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Created February 3, 2017 20:58
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A list of git commands
Git cheat sheet
git help - will provide instructions
git config —global “David Conner” - set the global user name
git config —global - set the global email
git config —global color.ui true - turns on a colorful ui for the command line
Start a new repository
mkdir directory_name - will make a folder called directory name
cd directory_name - will step into the folder called directory_name
git init - initiate a local git repository in the current folder
git remote add origin - add remote repository named origin at this address
git remote rm <name> - will remove a remote repository of whatever name is applied
git remote -v - finds out what remote repositories our local repository knows about
Git Work Flow
git status - will tell you the current state of the repo
git log - will show a log of all the commits made in this branch
git add . - will add all altered files to staging
git add textName.html - will add the file textName.html to the project
git add *.txt - will add all files in current directory
git add ‘*.txt’ - will add all files ending with.txt in entire project
git add —all - will add all new, modified or deleted files
git commit -m “note about commit” - will commit changes and add a note
git push -u origin master - push changes up to remote repository. u tells git to remember so next time you can type git push
git pull origin master - pulls in all changes made to remote repository
git commit -a -m “modification note” - will add all tracked files and commit them with commit message
See Differences in files and Undo Changes
git diff - see what is different since last commit
git diff —staged - can see the changes you have staged
git reset textName.html - unstages the file textName.html
git reset HEAD textName.html - unstages the file textName.html
git checkout — textName.html - gets rid of all changes since the last commit for textName.html
Creating Branches from Master
git branch branch_name - creates a branch called branch_name of the master branch
git branch - will show the branches available. will show both the master and the branch_name branches
git branch -r - list all remote branches
git checkout branch_name - will switch over to this new branch
git rm ‘*.txt’ - will remove all .txt files and stage the removal of the files
git commit -m “changes to new branch” - stage and commit changes to branch
git checkout -b newBranch - creates and switches to new branch (checks out) called newBranch
git push origin newBranch - creates a remote version of our branch and attaches it to the origin branch
git remote show origin - shows remote branches and whether tracked or not. Shows local branches. Shows local refs configured for 'git push’
git branch -m new-name - rename your local branch if you are on the branch
git branch -m old-name new-name - the same as above if not on branch you want to modify
git push origin :old-name new-name - delete the old-name remote branch and push the new-name local branch
Merge Branch Back To Master
git checkout master - checkout master branch so you can switch over and merge your new changes
git merge branch_name - will merge the changes made to the new branch into the master
git branch -d branch_name - will delete the branch named branch_name. clean up after merged with master
Git ingore
git rm -r —cached . - removes all files from cache for when you already have pushed files to the repo that should be on gitignore page.
Deleting a Branch
git push origin :newBranch - deletes remote branch called newBranch
git branch -d branch_name - will delete the branch named branch_name locally
git branch -D branch_name - capital D will delete branch even if there are unmerged changes
git remote prune origin - will remove all stale references to branches that were deleted
Undoing or Changing a Commit
git reset —soft HEAD^ - will undo last commit and reset all files into staging. Carrot symbol means to move to commit just before current “HEAD”
git add missingFile.txt - add file you want to add to last commit to stage
git commit —amend -m “Commit message” - Amends the last commit with the new file and overwrites old commit message
git reset —hard HEAD^ - undo last commit and all changes
git reset —hard HEAD^^ - undo last two commits and all changes
Updating a Branch
git pull --rebase upstream master
Cloning a Repository
git clone - will create a local repository with that directory
Undo a commit and redo
$ git commit -m "Something terribly misguided" (1)
$ git reset --soft HEAD~ (2)
<< edit files as necessary >> (3)
$ git add ... (4)
$ git commit -c ORIG_HEAD (5)
1. This is what you want to undo

2. This is most often done when you remembered what you just committed is incomplete, or you misspelled your commit message1, or both. Leaves working tree as it was before git commit.

3. Make corrections to working tree files.

4. git add whatever changes you want to include in your new commit.

5. Commit the changes, reusing the old commit message. reset copied the old head to .git/ORIG_HEAD; commit with -c ORIG_HEAD will open an editor, which initially contains the log message from the old commit and allows you to edit it. If you do not need to edit the message, you could use the -C option instead.

zacks way:

6. after you merge from master, do git reset --soft master 7.
7. that puts you back at master with all of your changes as 'unstaged' 9. 2:48:03 PM
8. then you just do git commit -am "coherent commit message" 11. 2:48:16 PM
9. git push --force [your branch name] 13. 2:48:26 PM
Vi Commands
j - down
h - left
k - up
l - right
esc - leave mode
i - insert mode
:wq - save and quite
:q! - cancel and quite
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