed ties in 1980, but relations may be thawing: Egypt recently invited Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to the inauguration ceremony of newly elected Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. He did not attend, but the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister did."}]->_4
create _13-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Relations are strained, but Iran depends heavily on German imports. Around 80% of equipment and machinery in Iran is German-made."}]->_9
create _13-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Former close allies, but Iran cut its support to Hamas after they found themselves on opposite sides of the Syrian conflict. More recently, however, they've started to rebuild the relationship."}]->_10
create _13-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Iran has recently toughened its immigration policy and sent home many Afghan refugees, straining relations between the two countries."}]->_0
create _13-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_2
create _13-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _14-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Al-Qaeda remains opposed to the U.S.-backed Shiite government in Iraq, though ISIS is now the primary threat to the Iraqi government."}]->_1
create _14-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The two governments are relatively friendly. Egypt supports Iraq remaining a unified state."}]->_4
create _14-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The two countries have been moving closer, especially since the outbreak of unrest in Syria. Iran is flying drones over Iraq to aid the government in its fight against ISIS."}]->_13
create _14-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - China takes nearly half Iraq's oil."}]->_3
create _14-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _14-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _15-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _15-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _15-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Locked in ongoing territorial disputes. Approximately 4 million Kurds live in the region of northern Iraq known as Iraqi Kurdistan."}]->_14
create _15-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Despite economic investment, China is ideologically opposed to separatism,"}]->_3
create _15-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _16-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _17-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The rise of ISIS is a major threat to Iranian interests in both Iraq and Syria. Iran is flying drones over Iraq to aid the government in its fight against ISIS."}]->_13
create _17-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: ISIS reportedly has a recruitment presence in Gaza, and Hamas authorities have attempted to clamp down on young Palestinians going to join the fight in Syria."}]->_10
create _17-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: ISIS isn’t just a serious security threat to Iraq, it threatens to carve out a new country with different borders."}]->_14
create _17-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: ISIS is attempting to extend its influence in Egypt by providing instructions and training to anti-government Islamist groups within the country."}]->_4
create _17-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Formerly allies, but Al-Qaeda cut all ties with ISIS early in 2014, criticized both its extreme tactics and unwillingness to work with other groups."}]->_1
create _17-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_6
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_25
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E - Long running military conflict and skirmishs with Hezbollah forces in Lebanon"}]->_11
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Although it has no presence along the Israeli-Syrian border - yet - ISIS is certainly hostile to the Jewish state and there are some reports it may be active in the Gaza Strip."}]->_17
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: At war. Israel insists it will not deal with a Palestinian government backed by Hamas - which is sworn to Israel's destruction."}]->_10
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki consistently refused to form any ties with Israel. On the Israeli side, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan, which would break up Iraq."}]->_14
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Israel has always been at the core of al-Qaeda’s narrative and ideology. From the beginning of bin Laden’s jihadist war on the ”Crusader-Zionist” enemy, Israel was a key target."}]->_1
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The majority of Palestinian rockets fired into Israel originate in the Gaza Strip.,_2014 "}]->_8
create _18-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Whatever other shifts have been happening in the Middle East, Iran and Israel still hate each other. \"Iran is the center of world terror in our time,\" Israeli former President Shimon Peres warned in January 2014."}]->_13
create _18-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The EU is a strong supporter of Israel. However, it also believes that \"the creation of an independent, viable and democratic Palestinian state is in Israel's interest\"."}]->_5
create _18-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Officially at peace – the two countries signed a peace treaty in 1979 – but Israel is unpopular among the Egyptian people."}]->_4
create _18-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: In 2014, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu supported the establishment of an independent Kurdish state, calling the Kurds a 'fighting people'."}]->_15
create _18-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _18-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_9
create _18-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _18-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _18-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_2
create _19-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_11
create _19-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_8
create _19-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _19-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The two countries signed a peacy treaty in 1994 and in February 2014 signed a $500m gas deal."}]->_18
create _19-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - One of only two Arab states to have signed a peace treaty with Israel. The other is Egypt."}]->_4
create _19-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _19-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _19-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _19-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_10
create _20-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Kuwait pledged Egypt $4bn in aid following Mohamed Morsi's removal"}]->_4
create _20-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_18
create _20-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _20-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Kuwait was denounced by US officials as a \"leading source of funding for al-Qaeda linked terrorists fighting in Syria's civil war\" (Washington Post)"}]->_1
create _20-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Oil-rich and struggling to reform its economic & political structures. "}]->_7
create _20-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_19
create _20-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _20-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _20-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _21-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _21-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_18
create _21-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _21-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Strong support for Hezbollah from Lebanon's Shia population. Hezbollah occupies most of the south of the country."}]->_11
create _21-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _21-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _22-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A - Islamic Jihad is an militant group that broke away from the Muslim Brotherhood"}]->_25
