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Created October 27, 2023 16:28
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Script to report stats on a Git project. Who's been working nights and weekends? (Spoiler alert: this guy)
# Pass project dir as a param (could be '.' for the current dir)
cd $1
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
echo "This is not a valid git directory."
exit 1
# Convert email to a case-insensitive regex pattern
case_insensitive_pattern() {
local email="$1"
local pattern=""
for (( i=0; i<${#email}; i++ )); do
if [[ "$char" =~ [a-zA-Z] ]]; then
lower=$(echo "$char" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
upper=$(echo "$char" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
echo "$pattern"
# Get stats for the given developer
process_commits() {
local email="$1"
local pattern=$(case_insensitive_pattern "$email")
echo "$email:"
# Total commits
total_commits=$(git log --author="$pattern" --oneline | wc -l)
# Commits before noon
before_noon=$(git log --author="$pattern" --pretty=format:'%ad' --date=format:'%H:%M' | awk -F: '$1 < 12' | wc -l)
# Commits between noon and 5pm
noon_to_5pm=$(git log --author="$pattern" --pretty=format:'%ad' --date=format:'%H:%M' | awk -F: '$1 >= 12 && $1 < 17' | wc -l)
# Commits after 5pm
after_5pm=$(git log --author="$pattern" --pretty=format:'%ad' --date=format:'%H:%M' | awk -F: '$1 >= 17' | wc -l)
# Commits on weekends (note these might be double counting some of what's above)
weekend_commits=$(git log --author="$pattern" --pretty=format:'%ad' | grep -E '^(Sat|Sun)' | wc -l)
echo " Total commits: $total_commits"
echo " Commits before noon: $before_noon"
echo " Commits from 12-5pm: $noon_to_5pm"
echo " Commits after 5pm: $after_5pm"
echo " Commits on weekends: $weekend_commits"
echo ""
echo -e "Getting git statistics...\n"
# Get list of authors
authors=$(git log --format='%aE' | sort -uf)
# Process each author
while IFS= read -r author; do
process_commits "$author"
done <<< "$authors"
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