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Malfisya's tips and tricks
homepage task :
- Renew data with `rg --files-without-match "homepage" -g '*package.yml' | sort`
metainfo.xml task:
- Renew data with
cd solus-builds/packages/packages
find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -iname "*-ttf*" ! -exec sh -c 'test -e "$1"/files/*metainfo.xml' sh {} \; -print &&\
find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -iname "*-fonts*" ! -exec sh -c 'test -e "$1"/files/*metainfo.xml' sh {} \; -print &&\
find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -iname "font-*" -a ! -iname "*-manager" ! -exec sh -c 'test -e "$1"/files/*metainfo.xml' sh {} \; -print
eopkg info -c desktop.font
- install template install :install -Dm00644 $pkgfiles/somefont.metainfo.xml $installdir/usr/share/metainfo/somefont.metainfo.xml
- check : appstream-builder --packages-dir=. --include-failed -v
local repo tips :
- update repo with sudo eopkg index --skip-signing /var/lib/solbuild/local/ --output /var/lib/solbuild/local/eopkg-index.xml
solbuild tips:
- %configure_no_runstatedir
- ./configure $(sed 's|--runstatedir=/run||g' <<< "%CONFOPTS%")
- $sources to install from /home/build/YPKG/sources/
`git` tips:
- Tip you can use `git rebase -i HEAD~2` then change `pick` to `drop` if you accidentally include other commits in a branch
VM tips:
- Go to VM settings
- Click "Add Hardware"
- Click "Filesystem" on the left
- Keep driver as "virtiofs" (it's way more reliable and performant than the older virtio-9p).
- Set "Source Path" to your Solus directory
- The "Target Path" is a descriptive name used to identify the mount inside the guest. For example, put in solus
- Boot VM
- Create a folder for the filesystem to mount to, or just use an existing one. sudo mkdir /mnt/solus
- Set the folder to be owned by your user so that you don't have permission errors. sudo chown tracey:tracey /mnt/solus
- The easiest way that I've found to mount it is to use a systemd automount. This will mount it as soon as a user or application tries to access that folder, if it fails it won't fail the boot or anything. Add the following to your /etc/fstab (replace solus with the "Target Path" name from step 6 if you changed it. solus /mnt/solus virtiofs rw,x-systemd.automount,relatime 0 0
- Reboot.
- Access folder.
Find builddeps in repo :
findDep() {
pushd $HOME/Repository/getsolus/packages/packages/
rg ${1} */*/package.yml
Replace something : sed -i 's/something.*/some=thing/'
add new line : sed '/test message1/a testing testing'
Reinstall all non-repo packages :
mapfile -t installed < <(eopkg li | awk '{print $1}')
for i in "${installed[@]}"; do
to_reinstall="$to_reinstall $i"
sudo eopkg it --reinstall $to_reinstall
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