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import subprocess
import time
import xml.dom.minidom
import os.path
import os
import datetime
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import glob
import random
#if clearXmlSave_location set to True, deletes all the files in this directory first, giving a clean start, will slow things down
def clearXmlSaveLocation(clearXmlSave_location):
if clearXmlSave_location:
xmlFiles = glob.glob(XmlSave_location + "*")
for xmlFile in xmlFiles:
#creates general search query to enter to subprocess call - this call then saves the XML file
#expects a quite specific call
def generateSearchQuery(object_type, search_terms, return_fields, search_type):
#print object_type #document or mail
object_type_text = ""
if object_type == "document":
object_type_text = "register?&"
#print "hi there"
elif object_type == "inbox":
object_type_text = "mail?mail_box=Inbox&"
elif object_type == "outbox":
object_type_text = "mail?mail_box=Sentbox&"
object_type_text = ""
print "Invalid object type: must be either 'document' or 'inbox' or 'outbox'."
#print search_terms #list of terms for the search, e.g. [attribute3:P027c*, (docno:tbs* OR docno:tsb*)], combined with AND each time
search_text = "search_query="+search_terms[0]
if len(search_terms)!=1:
for search_term in search_terms[1:]:
search_text = search_text + " AND " + search_term
search_text = search_text + "&"
#print return_fields #author, received, registered, filename, docno, title, attribute3 [package of works]
return_fields_text = "return_fields="
return_fields_text = return_fields_text + ",".join(return_fields) + "&"
#print search_type #Full
if search_type == "Full":
search_type_text = "search_type=Full"
elif "Number_Limited&search_result_size" in search_type:
search_type_text = "search_type=" + search_type
print "Invalid search type entered, must be 'Full'."
return object_type_text + search_text + return_fields_text + search_type_text
#generates and returns path to xml file of document metadata, trims and adds data to document metadata
#adds ApprovalStatus and ApprovalStatusReason to document metadata if a clear signal is part of the metadata (e.g. status changed to status A)
#expects a 19 digit number, e.g. 1348828088510064790
def generateDocumentMetadata(DocumentID):
#check that the documentTrackingNumber is valid
if len(str(DocumentID)) != 19:
print "Document tracking number " + DocumentID + " is not valid, not 19 characters."
if not unicode(DocumentID).isnumeric():
print "Document tracking number " + DocumentID + " is not valid, not numeric."
SearchQuery = "register/" + str(DocumentID) + "/eventlog"
if not os.path.isfile(XmlSave_location+DocumentId+"documentID.xml"):
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+SearchQuery,XmlSave_location,DocumentId+"documentID.xml"]
#strip the xml of less useful information (views, downloads etc)
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+DocumentId+"documentID.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
for item in root.findall('.//CDEventLog'):
status_tag = ET.SubElement(item,'ApprovalStatus')
status_tag.text = "Unknown"
status_tag_reason = ET.SubElement(item,"ApprovalStatusReason")
status_tag_reason.text = "None"
event_type = item.get('EventType')
detailed_event_type = item.find('Event').text
if "TRANSMIT" in detailed_event_type:
transmit_number = detailed_event_type.replace("(",")").split(")")[1]
transmit_number_tag = ET.SubElement(item,'TransmitNumber')
transmit_number_tag.text = transmit_number
#print "transmit number added"
if event_type == "View":
root[0].remove(item) #element not interesting, delete
elif event_type == "Send":
if ("REJCTN" in detailed_event_type):
status_tag.text = "Not approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "REJCTN mail type"
#print "Definately not approved, rejection mail type"
elif (event_type == "Update"):
if ("Status A" in detailed_event_type):
#add approved to xml file
status_tag.text = "Approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to Status A"
#print "Updated to Status A"
if ("Code 1" in detailed_event_type):
#add approved to xml file
status_tag.text = "Approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to Code 1"
#print "Definately approved, code 1"
if ("Code 5" in detailed_event_type):
#add approved to xml file
status_tag.text = "Approved"
#status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to Code 5"
if ("Status B" in detailed_event_type):
status_tag.text = "Not approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to Status B"
#print "Definately not approved, Status B"
if ("Status C" in detailed_event_type and "Status Changed" not in detailed_event_type):
status_tag.text = "Not approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to Status c"
#print "Definately not approved, Status C"
if ("Code 2" in detailed_event_type):
status_tag.text = "Not approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to code 2"
#print "Definately not approved, Code 2"
if ("Code 3" in detailed_event_type):
status_tag.text = "Not approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to Code 3"
#print "Definately not approved, Code 3"
if ("Draft" in detailed_event_type):
status_tag.text = "Not approved"
status_tag_reason.text = "Updated to Draft"
#print "Definately not approved, Status Draft"
print "Unknown event type..."
