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Created January 7, 2015 06:20
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A Sketch plugin for retrieving Spotify music track data
// sketch.scriptPath is an absolute path from ~ to the parent directory of the .sketchplugin
var pluginPath = sketch.scriptPath.substring(0, sketch.scriptPath.lastIndexOf('/'));
var baseUrl = ''
var el = getArray();
if (el != null) {
var alert = createAlertBase('spotify');
alert.setInformativeText("Customize the layers to map to.");
var responseCode = alert.runModal();
handleAlertResponse(alert, responseCode, el);
function handleAlertResponse(alert, responseCode, el) {
// The OK button will return a code of 1000
// Cancel is 1001.
// The codes are odd. They are based off the button's position in the view.
// They are explain in more detail in the NSAlert docs
// There's no anchor to it, but search for "Button Return Values" in the page
if (responseCode == "1000") {
var opts = {
query: valAtIndex(alert, 1),
var query = opts.query.replace(' ', '+');
var url = baseUrl + '/search?q=' + query + '&type=track';
sketch.doc.showMessage('Retrieving track data from Spotify...');
createAndPlaceContent(url, el);
// Creates a new bitmap image and adds it to the Layer group
function addImgToCanvas (el, img, layerName) {
var imageCollection = el.documentData().images();
var imageData = imageCollection.addImage_name_convertColourspace(img, layerName, false);
var newImage = MSBitmapLayer.alloc().initWithImage_parentFrame_name(imageData, el.frame(), layerName);
return newImage;
function createAndPlaceContent(url, el) {
var res = get(url);
var json = JSON.parse(NSString.alloc().initWithData_encoding(res, NSUTF8StringEncoding));
if (json) {
var tracks = json.tracks.items;
var num_of_tracks = el.count();
for (var i=0; i < num_of_tracks; i++) {
var data = tracks[i];
layer_group = el[0];
for (var j=0; j < layer_group.layers().count(); j++) {
var current_layer = layer_group.layers().objectAtIndex(j);
var key =;
var string_value = byString(data, key);
if (string_value) {
if (current_layer.className() == 'MSTextLayer') {
[current_layer setStringValue: String(string_value)];
else if (current_layer.className() == 'MSShapeGroup') {
var res = get(string_value);
var img = NSImage.alloc().initWithData(res);
addImgToCanvas(sketch.doc.currentPage(), img, "dave")
// newImage );
// Creates an alert using the CocoaScript COSAlertWindow class
function createAlertBase(service) {
var alert =;
var icon = NSImage.alloc().initByReferencingFile(pluginPath + '/lib/' + service + '.icns');
return alert;
function getArray() {
var app = NSApplication.sharedApplication();
var el = null;
var s = sketch.selection;
if (s.count() == 0) {
app.displayDialog_withTitle("You'll need to select a group or you can select nothing and we'll add the image to the current page.", "Invalid Selection");
} else {
return s;
// A quick way to get the value of text fields in the alerts
function valAtIndex (view, index) {
return view.viewAtIndex(index).stringValue()
function byString(o, s) {
s = s.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties
s = s.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot
var a = s.split('.');
while (a.length) {
var n = a.shift();
if (n in o) {
o = o[n];
} else {
return o;
// Make an HTTP GET Request to url.
function get(url) {
var request = NSURLRequest.requestWithURL(NSURL.URLWithString(url));
var response = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest_returningResponse_error(request, null, null);
return response;
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