create _22-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A - Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood"}]->_10
create _22-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _22-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_19
create _22-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _22-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _23-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Construction and oil deals."}]->_3
create _23-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _23-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _23-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _23-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_22
create _24-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Historical allies, Sino-Pakistani relations are rosy. Chinese premier Li Kequiang described the two countries' friendship in 2013 as a \"towering tree\" and a 2012 PEW survey put China's approval rating among Pakistanis at 90%."}]->_3
create _24-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Historically hostile and at war many times during the twentieth century. Tensions remain over Kashmir. The 2008 Mumbai attacks by ten Pakistani terrorists killed over 173 and wounded 308."}]->_12
create _24-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_18
create _24-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The then-Afghan president Hamid Karzai described the two countries in 2011 as 'inseparable brothers'. But tensions remain over Pakistan's past support for the Taliban."}]->_0
create _24-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_23
create _24-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_20
create _24-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_9
create _24-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _24-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _24-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_2
create _24-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _24-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _24-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _25-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Iran has publicly expressed its support for Islamic Jihad and its leaders."}]->_13
create _25-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The EU considers PIJ a terrorist organisation"}]->_5
create _25-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _25-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: PIJ was created after some members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood believed that the organization did not commit enough effort to prevent Israel from occupying Palestinian territories."}]->_4
create _26-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: In June 2014 Fatah and Hamas were sworn in as the unity government of the State of Palestine"}]->_6
create _26-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Gaza is part of the claimed territory of the State of Palestine."}]->_8
create _26-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Although the president of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, does officially recognise Israel, one of the two parties in the Palestinian unity government, Hamas, does not. A two-state solution seems as far off as ever."}]->_18
create _26-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E - Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri recently called Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas \"a traitor who is selling out Palestine\" to please the US.,7340,L-4511353,00.html"}]->_1
create _26-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_17
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The Palestinian Authority (now rebranded the State of Palestine) supported the ouster of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who was supported by rival Hamas. In August 2014, Egypt brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza."}]->_4
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Hamas, which maintains control of Gaza, and Fatah, which controls the West Bank, are longtime rivals for political control in the Palestinian territories, but Hamas backed a unity government led by Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas in June."}]->_10
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_20
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_19
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _26-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _26-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The leader of Hezbollah recently said the Lebanese resistance movement would stand by the Palestinians against the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. Mahmoud Abbas has criticized Hezbollah in the past, but not very strongly."}]->_11
create _26-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_22
create _26-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_21
create _27-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A - US officials have sourced some Al Qaeda funding to Qatar individuals & charities. Qatar has brokered with Al Qaeda for the release of Western hostages"}]->_1
create _27-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of supporting fighters in Iraq and effectively declaring war on the country."}]->_14
create _27-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E - Qatar's financial and logistical support for Hamas makes it a direct enemy of Israel"}]->_18
create _27-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The Emir of Qatar, Shaikh Tamim bin-Hamad, has said that support for the Muslim Brotherhood is a \"duty\" for which no thanks are necessary."}]->_22
create _27-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Qatar has provided funding for Hamas and a base for its leaders."}]->_10
create _27-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_23
create _27-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _27-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _27-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Qatar's funding of the Islamic Brotherhood has upset Egypt's military rulers and other gulf states."}]->_4
create _27-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Despite rumours to the contrary, Western analysts and Arab diplomats say Islamic State is not backed by Qatari money"}]->_17
create _28-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E - Russia deems the group a terrorist organisation."}]->_22
create _28-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _28-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Arms deals ahoy!"}]->_4
create _28-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_23
create _28-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _28-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_11
create _28-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_10
create _28-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _28-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_0
create _28-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Traditionally rivals, but becoming closer. Geographical proximity, shared regional interests and the geopolitics of energy have connected the two states on strategic, energy-related and regional issues. And neither like the US much."}]->_13
create _29-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A - Saudi Arabia is one of the major funders of Afghanistan, financing the main highway project (with the US) and the largest mosque in the country."}]->_0
create _29-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_8
create _29-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Al-Qaeda supports the overthrow of the House of Saud, and Saudi security forces have cracked down on al-Qaeda cells within the country. However, private individuals in Saudi Arabia have previously funded al-Qaeda, according to leaked US diplomatic cables."}]->_1
create _29-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of supporting fighters in Iraq and effectively declaring war on the country."}]->_14
