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Created June 15, 2016 15:26
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Social Links Array
{{ dh_macros.dh_socialLinks([
], true) }}
{% macro dh_socialLinks(networks, icons, label) %}
<ul class="socialLinks__list">
{# Loop for each network #}
{% set icons = icons|default(false) %}
{% set label = label|default(false) %}
{% for network in networks %}
{# Loop through all networks #}
{% for sn in socialNetworks.socialLinks %}
{% if sn.linkText|lower == network %}
<li class="socialLinks__item socialLinks__item--{{ sn.linkText|lower }}">
<a class="socialLinks__link"
href="{{ sn.customLink.url }}" {{ ? ' target="_blank"' }}>
{% if icons == true and label == true %}
<svg class="svgSprite svgSprite--icon_{{ sn.linkText|lower }}" viewbox="0 0 48 48">
<use xlink:href="/assets/images/svg/sprite/sprite.svg#icon_{{ sn.linkText|lower }}"></use>
<span class="socialLinks__label">{{ sn.linkText }}</span>
{% elseif icons == true %}
<svg class="svgSprite svgSprite--icon_{{ sn.linkText|lower }}" viewbox="0 0 48 48">
<use xlink:href="/assets/images/svg/sprite/sprite.svg#icon_{{ sn.linkText|lower }}"></use>
{% else %}
{{ sn.linkText }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
Case Wrapper
{{ dh_macros.dh_caseWrapper('macbook', previewImage) }}
{% macro dh_caseWrapper(caseWrapper, sourceField, sourceCaption) %}
{# Settings #}
{% set wrapper = caseWrapper|default('macbook') %}
{% set source = sourceField %}
{% set caption = sourceCaption %}
{% switch wrapper %}
{# MacBook #}
{% case 'macbook' %}
<div class="macbook waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
<div class="macbook__display">
<figure class="macbook__figure">
{# start: Image Settings #}
{# get Image #}
{% set image = source.first() %}
{# Set Image Crop Sizes #}
{% set cropSizes = [
{ width: 1600 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 400 },
{ width: 40, jpegQuality: 0},
] %}
{# settings for Preview Images #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, cropSizes, {
jpegQuality: 80,
ratio: 16/10,
mode: 'crop',
position: 'top-center'
}) %}
<div class="imageSizeWrapper" style="max-width: {{ image.width }}px;">
<img class="lazyload"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
src="{{ images[3].url }}"
alt="{{ image.title }}">
{% if caption|length %}
<figcaption>{{ caption }}</figcaption>
{% endif %}
<div class="macbook__body"></div>
{% case 'browser' %}
<div class="browser waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
<figure class="browser__figure">
{# start: Image Settings #}
{# get Image #}
{% set image = source.first() %}
{# Set Image Crop Sizes #}
{% set cropSizes = [
{ width: 1600 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 400 },
{ width: 40, jpegQuality: 0},
] %}
{# settings for Preview Images #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, cropSizes, {
jpegQuality: 80,
}) %}
<img class="lazyload"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
src="{{ images[3].url }}"
alt="{{ image.title }}">
{# end: Image Settings #}
<div class="browser__bar">
<div class="browser__dot browser__dot--01"></div>
<div class="browser__dot browser__dot--02"></div>
<div class="browser__dot browser__dot--03"></div>
{% case 'ipad' %}
<div class="iPad waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
<figure class="iPad__figure">
{# start: Image Settings #}
{# get Image #}
{% set image = source.first() %}
{# Set Image Crop Sizes #}
{% set cropSizes = [
{ width: 1600 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 400 },
{ width: 40, jpegQuality: 0},
] %}
{# settings for Preview Images #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, cropSizes, {
jpegQuality: 80,
ratio: 4/3,
mode: 'crop',
position: 'top-center'
}) %}
<img class="lazyload"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
src="{{ images[3].url }}"
alt="{{ image.title }}">
{# end: Image Settings #}
{% case 'iphone' %}
<div class="iPhone waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
<figure class="iPhone__figure">
{# start: Image Settings #}
{# get Image #}
{% set image = source.first() %}
{# Set Image Crop Sizes #}
{% set cropSizes = [
{ width: 1600 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 400 },
{ width: 40, jpegQuality: 0},
] %}
{# settings for Preview Images #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, cropSizes, {
jpegQuality: 80,
ratio: 1/1.56221889055,
mode: 'crop',
position: 'top-center'
}) %}
<img class="lazyload"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
src="{{ images[3].url }}"
alt="{{ image.title }}">
{# end: Image Settings #}
{% case 'default' %}
<div class="default waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
<figure class="waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
{# get Image #}
{% set image = source.first() %}
{# Set Image Crop Sizes #}
{% set cropSizes = [
{ width: 1600 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 400 },
{ width: 40, jpegQuality: 0},
] %}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, cropSizes, {
jpegQuality: 80
}) %}
<div class="imageSizeWrapper" style="max-width: {{ image.width }}px;">
<img class="lazyload"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
src="{{ images[3].url }}"
alt="{{ image.title }}">
{% if caption|length %}
