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Drupal 8 || 9 - Getting data from user account in Drupal

Drupal 8 || 9 - Getting data from user account in Drupal

Some actions you can take inside a hook in .module files, using services for getting user data programmatically.



This snippet was composed from my current position as Senior Drupal Developer at Digitalist Sweden, one of the biggest companies oriented to Open Source in Europe and specifically focused in Drupal.

// You can check if the user is authenticathed or not.
$is_authenticated = \Drupal::currentUser()->isAuthenticated();
$is_anonymous = \Drupal::currentUser()->isAnonymous();
// Or by doing:
$current_user = \Drupal::currentUser();
$current_user->isAnonymous(); // true or false
$current_user->isAuthenticated(); // true or false

// Get a timestamp of last login for the user.

// Get the current user id, only if is authenticated.
$uid = \Drupal::currentUser()->id();
// Load a specific user by id.
// Is a user entity.
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($uid);
// Load the current user.
// Remember: is a user object not a user entity.
$current_user = \Drupal::currentUser();

// Check existing fields and get specific values from user's fields.
$existing_field = $user->hasField('mail');
$user_display_name = $current_user->getDisplayName();
$user_account_name = $current_user->getAccountName();
$user_name = $current_user->getUsername(); 
// Different ways for getting data from fields.
$user_mail = $user->get('mail')->getValue()[0]['value'];
$user_mail_copy = $user->mail->value;
$user_mail_another_copy = $current_user->getEmail();

// Get all the fields available in the user entity type.
$fields = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldDefinitions('user', 'user');
$extra_fields = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getExtraFields('user', 'user');
$base_fields = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getBaseFieldDefinitions('user', 'user');
$existing_field = array_key_exists('association', $fields);

// Get an array of roles from a user.
$array_roles = $user->getRoles();
// Check if the user has a specific role. 
$existing_role = in_array('administrator', $array_roles);

See more info from the returned User Object, based in the AccountProxy Class for Drupal 9.3.x: And the User Entity Class from the Drupal core for Drupal 9.3.x:

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