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Last active March 15, 2022 00:22
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Create a Google Calendar of NZ tides for a defined location. This python3 script parses tide data obtained as a .csv file from Land Information NZ
import csv
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Create a Google Calendar of NZ tides for a defined location
# This python3 script parses tide data obtained as a .csv file from Land Information NZ
# The data files are downloadable from:
# The output .csv file(s) can be imported into a Google Calendar
# Script was used to create tides for 2022, 2023 & 2024 at Weiti River Entrance
# The public Google Calendar is named: NZ_Tides_Weiti
# If you use this script for another location, please make the calendar public and use the same naming convention,
# such as: NZ_Tides_Wellington
# N.B. script may fail if the input .csv file is not coded UTF-8.
# Open in Excel or Libreoffice Calc, choose UTF-8 coding, then save the file before running this script
# Request location, input & output file names in terminal:
tide_at = input("Name of tide location - e.g. 'Weiti River Entrance': ")
tide_file = input("Name of .csv file to process (include .csv suffix): ")
calendar_file = input("Provide a name for calendar data file (include .csv suffix): ")
# tide data parsing function
def make_tide(tdate, ttime, tval, tstr):
# create a list, this function will replace the values
the_tide = ['0_Subj', '1_stDate', '2_stTime', '3_enDate', '4_enTime', '5_Desc', '6_Weiti', 'PUBLIC']
# Add 30 mins to tide time, to create end time for calendar entry (will span midnight, if a tide is after 23:30)
time_begin = tdate + " " + ttime
time_plus = datetime.strptime(time_begin, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') + timedelta(minutes=30)
date_end = datetime.strftime(time_plus, '%d/%m/%Y')
time_end = datetime.strftime(time_plus, '%H:%M')
#convert all tide height values to 1 decimal point
thgt = float(tval)
tval = str(thgt)
# Acknowledge data source in calendar entry description field
data_source = 'Tide data provided by Land Information NZ:'
# replace the_tide list values
the_tide[0] = tstr + tval + "m" # e.g. High: 3.2m
the_tide[1] = tdate
the_tide[2] = ttime
the_tide[3] = date_end
the_tide[4] = time_end
the_tide[5] = data_source
the_tide[6] = tide_at
return the_tide
# open input .csv file
with open(tide_file, 'r') as read_obj:
# pass the file object to reader() to get the reader object
csv_reader = csv.reader(read_obj)
# Pass reader object to list() to get a list of tide data (by day)
dayList = list(csv_reader)
# the output is a separate list for each tide: three or four per day/row
# create empty output list
tide_data = []
# iterate through rows in csv file that contain tide data (the first 3 rows don't)
i = 3
while i < len(dayList):
day = dayList[i]
# Set up the variables to pass to the make_tide function
# 1: create the date value string from csv columns 0,2,3
tDate = day[0] + "/" + day[2] + "/" + day[3]
# 2: get tide heights (High or Low) to for calendar display
tH1 = day[5]
tH2 = day[7]
if tH2 < tH1:
hiLo = ['High: ', 'Low: ', 'High: ', 'Low: ']
hiLo = ['Low: ', 'High: ', 'Low: ', 'High: ']
# 3: determine if there are 3 or 4 tides in the day (if 3, doesn't process the empty 4th column)
if not day[11]:
nCol = 9
nCol = 11
# Iterate through tide columns in "day" and pass tide values to make_tide function
x = 4 # start at 5th column in aRow, increment by 2
y = 0 # Choose "High" or "Low" from hiLo list, to pass to Subject (tStr)
while x < nCol:
tStr = hiLo[y]
tVal = day[x + 1]
tTime = day[x]
a_tide = make_tide(tDate, tTime, tVal, tStr)
# debug check - disabled:
# print(atide)
# Add returned atide to tide_data output list:
# iterate tides in a row
y += 1
x += 2
# iterate rows
i += 1
# create an output file (with the input file name)
with open(calendar_file, 'w', encoding='UTF8', newline='') as f:
# Header Row as required for Google Calendar upload
header = ['Subject', 'Start Date', 'Start Time', 'End Date', 'End Time', 'Description', 'Location', 'Private']
# populate output file with header and data rows
writer = csv.writer(f)
# write the header
# write tide data rows
# all done
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