<figcaption>{{ caption }}</figcaption>
{% endif %}
{% endswitch %}
{% endmacro %}
Blog Asides
{{ dh_macros.dh_blogAside(row, row.asideType) }}
{% macro dh_blogAside(blogAsideRow, blogAsideType) %}
{# Settings #}
{% set row = blogAsideRow %}
{% set asideType = blogAsideType %}
{% switch asideType %}
{# MacBook #}
{% case 'quote' %}
<div class="aside aside--{{ asideType }} waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
<p>{{ row.quote }}</p>
<footer>{{ row.quoter }}</footer>
{% case 'image' %}
<div class="aside aside--{{ asideType }} waypointElement fadeInUp js_waypointElement">
{# start: Image Settings #}
{# get Image #}
{% set image = row.image.first() %}
{% set caption = row.caption %}
{# Set Image Crop Sizes #}
{% set cropSizes = [
{ width: 1600 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 400 },
{ width: 40, jpegQuality: 0},
] %}
{# settings for Preview Images #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, cropSizes, {
jpegQuality: 80,
}) %}
<img class="lazyload"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
src="{{ images[3].url }}"
alt="{{ image.title }}">
{# end: Image Settings #}
{% if caption|length %}
<figcaption>{{ caption }}</figcaption>
{% endif %}
{% endswitch %}
{% endmacro %}
Deco Big Text
{{ dh_macros.dh_deco_bigText('text', 'class') }}
{% macro dh_deco_bigText(text, class) %}
{# Settings #}
{% set text = text|default('missing') %}
{% set class = class|default('default') %}
<div class="decoBigText decoBigText--{{ class }}"><span>{{ text|raw }}</span></div>
{% endmacro %}
Set Active Class
{{ dh_macros.dh_is_active('news') }}
{% macro dh_is_active(segment) %}
{% if craft.request.firstSegment == segment %}is_active{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Generate navigation buttons for paginations
@param {object} pages - Pagination Object
@param {object} craft - Craft Request Object
@param {string} classname - Classname (default: 'pagination')
@param {string} searchquery - To pass search words from Searchfields (default: false)
{% macro dh_pagination(pages,craft,classname,searchquery) %}
{% set search = searchquery|default(false) %}
{% set class = classname|default('pagination') %}
{# Add Pagination only if the Page Number is higher than 1#}
{% if pages.totalPages > 1 %}
<nav class="{{ class }}" role="navigation">
{# Dont display last page when on the first Page #}
{% if pages.currentPage > 2 and pages.prevUrl %}
<a class="{{ class }}__link" href="{{ pages.firstUrl }}{{ search ? '?q='~search }}" title="Back to the first page">
{% endif %}
{# Display the Previous Link if available #}
{% if pages.prevUrl %}
<a class="{{ class }}__link" href="{{ pages.prevUrl }}{{ search ? '?q='~search }}" title="Back to the previous page">
{% endif %}
{# Display prev 5 Page Links#}
{% for page, url in pages.getPrevUrls(3) %}
<a class="{{ class }}__link {{ class }}__link--number" href="{{ url }}{{ search ? '?q='~search }}" title="Go to page {{ page }}">
{{ page }}
{% endfor %}
{# Diplay Current Page#}
<span class="{{ class }}__link {{ class }}__link--current">
{{ pages.currentPage }}
{# Display next 5 Page Links #}
{% for page, url in pages.getNextUrls(3) %}
<a class="{{ class }}__link {{ class }}__link--number" href="{{ url }}{{ search ? '?q='~search }}" title="Go to page {{ page }}">
{{ page }}
{% endfor %}
{# Display next Page Link if available#}
{% if pages.nextUrl %}
<a class="{{ class }}__link" href="{{ pages.nextUrl }}{{ search ? '?q='~search }}" title="Forward to the next page">
{% endif %}
{# Dont display when on the last page #}
{% if (pages.totalPages - 1) > pages.currentPage and pages.totalPages > 2 %}
<a class="{{ class }}__link" href="{{ pages.lastUrl }}{{ search ? '?q='~search }}" title="Forward to the last page">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Prev / Next Link
{{ dh_macros.dh_postNav(entry, 'work', 'postDate', 'prev work', 'next work' ) }}
{% macro dh_postNav(entry, section, order, prevLabel, nextLabel ) %}
{# Set vars #}
{% set section = section|default('blog') %}
{% set order = order|default('postDate') %}
{% set prevLabel = prevLabel|default(false) %}
{% set nextLabel = nextLabel|default(false) %}
{# Set parameters for prev/next elements list #}
{% set data = craft.entries.section(section).order(order).limit(null) %}
{# Get the prev/next elements #}
{% set prevEntry = entry.getPrev(data) %}
{% set nextEntry = entry.getNext(data) %}
{# And make sure to only output the links if the element exists #}
{% if prevEntry or nextEntry %}
<ul class="postNav">
{% if prevEntry %}
<li class="postNav__item postNav__item--prev">
<a class="postNav__link postNav__link--prev" href="{{ prevEntry.url }}">
{% if prevLabel != false %}
<span class="postNav__label">{{ prevLabel }}</span>
{% endif %}
<span class="postNav__title">{{ prevEntry.title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if nextEntry %}
<li class="postNav__item postNav__item--next">
<a class="postNav__link postNav__link--next" href="{{ nextEntry.url }}">
{% if nextLabel != false %}
<span class="postNav__label">{{ nextLabel }}</span>
{% endif %}
<span class="postNav__title">{{ nextEntry.title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Section Icon
TODO: Create a Section Icon Macro for the Home.
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