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Created October 26, 2012 21:47
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javascript function memoization benchmark
fib1 = (index) ->
if index < 2
fib1(index - 1) + fib1(index - 2)
fib2 = (index) ->
hash = {}
fib2 = (index) ->
hash[index] or= if index < 2
fib2(index - 1) + fib2(index - 2)
runtime = (start, end) ->
(end.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000
benchmark = (max) ->
start1 = new Date
fib1(i) for i in [0..max]
end1 = new Date
start2 = new Date
fib2(i) for i in [0..max]
end2 = new Date
run1 = runtime(start1, end1)
run2 = runtime(start2, end2)
console.log "Recursion: #{run1}s"
console.log "Memoized Recursion: #{run2}s"
benchmark 40
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