#save the altered xml file
return XmlSave_location+DocumentID+"documentID.xml"
#generates and returns path to xml file of mail metadata
#expects a 9 digit number, e.g. 290640151
def generateMailMetadata(MailID):
#check that the MailID is valid
if MailID == None:
print 'Mail ID provided is none'
return ""
if MailID == -1:
print "Mail ID has remained unchanged at -1, see the function that called this function"
if len(str(MailID)) != 9:
print "MailID number " + MailID + " is not valid, not 9 characters."
if not unicode(MailID).isnumeric():
print "MailID number " + MailID + " is not valid, not numeric."
#if file does not exist already, download, otherwise leave alone (sometimes the file is manipulated by the program so don't redownload)
if not os.path.isfile(XmlSave_location+MailID+"mailid.xml"):
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+"mail/"+MailID,XmlSave_location,MailID+"mailid.xml"]
#remove the 'ApprovalStatus' tag in the xml file, it is confusing later. It refers to Aconex processing the mail approval, not the document approval.
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+MailID+"mailid.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
return XmlSave_location+MailID+"mailid.xml"
#generates xml file given a mail number
#expects a mail number, e.g. "CS JV-TRANSMIT-000054", outputs a mail ID
#as a side effect, downloads and saves the xml metadata of that mail
def generateMailIDfromMailNumber(MailNumber):
#if the file has already been looked up, check the existing file, e.g. CS JV-TRANSMIT-009359.xml first
if os.path.isfile(XmlSave_location+MailNumber+".xml"):
#print "n"
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+MailNumber+".xml")
root = tree.getroot().find('SearchResults')
mail_id = root.get('MailId')
#print "m"
MailNumber_nospaces = MailNumber.replace(' ','?') #Aconex has issues processing the spaces, replace with a wildcard, this is a workaround
SearchQuery = generateSearchQuery("inbox",['docno:'+MailNumber_nospaces],['docno'],"Full")
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+SearchQuery,XmlSave_location,MailNumber+".xml"]
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+MailNumber+'.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
numberofMailResults = int(root.get('TotalResults'))
#print "numberofMailResults1 " + str(numberofMailResults)
#if there are no results, try the outbox, this is fairly rare
if numberofMailResults == 0:
#print "d"
SearchQuery = generateSearchQuery("outbox",['docno:'+MailNumber_nospaces],['docno'],"Full")
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+SearchQuery,XmlSave_location,MailNumber+".xml"]
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+MailNumber+'.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
numberofMailResults = int(root.get('TotalResults'))
#print "number of mail Results2 " + str(numberofMailResults)
mail_id = -1 #gives a bad result if errors occur
if numberofMailResults == 0:
print "Searching mail number " + MailNumber + " produced 0 results, some kind of error. No results returned"
elif numberofMailResults >= 2:
print "Searching mail number " + MailNumber + " produced " + str(numberofMailResults) + " results, some kind of error"
elif numberofMailResults == 1:
#print "Searching mail number " + MailNumber + " produced 1 result, as expected."
mail_element = root.find('.//Mail')
mail_id = mail_element.get('MailId')
#print "x"
#print root
mailIDXMLPath = generateMailMetadata(mail_id)
print "Searching mail number " + MailNumber + " produced " + str(numberofMailResults) + " results, some kind of error."
