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Last active March 7, 2017 21:36
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Slate JS config
// slate javascript config
// global configs
slate.log("-- setting up global configs --");
defaultToCurrentScreen: false,
orderScreensLeftToRight: true,
checkDefaultsOnLoad: true,
nudgePercentOf: "screenSize",
windowHintsBackgroundColor : "50;53;58;1.0",
windowHintsFontColor: "255.0;255.0;255.0;1.0", // Red;Green;Blue;Alpha - R/G/B are numbers between 0.0 and 255.0 and Alpha is a number between 0.0 and 1.0
windowHintsShowIcons: false,
windowHintsIgnoreHiddenWindows: false,
windowHintsSpread: false,
windowHintsDuration: 5
// screen references
var leftScreenRef = "0";
var middleScreenRef = "1";
var rightScreenRef = "2";
// slate operations
slate.log("-- setting up operations --");
// generic operations
var hint = slate.operation("hint", {
var nudgeDownAndRight = slate.operation("nudge", {
"x" : "+2%",
"y" : "+2%"
// 0,0 for x,y = top left corner of screen. x = width, y = height.
// all offsets need to be % values between 0-1: "0", "0.1", "0.85", "1", etc
// (width & height offsets should never be 0)
var buildOpParameters = function(screen, xPlacementOffset, yPlacementOffset, widthOffset, heightOffset) {
return {
"screen": screen,
"x" : "screenOriginX + (screenSizeX * " + xPlacementOffset + ")",
"y" : "screenOriginY + (screenSizeY * " + yPlacementOffset + ")",
"width" : "screenSizeX * " + widthOffset,
"height" : "screenSizeY * " + heightOffset
// operation to maximize a window to full screen
var fullScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0", "1", "1"));
// operation to center a window on the screen, at 80% width and 80% height
var centerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0.1", "0.1", "0.8", "0.8"));
// operation to place a window in the top left corner of the given screen
// (currently only used in conjunction with the stackMultipleWindows function)
var topLeftScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("corner", {
"screen": screen,
"direction": "top-left"
// operation to place a window 30% below the upper left corner, sized to 80% width, 40% height
// (currently only used with the stackMultipleWindows function)
var customSizedScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0.3", "0.8", "0.4"));
// operation to place a window to 85% width, full height, right-justified on the given screen
// (currently only used for the triple monitor layout)
var right85ScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0.15", "0", "0.85", "1"));
// operation to place a window to 85% width, full height, left-justified on the given screen
var left85ScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0", "0.85", "1"));
// operation to place a window to just under 60% height, full width, top-justified on the given screen
var top60ScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0", "1", "0.549"));
// back height off from 0.55 just a bit for some visual separation
// operation to place a window 100% width, 55% height on the given screen
// (intended for use on vertically-oriented monitors)
var fullWidthCenterHeightScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0.225", "1", "0.55"));
// operation to place a window 100% width, 45% height, bottom-justified
var bottom45ScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0.55", "1", "0.45"));
// operation to place a window in the top left corner of the given screen, 60% width, 45% height
var top55Left60CornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0", "0.6", "0.55"));
// operation to place a window in the top right corner of the given screen, 60% width, 45% height
var top55Right60CornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0.4", "0", "0.6", "0.55"));
// operation to place a window in the bottom left corner of the given screen, 60% width, 45% height
var bottom45Left60CornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0.55", "0.6", "0.45"));
// operation to place a window in the bottom right corner of the given screen, 60% width, 45% height
var bottom45Right60CornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0.4", "0.55", "0.6", "0.45"));
// operation to place a window in the bottom left corner of the given screen, 50% width, 50% height
var bottomLeftCornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0.5", "0.5", "0.5"));
// operation to place a window in the bottom right corner of the given screen, 50% width, 50% height
var bottomRightCornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0.5", "0.5", "0.5", "0.5"));
// operation to place a window in the top left corner of the given screen, 50% width, 50% height
var topLeftCornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0", "0.5", "0.5"));
// operation to place a window in the top right corner of the given screen, 50% width, 50% height
var topRightCornerScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0.5", "0", "0.5", "0.5"));
// operation to place a window on the right half of the screen, full height
var rightHalfScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0.5", "0", "0.5", "100"));
// operation to place a window on the left half of the screen, full height
var leftHalfScreenOp = function(screen) {
return slate.operation("move", buildOpParameters(screen, "0", "0", "0.5", "100"));
// utility method to focus on the given app
// (currently only used in conjunction with window-specific focus bindings below)
var focusAppOp = function(appName) {
var focus = slate.operation("focus", {
"app": appName
return focus;
// utility method to focus on the given window title, once an app has received focus
// (currently only used in conjunction with window-specific focus bindings below)
// needs to be cleaned up - with the exclusion of /shelved/ & /reference/ this is too specific to sublime...
var focusWinOp = function(win, titleMatcher) { {
var title = w.title();
if (title !== undefined && title.match(titleMatcher) && (! title.match(/shelved/)) && (! title.match(/reference/))) {
* Pseudo-operation function.
