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Created September 24, 2018 09:13
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A script to clumsily deal with GeoTIFF transparency and data types and convert to MBTiles
"""Deal with raster transparency and convert to MBTiles"""
import os
import re
from string import Template
from shutil import copyfile
from osgeo import gdal
import rasterio
PATH = 'data/geotiff/'
for subdir in os.listdir(PATH):
if subdir[0] != '.' and subdir != 'converted':
subdir += '/'
for tif in os.listdir(PATH + subdir):
if"\.tif$", tif):
f = PATH + subdir + tif
src = gdal.Open(f)
ras =
val =[0][0]
if (src.RasterCount == 4 or (val != 0 and val != 255)) and ras.dtypes[0] == 'uint8':
copyfile(f, PATH + 'converted/' + tif)
elif src.RasterCount == 1 or src.RasterCount == 3 or src.RasterCount == 4:
s = Template("""gdal_translate -b 1 ${f} -a_nodata none red.tif &&
gdal_translate -b ${b2} ${f} -a_nodata none green.tif &&
gdal_translate -b ${b3} ${f} -a_nodata none blue.tif && -A red.tif -B green.tif -C blue.tif --outfile=mask.tif --calc="logical_and(A!=${nodata},B!=${nodata},C!=${nodata})*255" && -separate -ot Byte -o ${path}converted/${tif} red.tif green.tif blue.tif mask.tif &&
rm red.tif &&
rm green.tif &&
rm blue.tif &&
rm mask.tif""")
if src.RasterCount == 1:
os.system(s.substitute(f=f, b2='1', b3='1', nodata=str(val), path=PATH, tif=tif))
elif src.RasterCount >= 3:
os.system(s.substitute(f=f, b2='2', b3='3', nodata=str(val), path=PATH, tif=tif))
print f + ' has wrong number of bands!'
for tif in os.listdir(PATH + 'converted/'):
basename = re.sub(r"\.tif$", '', tif)
s = Template("""gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 ${path}converted/${tif} ${path}converted/${base}_merc.tif &&
gdal_translate -of mbtiles ${path}converted/${base}_merc.tif ${path}converted/${base}.mbtiles &&
gdaladdo -r nearest ${path}converted/${base}.mbtiles 2 4 8 16 32""")
os.system(s.substitute(path=PATH, tif=tif, base=basename))
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