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Created January 27, 2017 21:37
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{% extends craft.request.isAjax ? 'layout/_ajaxLayout' : 'layout/_layout' %}
{% block content %}
{% set keywords = craft.request.getParam('query')|split('/') ?: false %}
{% set searchParam = keywords|join(' OR ') %}
{% set criteria = {
collections: ['bodies', 'entries'],
params: {
limit: 14,
keywords: searchParam
} %}
{% if craft.request.isAjax %}
{% amSearchPaginate criteria as searchResults %}
{%- autoescape 'js' -%}
{{ searchResults|json_encode|raw }}
{%- endautoescape -%}
{% else %}
<section class="l-section c-content">
<div class="l-container">
<h1 class="c-headline c-headline--featured">
Deine Suche
<div class="c-search">
<div class="v-search c-input">
<form action="{{ url('search') }}">
<input type="search"
value="{{ craft.request.getParam('q') }}"
<h1 class="c-headline--featured">Suchergebnisse</h1>
{% amSearchPaginate criteria as searchResults %}
{# Search results #}
{% if not searchResults|length %}
<p>{{ 'There are no search results.' }}</p>
{% else %}
{% for searchResult in searchResults %}
{% set entry = %}
{% if entry.contentBuilder_sections|length %}
{% set excerpt = entry.contentBuilder_sections.level(2).type('copy').first().body|split('</p>') %}
{% endif %}
{% if excerpt is of_type('array') %}
{% set excerpt = excerpt|first %}
{% else %}
{% set excerpt = excerpt %}
{% endif %}
<div class="c-search__result">
<a href="{{ searchResult.uri }}">
{% if searchResult['title'] is defined %}
<strong class="h3 strong">
{{ searchResult.title }}
{% endif %}
{{ excerpt|raw }}
{% endfor %}
{# Pagination #}
{% if > 1 %}
<a href="{{ amSearchPaginate.firstUrl }}">Erste Seite</a>
{% if amSearchPaginate.prevUrl %}<a href="{{ amSearchPaginate.prevUrl }}">Vorherige Seite</a>{% endif %}
{% for page, url in amSearchPaginate.getPrevUrls(5) %}
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}
<span class="current">{{ amSearchPaginate.currentPage }}</span>
{% for page, url in amSearchPaginate.getNextUrls(5) %}
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if amSearchPaginate.nextUrl %}<a href="{{ amSearchPaginate.nextUrl }}">Nächste Seite</a>{% endif %}
<a href="{{ amSearchPaginate.lastUrl }}">Letzte Seite</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
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