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Last active September 18, 2023 05:34
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Python helpler class to call api under rate limit
import asyncio
import heapq
from time import monotonic
from typing import Iterable, Dict, Any, List, Callable, Optional
import datetime
import inspect
class RateLimit:
def __init__(self, num: int, duration: datetime.timedelta):
num: number of calls permited
duration: time window
self._num = num
self._duration = duration
def num(self):
return number of calls permitted
return self._num
def duration(self):
return duration in seconds
return self._duration.seconds
class CostTuple:
def __init__(self, cost: float, timestamp: float):
cost: cost of the job
timestamp: timestamp of the job
self.cost = cost
self.timestamp = timestamp
def __tuple__(self):
return self.cost, self.timestamp
def __dict__(self):
return {"cost": self.cost, "timestamp": self.timestamp}
def __repr__(self):
return f"CostTuple(cost={self.cost}, timestamp={self.timestamp})"
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.timestamp < other.timestamp
class CostQueue:
A sliding window priority queue, coroutine-safe
def __init__(self):
self._queue = []
self._mutex = asyncio.Lock()
async def put(self, cost_tuple: CostTuple):
async with self._mutex:
heapq.heappush(self._queue, cost_tuple)
async def get(self):
async with self._mutex:
return heapq.heappop(self._queue)
async def peek(self):
async with self._mutex:
return self._queue[0]
def empty(self):
return not self._queue
async def size(self):
async with self._mutex:
return len(self._queue)
async def sum(self):
async with self._mutex:
return sum([s.cost for s in self._queue])
class RateLimitedCaller:
def __init__(self, limits: List[RateLimit]):
limits: a list of RateLimit
self.cost_queues = [CostQueue() for _ in limits] # a sliding window
self.limits_param = limits # rate limit converted
async def submit(
fn, args: Iterable[Any] = None,
kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None,
cost: float = None,
cost_cb: Callable = None
fn: function to call
args: args to pass to fn
kwargs: kwargs to pass to fn
cost: pre-calculated cost
cost_cb: callback to adjust cost
# check if we are over the limits and wait if necessary
cost_tuples: List[Optional[CostTuple]] = [None for _ in self.limits_param]
for idx, (q, limit_param) in enumerate(zip(self.cost_queues, self.limits_param)):
idx: int
q: CostQueue
while True:
# clear out dated
current_time = monotonic()
while not q.empty() and current_time - (await q.peek()).timestamp > limit_param.duration:
await q.get()
if (await q.sum()) >= limit_param.num:
# if busy, sleep until the oldest timestamp is out of the window
await asyncio.sleep(limit_param.duration - current_time - (await q.peek()).timestamp)
# else, add the job, pass this limit check
if cost is not None:
cost_tuple = CostTuple(float(cost), current_time)
cost_tuple = CostTuple(1, current_time)
await q.put(cost_tuple)
cost_tuples[idx] = cost_tuple
# call the job
args = () if args is None else args
kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs
if fn is None:
return None
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn):
res = await fn(*args, **kwargs)
res = fn(*args, **kwargs)
# calculate cost after the job is done
if cost_cb is not None:
for cost_tuple in cost_tuples:
if cost_tuple is not None:
cost_cb(cost_tuple, res, *args, **kwargs) # this will modify cost_tuple.cost
return res
async def wait(self, jobs):
jobs: a list of jobs
return await asyncio.gather(*jobs)
async def main():
import time
import httpx
import requests
# define two tasks
def task1(x: int, y: int):
simulate a heavy computation task
print(f"x({x})+y({y})={x + y}")
for _ in range(100000):
# simulate a long running task
p = x + y
return x + y
def task2(path: str, msg: str):
write msg to local file
print(f"write: {msg}")
with open(path, "a+") as f:
f.write(msg + "\n")
def task3(url):
use requests to make sync requests
res = requests.get(url)
return res.text
async def task4(url):
use httpx to make async requests
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
r = await client.get(url)
return r.text
async def task5(url):
use httpx to make async requests
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
r = await client.get(url)
return r.text
def cost5(cost_tuple, res, *args, **kwargs):
modify cost_tuple.cost
cost_tuple.cost = len(res) / 1000
# create a limited caller
caller = RateLimitedCaller(
RateLimit(2500, datetime.timedelta(seconds=15)), # 25 calls in 15 seconds
RateLimit(500, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) # 5 calls in 1 second (burst)
tasks = [
(task1, lambda idx: (0, idx), lambda idx: None, lambda idx: 100, None),
(task2, lambda idx: None, lambda idx: {"path": "./log", "msg": str(idx)}, lambda idx: 1000, None),
(task3, lambda idx: ("",), lambda idx: None, lambda idx: 1000, None),
(task4, lambda idx: ("",), lambda idx: None, lambda idx: 1000, None),
(task5, lambda idx: ("",), lambda idx: None, lambda idx: 1000, cost5),
# tasks = tasks[-1:]
# test1
for task, vargs, vkwargs, cost, cost_cb in tasks:
start_t = time.time()
results = [] # save results
for i in range(100):
results.append(caller.submit(task, args=vargs(i), kwargs=vkwargs(i), cost=cost(i), cost_cb=cost_cb))
print("all jobs submitted")
results = await caller.wait(results) # wait for all jobs to finish
print(f"duration={time.time() - start_t}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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