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Created June 10, 2018 16:24
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"title": "The End of History?",
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"title": "The Crucible",
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"title": "Songs of Experience",
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"title": "The Sun Also Rises",
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"title": "The Faerie Queene, 1596",
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"title": "The Fugue",
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"title": "Suicide",
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"title": "Annals",
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"title": "Envisioning Information",
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"title": "The Consolation of Philosophy",
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"title": "The God of Small Things",
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"title": "Database Management Systems",
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"title": "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema",
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"surname": "Emerson",
"title": "The American Scholar",
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"title": "When Work Disappears",
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"surname": "Alcott",
"title": "Little Women",
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"title": "The Location of Culture",
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"surname": "Doctorow",
"title": "Ragtime",
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"title": "The Practice of Everyday Life",
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"title": "The Messiah",
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"title": "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God",
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"title": "Paradise Lost : Book I",
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"title": "Doctor Faustus",
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"title": "A Short Guide to Writing About Film",
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"title": "Sister Carrie",
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"title": "American Pastoral",
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"title": "F. Chopin",
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"title": "Zen",
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"title": "Angels in America",
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"title": "Hair, Hair",
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"title": "Monte Cristo",
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"title": "The Negro Speaks of Rivers",
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"title": "Amusing Ourselves to Death",
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"title": "Introductory Econometrics : A Modern Approach",
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"title": "The Praise of Folly",
"x": -19.15504264831543,
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"title": "Hitler",
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"surname": "Singer",
"title": "Animal Liberation",
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"surname": "Bowles",
"title": "The Sheltering Sky",
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"title": "Tom Sawyer",
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"surname": "Homer",
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"count": 36,
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"title": "Political Liberalism",
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"title": "Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics",
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"surname": "Plato",
"title": "Protagoras",
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"surname": "Oppenheim",
"title": "Questionnaire Design, Interviewing, and Attitude Measurement",
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"surname": "Momaday",
"title": "The Way to Rainy Mountain",
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"title": "Activists Beyond Borders : Advocacy Networks in International Politics",
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"title": "Ecclesiastical History",
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"title": "Nineteen Eighty-Four",
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"title": "The Giver",
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"title": "The Supreme Court",
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"title": "The Problems of Philosophy",
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"surname": "Date",
"title": "An Introduction to Database Systems",
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"title": "The Tell-Tale Heart",
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"title": "Small Island",
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"title": "Operating Systems",
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"title": "The Duchess of Malfi",
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"title": "The War of the Worlds",
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"title": "Virginia Woolf",
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"title": "The Image of the City",
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"title": "Changes in the Land : Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England",
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"title": "Artificial Intelligence",
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"title": "The Human Condition",
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"title": "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money",
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"title": "Understanding Organizations",
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"title": "Tartuffe",
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"title": "Crabgrass Frontier : The Suburbanization of the United States",
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"surname": "Davis",
"title": "Life in the Iron Mills",
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"title": "Trojan Women",
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"title": "Oedipus at Colonus:",
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"title": "The Satanic Verses",
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"title": "Brock Biology of Microorganisms",
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"title": "The Management of a Student Research Project",
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"title": "Prometheus",
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"title": "Quarterly Review",
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"title": "Contemporary Strategy Analysis",
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"title": "Chapter 17",
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"title": "The Modern World-System",
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"title": "Classical Mechanics",
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"title": "Selected Poems",
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"title": "The New Negro",
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"title": "Elementary Differential Equations",
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"title": "The Castle of Otranto",
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"title": "The Remains of the Day",
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"title": "Summa Theologiae",
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"title": "His Excellency : George Washington",
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"title": "Short Stories",
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"title": "Aurora Leigh",
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"title": "Educational Psychology",
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"title": "Jude the Obscure",
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"title": "Genes",
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"title": "Ethics and Politics",
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"title": "The Strength of Weak Ties",
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"title": "National Security",
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"surname": "Moore",
"title": "Watchmen",
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"title": "Carmen",
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"title": "The Yellow Wall Paper",
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"title": "[Poetry Reading",
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"title": "Understanding and Using English Grammar",