* @param win - Slate Window object. See
* @param startPosOperation - Slate Operation function. See
var stackMultipleWindows = function(win, startPosOperation) {
var winNum = 0; {
for (i=0; i < winNum; i++) {
// app-specific operations
var sublimeTextOp = function(win) {
var title = win.title();
// put shelved code in the right monitor
if (title !== undefined && title.match(/shelved/)) {
"screen": rightScreenRef,
"x": "screenOriginX + 100",
"y": "screenOriginY + 60",
"width": 1200,
"height": 800
else if (title !== undefined && title.match(/reference/)) {
else if (title !== undefined && title.match(/notes/)) {
else if (title !== undefined && title.match(/Public API Design/)) {
else {
// default to full screen in the left monitor
var commandCenterOp = function(win) {
"screen": rightScreenRef,
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY + 181",
"width": "1080",
"height": "550"
var mailOp = function(win) {
win.move(buildOpParameters(middleScreenRef, "0.85", "0", "0.85", "1"));
var slackOp = function(win) {
win.move(buildOpParameters(leftScreenRef, "0", "0.20", "0.6", "0.80"));
var pomelloOp = function(win) {
// function(screen, xPlacementOffset, yPlacementOffset, widthOffset, heightOffset) {
win.move(buildOpParameters(rightScreenRef, "0.5", "0", "0.4", "0.1"));
var finderOp = function(win) {
var title = win.title();
var winNum = 0; {
if (winNum === 0) {
else if (winNum == 1) {
else {
// layouts
slate.log("-- setting up layouts --");
var tripleMonitorLayout = slate.layout("triple_monitor", {
/*"_after_": {
"operations" : [ slate.operation("focus", {
"app": "Safari"
"ignore-fail": true
// idea was to focus Safari only on desktop 1, but this will actually switch to desktop 1
// regardless of which desktop the layout is run on. which presents an interesting idea...
// it may be possible to write a function which applies the layout for desktop 1, then
// focuses an app on desktop 2, does the layout there, then repeat for desktops 3 & 4...
// desktop 1
"Mail": {
"operations": [ function(win) {
"ignore-fail": true,
"repeat": true
"Calendar": {
"operations": [ bottomRightCornerScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ]
"Safari": {
"operations": [
"ignore-fail": true,
"main-first": false
"Messages": {
"operations": [ top55Left60CornerScreenOp(leftScreenRef) ]
"Slack": {
"operations": [ function(win) {
"ignore-fail": true
"Pomello": {
"operations": [ function(win) {
"ignore-fail": true
// desktop 2
"Firefox": {
//"operations": [ fullWidthCenterHeightScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ],
"operations": [ leftHalfScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ],
"ignore-fail": true,
"main-first": true
"iTerm": {
"operations": [ rightHalfScreenOp(leftScreenRef), bottomRightCornerScreenOp(leftScreenRef), topRightCornerScreenOp(leftScreenRef) ],
"ignore-fail": true,
"repeat": true
"Terminal": {
"operations": [ topLeftCornerScreenOp(leftScreenRef) ]
"Kitematic (Beta)": {
"operations": [ bottom45ScreenOp(middleScreenRef) ]
"Sublime Text 2": {
// set specific locations for sublime windows
"operations": [ function(win) {
"ignore-fail": true,
"repeat": true
"IntelliJ IDEA": {
"operations": [ fullScreenOp(middleScreenRef) ],
"repeat": true
"Dash": {
//"operations": [ fullWidthCenterHeightScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ]
"operations": [ rightHalfScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ]
"GrailsCommandCenter": {
// put GrailsCommandCenter in a custom spot, so not using a reusable operation
"operations": [ function(win) {
"ignore-fail": true
// desktop 3
"Aqua Data Studio": {
"operations": [ left85ScreenOp(leftScreenRef) ]
"Oracle SQL Developer": {
"operations": [ left85ScreenOp(leftScreenRef) ]
"VMware Fusion": {
"operations": [ bottom45ScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ],
"repeat": true
"Google Chrome": {
"operations": [ bottom45ScreenOp(rightScreenRef), top60ScreenOp(rightScreenRef), centerScreenOp(middleScreenRef) ],