return mail_id
#returns list of mail ids for related mail items
#expects a 9 digit number, e.g. 290640151
#as a side effect, downloads the metadata for each related mail item, and adds the reply meta-data to each mail xml
def generateRelatedMailIDs(MailID):
#find the thread ID given the mail id
#first find the threadid of the item of mail
#print "y"
#print MailID
MailIDXMLPath = generateMailMetadata(MailID)
tree = ET.parse(MailIDXMLPath)
root = tree.getroot()
threadID = root.find('ThreadId').text
#search for all mail items on that thread
#N.B. Search query very straightforward, no need for separate function
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+"mail/"+threadID+"/thread",XmlSave_location,threadID+"threadID.xml"]
thread_tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+threadID+"threadID.xml")
thread_root = thread_tree.getroot()
relatedMailIDs = []
#create a list of all the MailIDs in the thread
for mailobject in thread_root.iter('Mail'):
#download the mail meta-data for each item
for relatedMailID in relatedMailIDs:
#print "z"
relatedMailXMLPath = generateMailMetadata(relatedMailID)
#if not already added, transfer the data from the thread into the xml for the message
#find the element of the thread ID xml page
mailThreadItem = thread_root.find('.//Mail[@MailId="' + relatedMailID + '"]')
replyType = mailThreadItem.find('ReplyType').text
numberofreplies = len(list(mailThreadItem.iter('Mail')))-1
#add the reply type and and number of replies to the mailid.xml files for use later in determining approval status
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+relatedMailID+"mailid.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
if root.find('NumberOfReplies') == None:
if root.find('MailType') == None:
root.find('NumberOfReplies').text = str(numberofreplies)
root.find('MailType').text = replyType
return relatedMailIDs
#Searches through document metadata xml to find every transmit number, and returns all the mail numbers in threads with those transmittals
#Searches through all mail that includes the document number in either the subject or body of the message
#expects a path to an existing document metadata xml file, document ID (19 digit number), document number (e.g. 1EW02-CSJ-DS-DES-S003-000110)
#returns a list of Mail IDs
#as a side effect, downloads any outstanding mail xmls
def findAllRelatedMail(documentMetadataPath,DocumentID,DocumentNumber):
#search the inbox and outbox for any mail that includes the document number in the body, this should capture document number requests and uploads to HS2
#I have chosen not to then search the threads of those messages, assumed not to be of much value
relatedMailIDslist = []
relatedMailIDsxmlpathslist = []
SearchQuery = generateSearchQuery("inbox",['(subject:' + DocumentNumber + ' OR corrdata:' + DocumentNumber + ')'],['docno'],"Full")
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+SearchQuery,XmlSave_location,DocumentID+"relatedmailinbox.xml"]
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+DocumentID+"relatedmailinbox.xml")
root = tree.getroot().find('SearchResults')
for item in root.findall('Mail'):
SearchQuery = generateSearchQuery("outbox",['(subject:' + DocumentNumber + ' OR corrdata:' + DocumentNumber + ')'],['docno'],"Full")
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+SearchQuery,XmlSave_location,DocumentID+"relatedmailoutbox.xml"]
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+DocumentID+"relatedmailoutbox.xml")
root = tree.getroot().find('SearchResults')
for item in root.findall('Mail'):
for mailID in relatedMailIDslist:
#download all the xml files for these files if needed
#print "a"
tree2 = ET.parse(documentMetadataPath)
root2 = tree2.getroot()
for transmit_number in root2.findall('.//TransmitNumber'):
#print "q"
#print "transmit number " + transmit_number.text
MailID = generateMailIDfromMailNumber(transmit_number.text)
#find mail thread id
#print "p"
#print MailID
relatedMailIDs = generateRelatedMailIDs(MailID)
for relatedMailID in relatedMailIDs:
if len(relatedMailIDslist) > 1:
relatedMailIDslist = list(dict.fromkeys(relatedMailIDslist)) #this removes duplicates
return relatedMailIDslist
#given a mail item, uses its data to decide if the mail is approved or not approved and gives a reason
#expects a single mail ID (9 digit number)
#returns path to xml file for the mail, this xml file includes "ApprovalStatus" and "ApprovalStatusReason" tags
def classifyMailItem(mailID,DocumentId,DocumentNumber):
#alter approval status confidence, if it ends at more than 60, say approved, less than -60, no approval