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"title": "Economic Growth",
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"title": "Vanity Fair",
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"title": "The Battleship Potemkin",
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"title": "A Course in Phonetics",
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"title": "Mother Tongue",
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"title": "Consider the Lobster",
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"title": "Doing Gender",
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"title": "Areopagitica",
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"title": "Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma",
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"title": "Disgrace",
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"title": "Wallace Stevens",
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"title": "A Rumor of War",
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"title": "In Our Time",
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"title": "Twentieth Century",
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"title": "Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences",
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"title": "Writing Analytically",
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"title": "A Brief History of Neoliberalism",
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"title": "The False Promise of International Institutions",
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"title": "The Democratic Peace",
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"title": "The Second Shift",
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"title": "Political Order in Changing Societies",
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"title": "Measure for Measure",
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"title": "The Will to Believe :",
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"title": "Biographia Literaria",
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"title": "Slightly Out of Focus",
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"title": "The Girl in the Glass",
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"title": "To Autumn",
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"title": "The Cottagers",
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"title": "Divided Kingdom",
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"title": "Crossing California",
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"title": "The Angel of Forgetfulness",
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"title": "The Spectator",
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"title": "Plain Heathen Mischief",
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"title": "Last One In",
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"title": "Women in Love",
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"title": "The Secret Garden",
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"title": "Agricola",
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"title": "A Defense of Abortion",
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"title": "Childhood and Society",
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"title": "The Country and the City",
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"title": "Communication Systems",
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"title": "Mathematical Statistics With Applications",
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"surname": "Flick",
"title": "An Introduction to Qualitative Research",
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"title": "The Unfinished Nation : A Concise History of the American People",
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"title": "Microeconomics",
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"title": "Intentional Interviewing and Counseling",
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"title": "Physics for Scientists & Engineers",
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"surname": "Janson",
"title": "History of Art",
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"surname": "Domhoff",
"title": "Who Rules America?",
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"surname": "Momaday",
"title": "House Made of Dawn",
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"title": "Borderlands = La Frontera",
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"title": "The Monadology",
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"title": "Cinema Studies : The Key Concepts",
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"title": "The New Century Handbook",
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"title": "Parmenides",
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"title": "Accounting for Non-Accounting Students",
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"surname": "Murasaki shikibu",
"title": "The Tale of Genji",
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"title": "Wilderness and the American Mind",
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"title": "Power/Knowledge : Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977",
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"title": "New Atlantis",
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"title": "Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses",
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"title": "Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes",
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"title": "The Twentieth Century",
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"title": "New and Old Wars",
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"title": "The Third Wave : Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century",
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"title": "Public Choice",
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"title": "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs",
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"title": "Virginia Woolf",
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"title": "We Have Never Been Modern",
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"title": "Late Antiquity",
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"title": "We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families : Stories From Rwanda",
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"title": "In the Second Place",
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"title": "The Machine in the Garden",
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"title": "Rabelais and His World",
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"title": "Gender and the Politics of History",
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"title": "Engineering Mechanics--Statics",
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"title": "On Becoming a Leader",
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"title": "Novum Organum",
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"title": "The Bloody Chamber",
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"title": "Building Construction Illustrated",
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"title": "Go Tell It on the Mountain",
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"title": "The Inner Game of Music",
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"title": "Regarding the Pain of Others",
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"title": "[Twelfth Night]",
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"title": "The Secret Agent",
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"title": "The Chocolate War",
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"title": "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality",
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"title": "Abraham Lincoln",
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"title": "Anti-Discriminatory Practice",
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"title": "The Freedom of a Christian",
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"title": "International Human Rights",
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"title": "National Identity",
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"title": "Bastard Out of Carolina",
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"title": "Design With Nature",
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"title": "My Bondage and My Freedom",
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"title": "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies",
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"title": "Woman in the Nineteenth Century",
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