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Created May 18, 2012 16:20
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Deploy octopress to heroku without crufting your repo with generated files
#! /bin/sh
# For octopress/heroku: generate site, deploy, and tag as "deploy-yyyy-mm-dd"
# This allows you to keep your public/ assets out of git,
# and only add them just before deploying
BRANCH=`git symbolic-ref -q HEAD | sed 's/refs\/heads\///'`
SHA=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
echo 'deploying branch:'
echo $BRANCH
# in case we killed this script previously
git branch -D deploy
# (you could also git stash here)
git co -b deploy
# build all the things
rake generate
# add generated stuff (force because it's .gitignored)
git add -f public
# commit and tag
git ci -m "generate site for heroku deployment"
git tag -f deploy-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`-$SHA
#restore initial state
# (you could also git stash apply here, etc.)
git co $BRANCH
git push -f heroku deploy:master
git branch -D deploy
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