ApprovalStatusConfidence = 0
print mailID
print DocumentId
print DocumentNumber
#get the mail number from each mailID file
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+mailID+"mailid.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
mailNumber = root.find('MailNo').text
#search the document xml for that mail number
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+DocumentId+"documentID.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
element = root.findall('.//CDEventLog[TransmitNumber="' + mailNumber + '"]') #N.B. no not leave spaces around the = sign
if len(element) ==1:
element = element[0]
ApprovalStatus = element.find('ApprovalStatus').text
ApprovalStatusReason = element.find('ApprovalStatusReason').text
print "approval status" + ApprovalStatus
print "approval status reason" + ApprovalStatusReason
#if mail xml does not already have approval status and approval status reason and approval status confidence, insert those
#update status and approval status reason in mail xml
tree = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+mailID+"mailid.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
if root.find('ApprovalStatus') == None:
element = ET.SubElement(root,'ApprovalStatus')
element.text = ApprovalStatus
if root.find('ApprovalStatusReason') == None:
element = ET.SubElement(root,'ApprovalStatusReason')
element.text = ApprovalStatusReason
element.text = element.text + ApprovalStatusReason
elif len(element)>1:
print str(len(element)) + "mails found with mail number " + str(mailNumber) + ", very unexpected."
print "element has length " + str(len(element)) + ", reasonably expected."
print ""
#add ApprovalStatus and ApprovalStatusReason tags to the xml file
#try to interpret if mail item is an approval or rejection
#signal 1: do the changes to the document include a 'Status 1' or 'Approved' status, is the ?
#import any existing Approval status tags from the document Id xml file
#this is pretty final, set confidence +100
#signal 2: is the mail type a rejection? -but to what documents exactly does it respond to?
#import any existing Approval status tags from the document Id xml file
#this is pretty final, can set ApprovalStatus -100
#signal 2: who sent the document?
#build into a ML model
#if sent by CSJV +10
#if not sent by CSJV -10
#signal 3: has the mail been marked 'closed out'?
#pull out of 'Status tag' of the mail
#build into a ML model, but ignore for now
#not sure about the exact logic that can be applied here, leave for now
#signal 3: does the reponse contain the word 'accepted' or 'approved' in its text, then likely to be approved
#need a robust way of separating the first mail out of the chain
#then an ML model or something less sophisticated?
#reasonably strong evidence, +30 if true
#signal 3b: does the filename of the attached document contain the work 'accepted' or 'approved' or 'signed', then likely to be approved
#fairly strong evidence, +40 if its true
x = root.find('MailData').text #the text in the response
y = root.find('.//FileName') #the filename - not all mails will have an attached document, duh!
if y == None:
y = "abc" #This is a short term fudge, to fix
y = y.text
if x != None:
if 'from' in x:
x = x.split('From:')[0]
if (('approv' in x or 'accept' in x or 'Approv' in x or 'Accept' in x or 'approv' in y or 'accept' in y) and ('for approv' not in x)):
print "Approval very probably granted on " + root.find('MailNo').text
#signal 4: does the response contain the work 'amend' in its text, unlikely to be approved
elif ('marked' in x or 'marked' in y or 'to be addressed' in x):
print "Very probably no approval on " + root.find('MailNo').text
print "Probably no approval on " + root.find('MailNo').text
#signal 4: from the thread information, has the message been responded to?
#if the last piece of mail, then some evidence of approval, +10
#signal 5:
#does the message look like document control responding to a DNR?
#i.e. from document control, containing the document number in the body of the message, DNR is in the thread (especially message following a DNR)
#signal 6:
#does the message look like document control signalling an upload to eB?
#a mail number with INT is in the body of the text, the mail number an INT, does person who sent it have <JobTitle> "Document Controller"?
#signal 7:
#does the message look like document control coming back from eB?
#does the transmit have both the document and a comments sheet, does the person who sent it have <JobTitle> "Document Controller"?
