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Created July 26, 2018 19:59
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A little idea to test out
import tensorflow as tf
The mini-inception (mi) library
This is inspired by Google's inception network
and DARTS architecture search. I didn't get fancy
on the bilevel optimization, so let's see how it goes!!
def mi_activation(tensor):
with tf.name_scope("mi_activation"):
activations = [
tf.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid, tf.nn.relu, tf.identity
choice = tf.variable("activation_choice", [4])
choice = tf.nn.softmax(choice)
t = [i[0](tensor)*i[1] for i in zip(activations, choice)]
t = tf.reduce_sum(t)
return t
def mi_residual(tensor, width):
with tf.name_scope("mi_residual"):
choice = tf.variable("choice", [2])
choice = tf.nn.softmax(choice)
left = choice[0] * tf.layers.dense(
tf.layers.dense(tensor, width)
, width)
right = choice[1] * tensor
join = left + right
out = mi_activation(join)
return join
def mi_deep(tensor, width, depth):
with tf.name_scope("mi_deep"):
t = tensor
for i in range(depth // 2):
t = mi_residual(t, width)
for i in range(depth % 2):
t = tf.layers.dense(t, width)
t = mi_activation(t)
return t
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