create _29-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Saudi Arabia has designated ISIS a terrorist organisation However, the roots of IS's radicalism arguably lie in Saudi Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia has been accused of funding Islamists under the banner of ISIS, an accusation it staunchly denies."}]->_17
create _29-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The Saudi kingdom has blacklisted the Shiite movement as a terrorist group."}]->_11
create _29-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The Saudis want to disarm Palestinian resistance groups including Islamic Jihad."}]->_25
create _29-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _29-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_20
create _29-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_21
create _29-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_24
create _29-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_26
create _29-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - China takes a large amount of oil from Saudi Arabia."}]->_3
create _29-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Saudi Arabia supported the coup that ousted President Mohamed Morsi and has provided financial backing for the new Egyptian government."}]->_4
create _29-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The Saudis have traditionally been backers of Palestinian unity governments but in 2014 Saudi Arabia designated Hamas’ parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, as a terrorist group. The Saudis also want to disarm Palestinian resistance groups including Hamas."}]->_10
create _29-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia are major rivals for regional influence, though some recent dialogue may hold out the possibility of a rapprochement."}]->_13
create _29-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_19
create _29-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Unhappy with Qatar's support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt"}]->_27
create _29-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: A mutually suspicious relationship. But they’re both wary of Iran’s nuclear intentions and frustrated with what they see as mixed U.S. signals on Syria."}]->_18
create _29-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Despite an historically close relationship, the Saudi government recently designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation."}]->_22
create _30-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A - \"Russia has also sided with Assad due to the strategic value of Moscow’s sole naval opening, Tartus base in Syria, complementing arms sales, and construction interests\""}]->_28
create _30-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: In 2013, Hezbollah entered the Syrian civil war war in support of the Syrian army."}]->_11
create _30-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Iran is often called 'Syria's closest ally'. Iran has provided significant support for Syrian Government in the Syrian Civil War, including logistical, technical and financial support, as well as training and some combat troops."}]->_13
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_9
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Al-Qaeda supports the fight against Bashar al-Assad’s regime through its local affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra."}]->_1
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: France has provided arms to the Syrian rebels fighing Assad's regime and in 2012 was the first Western nation to recognize the newly formed coalition of Syrian opposition groups as the legitimate representative of the nation."}]->_7
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: From 2011-2013 the European Union imposed a full arms embargo on Syria in response to violent repression by Syrian government forces of peaceful protests"}]->_5
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: In 2012, Hamas cut its ties with Bashar al-Assad’s regime and moved its political headquarters from Syria to Egypt and Qatar."}]->_10
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Qatar is helping the Syrian rebels"}]->_27
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Relations between the two countries have always been hostile and periodically violent. Israel recently carried out airstrikes against Syrian military targets."}]->_18
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Saudi Arabia, along with Turkey and Qatar, is one of the major regional backers of the rebels fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad."}]->_29
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Syria's 1.7 million Kurds have faced routine discrimination and harassment by the government."}]->_15
create _30-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Syrian planes have recently begun bombing targets controlled by ISIS militants within Iraq."}]->_17
create _30-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _30-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _30-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_24
create _30-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki offered both moral and financial support to Bashar al-Assad’s government."}]->_14
create _30-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Syria has closed its embassy in Kuwait, after Kuwait allegedly made life difficult for its diplomats. Previously, Syrian expats had stormed it in protests against the Assad regime."}]->_20
create _30-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: In 2014, Jordan expelled Syrian ambassador Bahjat Suleiman over \"repeated insults\" against the kingdom. Jordan is host to about 600,000 people fleeing the conflict in Syria."}]->_19
create _30-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: In 2013 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said: “The situation in Syria is dangerous, America is going to strike Syria with missiles. Our stance is unchanged, we are against the strike. We do not accept any strike against an Arab country, we will not allow that. At the same time, we condemn the use of chemical weapons and we want a peaceful solution for the Syrian crisis.”"}]->_26
create _30-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Former President Mohamed Morsi supported the uprising against Bashar al-Assad and both respective embassies were closed after his election in 2011. But after the coup that toppled Morsi relations were restored and the embassies reopened."}]->_4
create _30-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Lebanon has taken in close to 700,000 refugess of the Syrian Civil War"}]->_21
create _31-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Rebel groups including the Free Syrian Army and the Islamic Front have been engaged in armed conflict with the Syrian government, led by Bashar al-Assad, since 2011."}]->_30
create _31-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: In 2013, Hezbollah entered the Syrian civil war war in support of the Syrian army. In a televised address, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said Hezbollah members were fighting in Syria against Islamic extremists who pose a danger to Lebanon."}]->_11
create _31-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_17
create _31-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _31-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Saudi Arabia, along with Turkey and Qatar, is one of the major regional backers of the rebels fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad."}]->_29
create _31-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Qatar is helping the Syrian rebels"}]->_27
create _32-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_29
create _32-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _32-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _32-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _32-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_0
create _32-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - The two organizations are distinct and have very different goals and ideologies. However, documents found in the house where Osama bin Laden was killed show al-Qaeda leaders and Mullah Omar, the overall commander of the Taliban, frequently discussed joint operations against Nato forces in Afghanistan, the Afghan government and targets in Pakistan."}]->_1
