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Last active March 14, 2018 23:52
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Git guideline
## <0> Set-up environment
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
# Cache the password
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600000'
# on Mac
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
# on Linux
$ git config --global credential.helper store
$ git push
Username: <type your username>
Password: <type your password>
# Set the user in .git/config
url = ""
url = "https://*username*"
# 1. Create a project
git init
# 2. Check the status
git status
# 3. Git flow
# A git project can be thought of having 3 parts:
# - A working directory: where we'll be doing all the work: creating, editing, deleting and organizing files.
# - A staging area: where we'll list changes we make to the working directory
# - A repository: where git permanently storees those changes as different versions of project.
# 4. Start tracking: we add the files to the staging area.
git add filename
git add filename1 filename2
git add .
#5. Compare the difference
git diff filename
git diff .
#6. Store the changes to the repository
git commit -m "message here"
#7. Refer to the earlier version of the project
git log
#1. Head commit: The current (most recent) commit is HEAD. To see the current commit, enter:
git show HEAD
#2. Restore some files to the last (HEAD) commit.
git checkout HEAD filename
#3. Restore to the specific commit
git reset --hard commit_SHA
#1. Show the current branch
git branch
#2. Create a new branch
git branch branch_name
#3. Switch the branch
git checkout branch_name
#4. Merge the branch into master with:
git checkout master #then
git merge branch_name
#5. delete branch
git branch -d branch_name
# We can manage the project with other members:
# - Keep track and review of each other's work
# - Access to a definitive project version
# A remote is a shared repository allowing multiple collaborators to work on the same
# Git project from different locations.
#1. Clone it
git clone remote_location
#2. See a list of a git project's remotes
git remote -v
#3. Update the changes to the most up-to-date
git fetch
#4. git merge
# The remote work is fetched to our local copy of git project.
# Those commits are on the origin/master branch
# Our local master has not been updated yet,
# so we can't view or make changes to any of the work she has added
git merge origin/master #(merge "origin/master" branch to current local branch)
#5. Push our branch up to the remote for review
git push origin our_branch_name
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