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David Kryzaniak davidkryzaniak

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# The mac address of your Dash. Like: 74:75:48:b9:80:fb
# Number of seconds to wait in between checks
# Number of seconds to sleep after the button is pressed
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var locations = [
['Trip to X - Nov, 4th 2014', 47.06976, 15.43154, 1],
['Trip to Y - Oct, 1st 2012', 47.06975, 15.43116, 2],
['Trip to X - Oct, 1st 2012', 47.09399, 15.40548, 3],
['Trip to A - Oct, 1st 2012', 47.06993, 15.40727, 4],
['Trip to B - Oct, 1st 2012', 47.06934, 15.45888, 5],
['Trip to C - Oct, 1st 2012', 47.04572, 15.43234, 6],
['Trip to D - Oct, 1st 2012', 47.08350, 15.43212, 7],
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html::before{content:'Really?! Printing is so 1994...'}
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davidkryzaniak / Tomato_Device_List.php
Created July 7, 2014 03:46
Poll router (Tomato) for active devices on the network
* Returns an array of devices currently on the network
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: davidkryzaniak
* Date: 06/07/2014
* Time: 22:05
* User: @davidkryzaniak
* Date: 6/10/14
* Time: 15:10
class FuzzyDate{
private $SECOND = 1;