create _32-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Militants from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have been waging an insurgency in Pakistan since 2007. Peace talks began in March 2014."}]->_24
create _33-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_24
create _33-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_20
create _33-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Turkey is helping the Syrian rebels"}]->_30
create _33-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Turkey expelled Egypt’s ambassador in late 2013 because of “provocative” criticisms of Cairo by Turkey’s prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan."}]->_4
create _33-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: ISIS has abducted dozens of Turkish citizens in Iraq. 32 Turkish truck drivers held hostage were freed recently, but another group of 50 remain in captivity."}]->_17
create _33-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Al-Qaeda has carried out a number of attacks against Turkey. But Turkey only recently stopped supporting the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria."}]->_1
create _33-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Turkey is helping the Syrian rebels"}]->_31
create _33-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Turkey has provided significant amounts of economic aid to the Palestinian Authority"}]->_26
create _33-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Though most of Turkey's Western allies consider Hamas a terrorist organisation, Turkey itself does not. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has hosted Hamas leader Khaled Meshal three times, the only NATO country that has done so."}]->_10
create _33-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Some strategic partnerships (industrial projects etc) though some tension over the treatment of Turkic-Urghur peoples in the NW XingXang province of China"}]->_3
create _33-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_15
create _33-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_2
create _33-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_0
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The two countries are involved in a 'cold war' for domination of the Sunni religious sphere."}]->_29
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The Turkish government has blamed outgoing PM Nouri al-Maliki’s misrule for the chaos in Iraq.  Maliki’s government was also angered earlier this year by a gas deal signed between Turkey and the Kurdish Regional Government that was signed without Baghdad’s consent."}]->_14
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been one of Israel’s most vociferous international critics, particularly since the killing of nine Turkish activists in the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid. But despite the dismal political relationship, economic ties are flourishing."}]->_18
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Close economic ties, but Iran's relations with Turkey have soured over Turkey's growing leadership position in the region since the dawn of the Arab Spring. Iran firmly backs the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad for decades, while Turkey supports the Syrian opposition."}]->_13
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Around 3 million people of Turkish background live in Germany and the countries have strong economic ties. But recent revelations of German spies in Turkey have soured relations."}]->_9
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_21
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _33-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _34-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_24
create _34-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_30
create _34-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_22
create _34-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_18
create _34-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _34-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_32
create _34-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _34-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _34-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _34-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _34-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_0
create _34-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Omani authorities uncovered a network of UAE spies in 2011, straining relations between the countries."}]->_23
create _34-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - UAE diplomats were removed from Qatar due to its support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt"}]->_27
create _34-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_29
create _35-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _35-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _35-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_9
create _35-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_23
create _35-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A - Strong military & trade ties. Saudi Arabia is the UK's number one trading partner in the Middle East."}]->_29
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_13
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_17
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_30
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The Islamic Army are an Islamist militant organisation formed to fight the US / UK coalition following the invasion of Iraq."}]->_16
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The UK considers Al-Qaeda a terrorist group"}]->_1
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The UK considers PIJ to be a terrorist group"}]->_25
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The UK considers the Hezbollah's External Security Organisation and Military Wing to be terrorist groups"}]->_11
create _35-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The UK officially considers Hamas a terrorist organisation. "}]->_10
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - UK government is supplying \"non-lethal\" support to the mainstream Syrian opposition"}]->_31
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Strong military ties including access to the Suez Canal."}]->_4
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Many British companies now operating in Kurdistan. Mostly energy companies, y'know."}]->_15
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Friendly with business ties, though UK supports the \"two state solution"}]->_18
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_34
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_33
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_27
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_26
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_24
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_21
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_20
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_19
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_14
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_8
create _35-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_2
create _35-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - The UK government are conducting a review of their relations of the Muslim Brotherhood"}]->_22
create _35-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - the UK backs international sanctions against Russia in response to the Ukrainian situation."}]->_28
create _35-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Strained since UK prime minister met the Dalai Lama in 2013"}]->_3
create _35-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Involved in arranging peace talks between the Taliban, US and Afghanistan."}]->_32
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_5
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_7
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_9
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_19
