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Last active May 17, 2024 00:11
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Get/Set Service Recovery Settings
Manages the recovery options of Windows services.
This script can retrieve or set the recovery options of specified Windows services using the `sc.exe` utility. It supports operations on multiple services at once by accepting service names with wildcards or regex patterns. The script allows for configuring how the service responds to first, second, and subsequent failures.
.PARAMETER ServiceNames
Array of service names or patterns to match against existing services.
Specifies the operation to perform: 'get' (retrieve recovery options) or 'set' (configure recovery options).
.PARAMETER FirstFailure
Specifies the action to take on the first failure.
Specifies the delay before taking the first failure action (in milliseconds).
.PARAMETER SecondFailure
Specifies the action to take on the second failure.
.PARAMETER SecondDelay
Specifies the delay before taking the second failure action (in milliseconds).
.PARAMETER SubsequentFailure
Specifies the action to take on subsequent failures.
.PARAMETER SubsequentDelay
Specifies the delay before taking the subsequent failure action (in milliseconds).
Specifies the time (in seconds) after which the failure count should reset to zero.
.\manageServiceRecovery.ps1 -ServiceNames 'wuauserv', 'bits' -Ops 'get'
Retrieves the recovery options for the 'wuauserv' and 'bits' services.
.\manageServiceRecovery.ps1 -ServiceNames '*sql*' -Ops 'set' -FirstFailure 'restart' -FirstDelay 60000 -SecondFailure 'restart' -SecondDelay 300000 -SubsequentFailure 'restart' -SubsequentDelay 900000 -ResetDelay 86400
Sets the recovery options for all services that include 'sql' in their names, configuring restart actions with specified delays.
Ensure that `sc.exe` is available and the script is run with administrative privileges to manage service settings effectively.
param (
[ValidateSet("get", "set")]
[string]$FirstFailure = "restart",
[int]$FirstDelay = 60000,
[string]$SecondFailure = "restart",
[int]$SecondDelay = 900000,
[string]$SubsequentFailure = "restart",
[int]$SubsequentDelay = 900000,
[int]$ResetDelay = 86400
foreach ($ServiceName in $ServiceNames) {
$services = Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $ServiceName }
if ($services.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($srv in $services) {
switch ($Ops) {
"get" {
Write-Output "Retrieving recovery options for Service: $($srv.Name)"
Try {
& sc.exe qc $srv.Name
& sc.exe qfailure $srv.Name
} Catch {
Write-Error "Failed to retrieve settings for $($srv.Name): $_"
"set" {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($srv.Name)", "Set recovery options")) {
Write-Output "Setting recovery options for Service: $($srv.Name)"
Try {
$result = & sc.exe failure $srv.Name reset= $ResetDelay actions= "$FirstFailure/$FirstDelay/$SecondFailure/$SecondDelay/$SubsequentFailure/$SubsequentDelay" 2>&1
Write-Output "Recovery options set successfully."
} Catch {
Write-Error "Failed to set recovery options: $_"
} else {
Write-Output "No service found matching $ServiceName"
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