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Created December 1, 2016 02:07
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// View a demonstration here:
// The contents of this file should be pasted into a Node.js Module in Motion AI on
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
/* "event" object contains payload from Motion AI
"from":"string", // the end-user's identifier (may be FB ID, email address, Slack username etc, depends on bot type)
"session":"string", // a unique session identifier
"botId":"string", // the Motion AI ID of the bot
"botType":"string", // the type of bot this is (FB, Slack etc)
"customPayload":"string", // a developer-defined payload for carrying information
"reply":"string", // the end-user's reply that led to this module
"moduleId":"string", // the current Motion AI Module ID
"result":"string" // any extracted data from the prior module, if applicable
// this is the object we will return to Motion AI in the callback
var responseJSON = {
"response": "", // what the bot will respond with (more is appended below)
"continue": false, // denotes that Motion AI should hit this module again, rather than continue further in the flow
"customPayload": "", // working data to examine in future calls to this function to keep track of state
"quickReplies": null, // a JSON object containing suggested/quick replies to display to the user
"cards": null // a cards JSON object to display a carousel to the user (see docs)
var request = require('request'); // require the request library so that we can make an API call below
if (event.customPayload) { // if the customPayload exists, that means we have some prior working data (in this case, the correct answer to the prior question)
var rand = getRandomInt(1,4);
if (event.customPayload == event.reply) {
if (rand == 1)
responseJSON.response = "Bingo! Good job!";
if (rand == 2)
responseJSON.response = "I'm impressed.";
if (rand == 3)
responseJSON.response = "Well done.";
if (rand == 4)
responseJSON.response = "Very nice.";
} else {
responseJSON.response = "That is incorrect. It was: "+event.customPayload;
} else {
// customPayload was empty - AKA, this was the first trivia question
// API call to Open Trivia DB
request("", function(error, response, body) {
var json = JSON.parse(body);
var qrArray = []; // prepare an array that contains quickReplies to display
qrArray.push(replaceHTMLEntities(json.results[0].correct_answer)); // push the correct answer to this question
for (var i = 0; i < json.results[0].incorrect_answers.length; i++) {
qrArray.push(replaceHTMLEntities(json.results[0].incorrect_answers[i])); // push each of the incorrect answers to list as multiple choice options
shuffle(qrArray); // shuffle the quick replies so that the correct one is not always first
// display results from last question and append next trivia question
responseJSON.response = responseJSON.response+" ::next-1000:: "+replaceHTMLEntities(json.results[0].question);
responseJSON.quickReplies = qrArray; // add our quick replies object to the callback JSON
// store the current correct answer in customPayload so that it can be compared against their answer
responseJSON.customPayload = replaceHTMLEntities(json.results[0].correct_answer);
// return the data to Motion AI!
callback(null, responseJSON);
// functions used above
function shuffle(a) {
var j, x, i;
for (i = a.length; i; i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
x = a[i - 1];
a[i - 1] = a[j];
a[j] = x;
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
// this is only needed because our demo lives on FB Messenger, where HTML is not supported
function replaceHTMLEntities(str) {
str = str.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
return str.replace(/&(.*?);/g, '');
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