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Officially allies after NATO forces overthrew the previous Taliban-led government in 2001. But departing Afghan president Hamid Karzai has been increasingly critical of US military involvement in the country, recently saying \"Afghans died in a war that's not ours\"."}]->_0
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Strong allies, but the Gaza conflict is straining the relationship. In August 2014 the US State Department condemned Israel’s strike on a United Nations school in Gaza, saying it was “appalled” by this “disgraceful” act, after weeks of mounting American anger toward the Israeli government. "}]->_18
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: The 'special relationship' is as strong as ever."}]->_35
create _36-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: The Kurds are long-time US allies. The U.S. protected the Kurds from Saddam Hussein for a decade with a no-fly zone after the first Gulf War. And after Saddam fell in 2003, the Kurds invited the U.S. to set up a permanent military base in their territory."}]->_15
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The US government has imposed sanctions on Syria, provided covert aid to the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group, and threatened airstrikes over Assad’s use of chemical weapons."}]->_30
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_8
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Hamas has been on the US's Foreign Terrorist Organization list since 1997, though the US has stated it will work with the Hamas-backed Palestinian unity government, angering Israel. "}]->_10
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Hezbollah has been on the US list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations since 1997"}]->_11
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Palestinian Islamic Jihad has been on the US's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations since 1997"}]->_25
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Still enemies, but under new President Hassan Rouhani there’s been more progress toward a nuclear deal and the two are now tacitly cooperating in helping the Iraqi military fight ISIS. In 2013 Rouhani and Obama held a phone call - the first between US and Iranian heads of state for 30 years."}]->_13
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The Islamic Army are a Shia Islamist militant organisation formed to fight the US / UK coalition following the invasion of Iraq."}]->_16
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The U.S. is training and equipping members of Syrian rebel groups in an attempt to contain ISIS."}]->_17
create _36-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: The US considers Al-Qaeda to be a terrorist organization"}]->_1
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The US has provided air to the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group "}]->_31
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: The United States has provided significant military and economic assistance to Egypt since the late 1970s. In 2014, the US will provide Egypt with up to $250 million in economic aid and up to $1.3 billion in military aid – meaning weapons from US defence contractors."}]->_4
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F: Friends, but the relationship has frayed recently over U.S. criticism of Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian rule and Turkish frustrations over America’s hesitant response to Syria."}]->_33
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_34
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_27
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_23
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_20
create _36-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_2
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The US provides military aid to Lebanon and supports it as a democratic state. But this has caused a conflict of interest since Hezbollah forced Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s government out of office in March 2013."}]->_21
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The U.S. is a major economic backer of the Palestinian Authority and has continued to support talks with Israel, but Palestinians have been frustrated with U.S. reluctance to put pressure on Israel and the U.S. has attempted to block recent Palestinian statehood bids at the United Nations."}]->_26
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The U.S. facilitated Nouri al-Maliki’s rise to power and has now sent military advisers to help in the fight against ISIS. On the other hand, the Obama administration has recently signaled that it wants a new government in Iraq without Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki."}]->_14
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: The historical close alliance has been strained by differences of opinion on Iran's nuclear program, Egypt's revolution, and Syria's civil war. And booming domestic production means the US is less dependent on Saudi oil than it used to be."}]->_29
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: Former enemies, have been in peace negotiations since 2009. In May 2014 US officials made public an agreement with the Taliban to release Sgt. Bergdahl, the only remaining US prisoner of war, in exchange for the release of five Taliban prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay. The US is trying to set up peace talks between the Taliban and current Afghan government."}]->_32
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S: A mistrustful alliance. Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan and Pakistan has helped capture Al-Qaeda members but former US Defence Secretary Robert Gates described Pakistan as \"really no ally at all\"."}]->_24
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Concord over North Korea & combating Climate Change. Tension over cyber-espionage & Taiwan."}]->_3
create _36-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_22
create _37-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: The West Bank is part of the claimed territory of the State of Palestine."}]->_26
create _37-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:"A: Fatah controlled the West Bank, but not Gaza, between 2007 and the formation of a Palestinian unity government with Hamas in 2014."}]->_6
create _37-[:`ALLY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_9
create _37-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_18
create _37-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_1
create _37-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_34
create _37-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_33
create _37-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_3
create _37-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:"S - Reports of tension between the two regions after a ceasefire with Israel."}]->_8
create _38-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Relations are tense. People with an Israeli passport – or one showing they have visited Israel – cannot enter Yemen."}]->_18
create _38-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:"E: Ongoing armed conflict between Al-Qaeda & the Yemeni government in Yemen. Al-Qaeda have blown up a number of oil pipelines across Yemen in last few years."}]->_1
create _38-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_20
create _38-[:`ENEMY_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_11
create _38-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:"F - Recent energy & infrastructure related projects signal China's growing interest to partner the Arab regions most vulnerable state."}]->_3
create _38-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_30
create _38-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_23
create _38-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_12
create _38-[:`FRIEND_OF` {`explanation`:""}]->_4
create _38-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_36
create _38-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_35
create _38-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_29
create _38-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_22
create _38-[:`STRAINED_REL_WITH` {`explanation`:""}]->_13

