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Created August 24, 2013 18:23
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var localMediaTime = CAAnimation.CurrentMediaTime();
NSObject[] keyframes = TweenBuilder.CreateKeyValues(-295, 0, Easing.EaseOutBounce);
var homeIn = new CAKeyFrameAnimation {
KeyPath = "position.x",
Duration = 1.4,
BeginTime = localMediaTime,
FillMode = CAFillMode.Forwards,
RemovedOnCompletion = false,
TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName( CAMediaTimingFunction.Linear ),
Values = keyframes
using System;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
namespace Example_CoreAnimation
public delegate float EasingFormula(float t, float start, float length);
public class TweenBuilder
public static NSObject[] CreateKeyValues (float fromValue, float toValue, EasingFormula easingFormula, int steps = 100)
NSObject[] values = new NSObject[steps];
double value = 0;
float curTime = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < steps; t++) {
curTime = (float)t / (float)steps;
var easingFactor = easingFormula(curTime, 0, 1);
value = (toValue - fromValue) * easingFactor + fromValue;
values[t] = NSNumber.FromDouble(value);
return values;
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