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Last active February 23, 2017 13:23
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Functions to time other functions.
(* sum of a list of ints
sum : int list -> int *)
fun sum l = foldl op+ 0 l
(* avarage of a list of ints
avg : int list -> real *)
fun avg l = real(sum(l)) / real(length(l))
(* calculate the amount of time it takes to run a function once
returns the time in milliseconds
time : (unit -> a') -> int *)
fun time f =
val timer = Timer.startRealTimer()
val _ = f()
val time = Timer.checkRealTimer timer
in Time.toMilliseconds time
(* calculate the avarage amount of time it takes to run a function
100 times
returns the avarage time in milliseconds
avgTime : (unit -> a') -> real *)
fun avgTime f =
fun helper (0, acc) = avg acc
| helper (n, acc) = helper (n-1, time(f) :: acc)
in helper (100, [])
use "./timer.sml";
fun fib 0 = 0
| fib 1 = 1
| fib n = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
val fibAvg = avgTime (fn () => fib 20)
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