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Created June 17, 2017 21:49
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{% import '_macros/_macro-image.html' as macroImage %}
{{ macroImage.image(image, options = {
ratio: ratio
}) }}
{# Set Attributes
{% set options = {
classname: 'm-image',
sizes: [
{ width: 1400 },
{ width: 1100 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 500 },
{ width: 300 },
{ width: 30 }
quality: 80,
mode: 'crop',
position: false,
ratio: false,
externalSource: false,
dominantColor: true
} %}
macroImage.image(image, options)
{% macro image(image, options) %}
{% set defaults = {
classname: 'm-image',
sizes: [
{ width: 1400 },
{ width: 1100 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 500 },
{ width: 300 }
quality: 95,
mode: 'crop',
position: false,
ratio: false,
externalSource: false,
dominantColor: true
} %}
{% set options = options ? defaults|merge(options) : defaults %}
{% if image %}
{# -- Ratio -- #}
{% if options.ratio %}
{% set ratio = options.ratio|split(':') %}
{% set base64Ratio = options.ratio|split(':') %}
{% set ratio = ratio|first/ratio|last %}
{% elseif options.ratio == false and options.externalSource == false %}
{% set imageSize = image.width ~ ':' ~ image.height %}
{% set base64Ratio = imageSize|split(':') %}
{% set ratio = '' %}
{% else %}
{% set ratio = '' %}
{% endif %}
{# -- Set Position -- #}
{% if options.position %}
{% set position = options.position %}
{% elseif image.settingsFocalPoint is defined and not options.externalSource %}
{% set position = image.settingsFocalPoint %}
{% else %}
{% set position = '50% 50%' %}
{% endif %}
{# -- Define global variables -- #}
{% set imageSettings = {
jpegQuality: options.quality,
mode: options.mode,
position: position,
ratio: ratio
} %}
{# -- Image -- #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, options.sizes, imageSettings) %}
{# -- External Source --#}
{# Reset the Base64 Size to the First Image Dimensions #}
{% if options.externalSource %}
{% set base64Ratio = images|first.width ~ ':' ~ images|first.height %}
{% set base64Ratio = base64Ratio|split(':') %}
{% endif %}
{# -- Dominatn Color -- #}
{% if options.dominantColor %}
{% if image.pluginPreparseDominantColor is defined and image.pluginPreparseDominantColor is not empty %}
{% set dominantColor = image.pluginPreparseDominantColor %}
{% else %}
{% set dominantImages = craft.imager.transformImage(image, [{width: 30}], { ratio: ratio, position: position, jpegQuality: 10 }) %}
{% set dominantColor = craft.imager.getDominantColor(dominantImages|last, 20) %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set dominantColor = '' %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ options.classname ~ 'Wrapper' }}" style="background-color: {{ dominantColor != '' ? dominantColor }}; width: 100%;">
<img class="{{ options.classname }} lazyload"
{#src="{{ images|last.url }}"#}
src="{{ craft.imager.base64Pixel(base64Ratio|first, base64Ratio|last) }}"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
alt="{{ image.title is defined ? image.title }}"/>
<noscript><img src="{{ image.url }}" alt="{{ image.title }}"></noscript>
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
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