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Created December 28, 2015 17:32
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Util to get the fields defined on a class, as well as converting objects to maps
// TODO: think about whether this makes more sense as a trait...
class ClassUtils {
// exclude all fields that start with these prefixes from the list returned by getFields() method
private static final List<String> EXCLUDED_FIELD_PREFIXES = ['grails_', '$', '__']
// Added exclusion of "grails_" and "$" fields - causes problems with Validateable cmd objs.
// Added exclusion of "__" due to Cobertura adding "__cobertura_counters" field.
* Retrieve the names of all the non-synthetic fields on a class. That is, all the fields
* that a programmer added, not all the weirdness that Groovy et al throw in there.
* This may be useful for testing and data mapping purposes.
* @param clazz The input class
* @return A list of field names
static List<String> getFields(Class clazz) {
if (! clazz) return []
clazz.declaredFields.findAll {
! it.synthetic && ! EXCLUDED_FIELD_PREFIXES.any { prefix -> }
* Retrieve the defined fields and values from the given object as a map.
* Again, presumably useful for testing and data mapping purposes.
* @param obj The object from which to retrieve the properties
* @return The map of field names as keys and property values as values
static Map toMap(obj) {
if (! obj) return [:]
List<String> fields = getFields(obj.getClass())
fields.collectEntries { field ->
[ (field): obj."${field}"]
* Retrieve the defined fields and values from the given object as a map,
* but limit the returned fields to those specified in the fieldList input.
* @param obj The object from which to retrieve the properties
* @param fieldList The list of fields to return
* @return The map of field names as keys and property values as values
static Map toMap(obj, List<String> fieldList) {
if (! obj || ! fieldList) return [:]
List<String> fields = getFields(obj.getClass())
fields.intersect(fieldList).collectEntries { field ->
[ (field): obj."${field}"]
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