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Created November 15, 2017 16:29
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HQ Trivia Solver
import os
import time
import crayons
import wikipedia
import nltk
import pytesseract
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
Note: I hacked this all together very quickly and I don't think it represents my best code at all
SCREEN_DIR = "" # Mine was "/Users/davidhariri/Desktop"
IDENTIFIER = "Screen Shot"
CROP_AREA = (78, 208, 986, 1161) # Mine was "/Users/davidhariri/Desktop"
DEBUG = False
def process_image(img):
contrast = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img)
img = contrast.enhance(3)
sharper = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(img)
img = sharper.enhance(1)
brighter = ImageEnhance.Brightness(img)
img = brighter.enhance(1)
img = img.convert("L")
# Crop for question
img = img.crop((135, 280, 880, 1040))
# Check work with...
return img
stop = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english"))
while True:
screen_shots = list(filter(
lambda p: IDENTIFIER in p, os.listdir(SCREEN_DIR)))
if len(screen_shots) == 0:
print(crayons.yellow("No screen shot found"))
# Pause while loop while processing image
file_path = os.path.join(SCREEN_DIR, screen_shots[0])
# Open screen shot
screen = process_image( + "/test.png")
# Get tesseract result from filtered screen
# TODO: Round font training
result = pytesseract.image_to_string(
screen, config="load_system_dawg=0 load_freq_dawg=0")
# Split up newlines until we have our question and answers
parts = result.split("\n\n")
question = parts.pop(0).replace("\n", " ")
q_terms = question.split(" ")
q_terms = list(filter(lambda t: t not in stop, q_terms))
q_terms = set(q_terms)
parts = "\n".join(parts)
parts = parts.split("\n")
answers = list(filter(lambda p: len(p) > 0, parts))
# question = "In Mexico, a saladito is always known as what?"
# answers = ["Taco salad", "Salted plum", "Guava roll"]
for i, a in enumerate(answers):
answers[i] = a.replace("fi", "ti")
print("\n\n{}\n\n{}\n\n".format(,", ".join(answers))
answer_results = {}
for answer in answers:
records =
r = records[0] if len(records) else None
if r is not None:
p =
answer_results[answer] = {
"content": p.content,
"words": p.content.split(" ")
for a in answer_results:
term_count = 0
for t in q_terms:
term_count += answer_results[a]["words"].count(t)
tc = term_count / len(answer_results[a]["words"])
tcp = round(tc * 10000, 2)
answer_results[a]["score"] = tcp
max_a = 0
max_a_key = None
# Maximize
for a in answer_results:
if answer_results[a]["score"] > max_a:
max_a_key = a
max_a = max(answer_results[a]["score"], max_a)
if not DEBUG:
os.rename(file_path, file_path.replace("Screen Shot", "Done"))
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I haven't tried that. Good luck!

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Is it equally effective if the language is changed to Spanish?

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@PandaFoss: Unsure, this hasn't been tested in 2 years

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