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convert a mysql database to sqlite3
# convert a mysql database to sqlite3
# export-a-mysql-database-to-sqlite-database
# dump the mysql database to a txt file
# NOTE: including the database password inline will generate a warning
# simply say -p to be prompted
#mysqldump --skip-create-options --compatible=ansi --skip-extended-insert --compact --single-transaction -h$mysql_host -u$mysql_user -p$mysql_passwd $mysql_dbname > /tmp/localdb.txt
mysqldump --skip-create-options --compatible=ansi --skip-extended-insert --compact --single-transaction -h$mysql_host -u$mysql_user -p $mysql_dbname > /tmp/localdb.txt
# remove lines mentioning "PRIMARY KEY" or "KEY"
cat /tmp/localdb.txt | grep -v "PRIMARY KEY" | grep -v KEY > /tmp/localdb.txt.1
# mysqldump leaves trailing commas before closing parentheses
# CREATE ...
# ...,
# );
# my thanks to
# replacing-multiple-lines-in-sed-or-awk
# for this solution
# -0 sets the record separator to null, so the whole file will be read at once instead of line-by-line
# -p makes it print the result after the substitution
# -e has it take the next argument as the expression to run
# 's/,\n\)/\)/g'
# s(ubstitute)
# a ',' followed by a newline '\n' followed by a close paren (escaped) '\)'
# by simply a close paren (escaped) '\)'
# g(lobally)
perl -0pe 's/,\n\)/\)/g' /tmp/localdb.txt.1 > /tmp/localdb.txt.2
# Then you need to change all \' to ''
# where \ is escaped \\
# and ' is escaped '\''
# my thanks to
# how-do-i-replace-single-quotes-with-space-in-sed
# for the otherwise-unguessable escaping of single quotes in sed
sed -e 's/\\'\''/'\'''\''/g' /tmp/localdb.txt.2 > /tmp/localdb.txt.3
# Then save the old sqlite3 db and do the import:
if [ -e $sqlite3_dbname ]; then
mv $sqlite3_dbname $sqlite3_dbname.bak
sqlite3 $sqlite3_dbname < /tmp/localdb.txt.3
rm /tmp/localdb.txt*
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