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Created November 30, 2012 15:36
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Demo for Prism.js pull request 61 re: empty CDATA sections
/* Demo for Prism.js pull request 61 re: empty CDATA sections */
<!-- Demo for Prism.js pull request 61 re: empty CDATA sections -->
<!-- -->
<hello>This is a demo of XML-style markup with some CDATA sections (empty and non-empty) for <a href="">Prism pull request 61</a>. Note how Prism (in the "HTML & Result" panel) highlights the markup:</hello>
<demo-content status="wraps-correctly">
<text>A non-empty CDATA section works great!</text>
<data><![CDATA[&lt;p>Not empty&lt;/p&gt;]]></data>
<demo-content status="wraps-correctly">
<text>A non-empty CDATA section works great:</text>
<data><![CDATA[&lt;p&gt;Not empty&lt;/p&gt;]]></data>
<text>Another non-empty CDATA section also works great:</text>
<data><![CDATA[&lt;p&gt;Not empty&lt;/p&gt;]]></data>
<demo-content status="wraps-incorrectly">
<text>An empty CDATA section:</text>
<text>Another empty CDATA section:</text>
<demo-content status="wraps-incorrectly">
<text>An empty CDATA section causes Prism to insert an element wrapping the CDATA tag and all content up to the "]]>" text in the second "text" node.</text>
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