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  • Save davidmontgom/50badd79b9b91fbcd8cc3e4fa6adadd9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
starting loop
predicted mode: 0.0
car trip
Connecting to PlanetDB(, root, Tripupload808, gis)
Connection to database established.
Starting map matching
Cleaning data...
Removing 0 fast, 0 slow, 363 low dist points (78.0 percent; recursion level 100)
Calculating velocities and directions...
Fetching all possible ways within radius 50...
waays a
waays b
Building in-memory cache...
Loaded 348 nodes and 61 ways with 347 links
Calculating emission probabilities...
Cleaning points with no way matches...
Calculating transition probabilities...
Calculating transition probabilities...
Extracting probable path...
Generating summary...
Done: 99 points in 0.3 sec (375 points/sec) matching, 0.0 sec summary
stats are:
{'t_velocity_direction': 0.013542890548706055, 't_hmm': 0.050276994705200195, 'cleaned_points': 99, 'gps_distance': 3502.1588190478751, 'started': '2016-04-28 17:44:09 +0000', 'mean_xte': 2.6259318179558533, 'matched_points': 99, 't_total': 0.2636220455169678, 'result': 'ok', 'trip_started': '2016-04-21 08:21:31', 't_eprobs': 0.02243494987487793, 'trip_ended': '2016-04-21 08:28:55', 't_cleaned': 0.036599159240722656, 'in_points': 462, 'segment_distance': 3721.0583064617285, 'trip_duration_min': 7.4, 't_fetchways': 0.10709214210510254, 't_summary': 0.009955167770385742, 't_cache': 0.0336759090423584, 'matched_proportion': 1}
PPPPPPPPPPPPPP /tmp/TripReport_dw@polarax.com_32cfcb888df392e0535329ffaabadc2a.pdf
error: (<class 'smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError'>, SMTPAuthenticationError(534, '5.7.14 <\n5.7.14 -4tjofz8zG9mB3g6K2xbWwTebNcPoepuBPBgKQ4aohH7XS9834wdPoXY11t_d4WuFE2k63\n5.7.14 _v_6DBbvC9c5isJtfBHz9YSp2YnQ3GlJ6Y4l943VVkvgEKC-zEXNkl1nCJVz20yFvdNM33\n5.7.14 dUEUofQceMsF8L4-rEthVhuaj7EfUT7zY6thCMy9EVFh2GdL49NbYTyZ_oBCsTaCfjYUG1\n5.7.14 TmFr2F6chFxB8cHoE5XaPH-7SOC7Q> Please log in via your web browser and\n5.7.14 then try again.\n5.7.14 Learn more at\n5.7.14 s64sm16647365pfi.77 - gsmtp'), <traceback object at 0x7fbf57fda320>)
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