#key inputs for the program to function
AconexTestAPI1_location = r"C:/Users/david/Documents/Visual Studio 2015/Projects/AxonexTestAPI1/AxonexTestAPI1/bin/Debug/AxonexTestAPI1.exe"
AconexTestAPI2_location = r"c:/users/david/documents/visual studio 2015/Projects/AconexAPIGetFile/AconexAPIGetFile/bin/Debug/AconexAPIGetFile.exe"
AconexProject_location = ""
SearchQuery = ""
XmlSave_location = "D:/AllAconexDocuments/"
clearXmlSave_location = False #clears the folder of any existing xml files to give a fresh start, otherwise, they stay
#this is the overarching xml - where the numbers of every document returned in the search is stored
XmlSaveFileName ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') + ".xml"
#this is the overarching search query 'e.g. find every TBS in package 27c' or 'e.g. find TSB-000180'
#SearchQuery = generateSearchQuery("document",["attribute3:P027c*","(docno:TBS* OR docno:TSB*)"],["docno","title","statusid"],"Number_Limited&search_result_size=25")
SearchQuery = generateSearchQuery("document",["attribute3:P027c*"],["docno","title","statusid","Filename","versionnumber"],"Full")
#SearchQuery = generateSearchQuery("document",["attribute3:P027c*","(docno:TBS-000152)"],["docno","title","statusid"],"Number_Limited&search_result_size=Full")
call_command = [AconexTestAPI1_location,AconexProject_location+SearchQuery,XmlSave_location,XmlSaveFileName]
#alter the xml file to pull out some key information
tree1 = ET.parse(XmlSave_location+XmlSaveFileName)
root1 = tree1.getroot()
searchResults = root1.find('SearchResults')
y1 = 1
for child in searchResults:
DocumentId = child.attrib['DocumentId']
DocumentNumber = child.find('DocumentNumber').text
DocumentTitle = child.find('Title').text
DocumentFilename = child.find('Filename').text
DocumentVersionNumber = child.find('VersionNumber').text
if not DocumentFilename == None:
DocumentFilename, DocumentExtension = os.path.splitext(DocumentFilename)
if not os.path.exists(XmlSave_location+DocumentNumber+"_"+DocumentVersionNumber+DocumentExtension):
y1 = y1+1
print "Total number of documents is " + str(y1)
y2 = 1
for child in searchResults:
DocumentId = child.attrib['DocumentId']
DocumentNumber = child.find('DocumentNumber').text
DocumentTitle = child.find('Title').text
DocumentFilename = child.find('Filename').text
if not DocumentFilename == None:
DocumentFilename, DocumentExtension = os.path.splitext(DocumentFilename)
if not os.path.exists(XmlSave_location+DocumentNumber+"_"+DocumentVersionNumber+DocumentExtension):
print str(y2) + " of " + str(y1) + " has been downloaded"
y2 = y2+ 1
print DocumentId
print DocumentNumber
print DocumentExtension
print ""
call_command = [AconexTestAPI2_location,DocumentId,XmlSave_location,DocumentNumber+"_"+DocumentVersionNumber+DocumentExtension]
x = random.randint(3,10)
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Dexsys commented Nov 20, 2020

Muy buen trabajo..... me podrías indicar si esto permite bajar todos los correos de un proyecto en aconex? y si quiero bajar todos los documentos cargados... cual código me puede ayudar...
desde ya muchas gracias.

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Dexsys commented Nov 20, 2020

hi..... in line 396 and 397 have two EXE files.... please share to my... ?

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Muy buen trabajo..... me podrías indicar si esto permite bajar todos los correos de un proyecto en aconex? y si quiero bajar todos los documentos cargados... cual código me puede ayudar...
desde ya muchas gracias.

hey, afraid this was done a long time ago, so I don't really remember the details (and Aconex already had much better ways of doing this, just they were disabled on my project so I was working around those limitations). The .exe files were compiled C# files - which are the other gists on the page. If I remember correctly it was the easiest way to run a C# script from python, which is what Aconex had provided documentation for. A bit more detail is here

Sorry not to be more helpful, but I'm a structural engineer rather than a developer - so I basically make code until it works for my purpose, rather than it being any good!

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