Let’s see what we have added. Here are the relationships in the Middle East:

Take a look at the immediate surroundings of Israel

match (p:Party {name:"Israel"})-[r]-(p2)
return p,r,p2

Or the USA:

match (p:Party {name:"USA"})-[r]-(p2)
return p,r,p2

And the dataset actually has some level of indication on the "power" of a party in the region (1 is low power, 10 is maximum power). Let’s pull that out:

//take a look at the countries ordered by power index
match (p:Party) return as Party, p.reg_power_index as RegPowerIndex order by RegPowerIndex desc
limit 10;

But then we can also take a look at the number of "friendly" and "unfriendly" relationships between the different parties. Here are the ones with the most friends and allies:

//which party has most friends and allies?
match (p:Party)-[r]->(p2:Party)
where type(r) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"]
return as Party, collect( as ListOfFriends, count(r) as NrOfFriends
order by NrOfFriends desc
limit 10;

Or the other way around: the parties with the most "negative" relationships:

//which party has most ennemies or strained relationships
match (p:Party)-[r]->(p2:Party)
where type(r) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"]
return as Party, collect( as ListOfNegatives, count(r) as NrOfNegatives
order by NrOfNegatives desc
limit 10;

Interesting stuff. But let’s take it a step further by applying some graph theory.

Structural Balance and Imbalance

Now as interesting as those queries may be so far - there’s a couple of things that I wanted to explore that I learned from my friend and colleague Jim Webber. He - quite some time ago in the mean while - pointed me to the masterpiece of graph theory: Networks, Crowds and Markets, by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg. In Chapter 5 of that book there is a chapter about the concept of Structural Balance in a graph containing positive and negative relationships. That concept is pretty simple: it looks into the network and tries to find logical inconsistencies, as explaned in this figure:


Obviously, these kinds of inconsistencies cannot be maintained in the long run. There’s plenty of evidence (eg. in the buildup to World War 1) that in the end, the graph will try to balance itself out and remove these inconsistencies - if necessary, by going to war. The middle east, as we have recently been painfully reminded by the events of last summer, is in an incredible amount of turmoil - and the structural imbalance is probably a sign and/or cause of this. So let’s explore that.

Structural Balance - it does exist in the Middle East!

