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Created April 9, 2018 14:46
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formexample install file
* @file
* Install, update and uninstall functions for the formexample module.
* Implements hook_install().
* Creates some default entries on this module custom table.
* @see hook_install()
* @ingroup formexample
function formexample_install() {
// Adding a default entry.
$fields = [
'name' => 'John',
'surname' => 'Smith',
'age' => 21,
* Implements hook_schema().
* Defines the database tables used by this module.
* @see hook_schema()
* @ingroup formexample
function formexample_schema() {
$schema['formexample'] = [
'description' => 'Stores data for formexample module.',
'fields' => [
'pid' => [
'type' => 'serial',
'not null' => TRUE,
'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique person ID.',
'name' => [
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 255,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => 'Name',
'surname' => [
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 255,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => 'Surname',
'age' => [
'type' => 'int',
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'size' => 'tiny',
'description' => 'Age',
'primary key' => ['pid'],
'indexes' => [
'name' => ['name'],
'surname' => ['surname'],
'age' => ['age'],
return $schema;
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