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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save davidkuster/8854008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save davidkuster/8854008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sublime Text 2 - dirty tabs tweak
Patch for highlight_modified_tabs
This tweak will make your modified tabs much more visible by setting them to a dark/purple-ish
background. Make a backup of your existing Default.sublime-theme first, and it's usually
necessary to reapply this patch after installing an updated version of ST2. Note that this
should work regardless of whether you have a dark or light theme in use.
This is done in the default Sublime theme, found at C:\Documents and Settings\username\
Application Data\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Theme - Default\Default.sublime-theme (Windows) or
/home/username/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Theme - Default/Default.sublime-theme (Ubuntu).
Paste the following text in at the end of the file, before the final "]".
"class": "tab_control",
"attributes": ["selected"],
//"tint_modifier": [75, 75, 75, 75], //[125, 125, 125, 125],
"layer2.texture": "Theme - Default/light_selected_tab_bg.png",
"layer2.opacity": 1,
"layer0.opacity": 1.0
"class": "tab_control",
"attributes": ["dirty"],
"tint_modifier": [255, 255, 0, 230],
"layer0.texture": "Theme - Default/dark_tab_mask3.png",
"layer2.texture": "Theme - Default/dark_unselected_tab_bg2.png",
"layer2.opacity": 1.0
"class": "tab_control",
"attributes": ["file_light_dark","dirty"],
"tint_modifier": [155, 155, 255, 255],
"layer2.texture": "Theme - Default/dark_selected_tab_bg.png",
"layer2.opacity": 1,
"layer0.opacity": 1.0
"class": "tab_control",
"attributes": ["selected","file_light_dark","dirty"],
"tint_modifier": [155, 155, 255, 255],
"layer2.texture": "Theme - Default/light_selected_tab_bg.png",
"layer2.opacity": 1,
"layer0.opacity": 1.0
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