"ignore-fail": true
// desktop 4
"Evernote": {
"operations": [ fullWidthCenterHeightScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ]
"Chromium": {
"operations": [ centerScreenOp(middleScreenRef), rightHalfScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ],
"repeat": true
"PowerPoint": {
"operations": [ function(win) {
stackMultipleWindows(win, topLeftScreenOp(middleScreenRef));
"ignore-fail": true
"iTunes": {
"operations": [ centerScreenOp(middleScreenRef) ]
"Numbers": {
"operations": [ fullScreenOp(leftScreenRef) ]
"Photos": {
"operations": [ bottom45ScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ]
// desktop 5
"OmniGraffle 6": {
// put the first window in the upper left corner of the middle screen,
// then nudge down any additional windows
"operations": [ function(win) {
stackMultipleWindows(win, topLeftScreenOp(middleScreenRef));
"ignore-fail": true
"Notability": {
"operations": [ top60ScreenOp(rightScreenRef) ],
"ignore-fail": true
// multiple desktops
"Finder": {
"operations": [ function(win) {
"ignore-fail": true
"TextEdit": {
"operations": [ bottom45Left60CornerScreenOp(leftScreenRef) ]
"Preview": {
// put the first window in the upper left corner of the middle screen,
// then nudge down any additional windows
"operations": [ function(win) {
stackMultipleWindows(win, customSizedScreenOp(leftScreenRef));
"ignore-fail": true
// key bindings
slate.log("-- setting up bindings --");
// bind the layout to super+tilde key combo
slate.bind("`:alt", slate.operation("layout", { "name": tripleMonitorLayout }));
// bind super + escape to window hints for quickly changing focus (as opposed to alt+tab)
//slate.bind("esc:alt", hint);
slate.bind("space:alt", hint);
// use super + pseudo-arrow key approach to move windows around (across all 3 screens)
slate.bind("i:alt", top60ScreenOp(middleScreenRef));
slate.bind("l:alt", fullWidthCenterHeightScreenOp(rightScreenRef));
slate.bind("o:alt", top60ScreenOp(rightScreenRef));
slate.bind("u:alt", top60ScreenOp(leftScreenRef));
slate.bind(",:alt", bottom45ScreenOp(middleScreenRef));
slate.bind("m:alt", bottom45ScreenOp(leftScreenRef));
slate.bind(".:alt", bottom45ScreenOp(rightScreenRef));
slate.bind("k:alt", centerScreenOp(middleScreenRef));
slate.bind("j:alt", fullWidthCenterHeightScreenOp(leftScreenRef));
// use super + ctrl + pseudo-arrow key to move windows around on the current screen
slate.bind("i:alt,ctrl", function(win) { fullScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind("l:alt,ctrl", function(win) { rightHalfScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind("o:alt,ctrl", function(win) { topRightCornerScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind("u:alt,ctrl", function(win) { topLeftCornerScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind(",:alt,ctrl", function(win) { bottom45ScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind("m:alt,ctrl", function(win) { bottomLeftCornerScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind(".:alt,ctrl", function(win) { bottomRightCornerScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind("k:alt,ctrl", function(win) { centerScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
slate.bind("j:alt,ctrl", function(win) { leftHalfScreenOp(win.screen().id()).run(); });
// window-specific focus bindings (for commonly used windows)
// bind super+p to find Profile Service sublime window
slate.bind("p:alt", function(win) {
focusAppOp("Sublime Text 2").run();
focusWinOp(win, /Profile Service/);
// bind super+n to find Northstar (all projects) sublime window
slate.bind("n:alt", function(win) {
focusAppOp("Sublime Text 2").run();
focusWinOp(win, /Northstar \(all projects\)/);
// bind super+e to find IntelliJ (mnemonic: IDE - the "e")
slate.bind("e:alt", function(win) {
focusAppOp("IntelliJ IDEA").run();
// bind super+d to find Dash
slate.bind("d:alt", function(win) {
// the end
slate.log("-- slate.js finished load --");
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