It may not look that way when you watch the daily news broadcasts, but there are some sources of "stability" in the Middle East. More specifically, there’s a lot of triangular relationships in the Middle East where "the enemy of one’s enemy is one’s friend". Take a look at this small sample:

//structural balance: the enemy of my enemy is my friend:
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF"] and
type(r2) in ["ENEMY_OF"] and
type(r3) in ["ALLY_OF"]
return p
limit 5

You could also look at triangles of friends of friends of friends - another very "stable" setup. But there are also a lot of unstable relationships, that are structurally imbalanced. Let’s take a look at these.

Structural Imbalance - source of conflict?

Here’s an example of structural imbalance: friends of friends that are enemies of eachother. Something will have to change here: either one of the friendship relationships will turn sour, or the enemy relationship will have to be resolved. Judge for yourself what would be more likely:

//structural imbalance: friends of friends are enemies
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r2) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"] and
type(r3) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"]
return p
limit 5

You could think of other structural imbalances too: if enemies of enemies are enemies, then that is also a setup that may change. Again - this would be easy to investigate as well.

//structural imbalance: enemies of enemy are enemies
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r2) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r3) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"]
return p
limit 5

Finally, what would be interesting to know, is how much structural imbalance there would be around every party in the middle east. That would give us some indication around the likelihood that each party would be involved in conflicts in the future.

//how large is the structural imbalance around every party (foaf is enemy)
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r2) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"] and
type(r3) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"]
return as Party, count(p) as NrOfImbalances
order by count(p) DESC
limit 10;


Well, that was interesting - at least I thought it was. I spent little more than a few hours on this database (including the import and coming up with some interesting queries - which you can download from over here). To me, this is yet another example of how Graph Databases like Neo4j can help us gain new insights. It may not actually solve the conflict - but hey, prior to any resolution there HAS to be understanding. So that’s good.

I hope this gist was interesting for you.

This gist was created by Rik Van Bruggen

//take a look at Israel
match (p:Party {name:"Israel"})-[r]-(p2)
return p,r,p2
//take a look at the USA
match (p:Party {name:"USA"})-[r]-(p2)
return p,r,p2
//take a look at the countries ordered by power index
match (p:Party) return as Party, p.reg_power_index as RegPowerIndex order by RegPowerIndex desc
limit 10;
//which party has most friends and allies?
match (p:Party)-[r]->(p2:Party)
where type(r) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"]
return as Party, collect( as ListOfFriends, count(r) as NrOfFriends
order by NrOfFriends desc
limit 10;
//which party has most ennemies or strained relationships
match (p:Party)-[r]->(p2:Party)
where type(r) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"]
return as Party, collect( as ListOfNegatives, count(r) as NrOfNegatives
order by NrOfNegatives desc
limit 10;
//structural imbalance: friends of friends are enemies
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r2) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"] and
type(r3) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"]
return p
limit 5
//structural imbalance around Israel (foaf is enemy)
match p=(p1:Party {name:"Israel"})-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r2) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"] and
type(r3) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"]
return p
//how large is the structural imbalance around every party (foaf is enemy)
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r2) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"] and
type(r3) in ["FRIEND_OF","ALLY_OF"]
return as Party, count(p) as NrOfImbalances
order by count(p) DESC
limit 10;
//structural imbalance: enemies of enemy are enemies
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r2) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"] and
type(r3) in ["ENEMY_OF","STRAINED_REL_WITH"]
return p
limit 5
//structural balance: the enemy of my enemy is my friend:
match p=(p1:Party)-[r1]-(p2:Party)-[r2]-(p3:Party)-[r3]-(p1)
where type(r1) in ["ENEMY_OF"] and
type(r2) in ["ENEMY_OF"] and
type(r3) in ["ALLY_OF"]
return p
limit 2
skip 1;
//what is the average degree?
match n-[r]->m
with as Party, count(r) as DegreeScore
return avg(DegreeScore) as AverageDegreeScore;
//degree centrality
match n-[r]->m
return as Party, count(r) as DegreeScore, n.reg_power_index
order by DegreeScore desc
limit 10;
//betweenness centrality
MATCH p=allShortestPaths((source:Party)-[*]-(target:Party))
WHERE id(source) < id(target) and length(p) > 1
UNWIND nodes(p)[1..-1] as n
RETURN, count(*) as betweenness
ORDER BY betweenness DESC
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