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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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package smt
import scalaz.concurrent.Future
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import scalaz._
class KleisliTest extends FunSuite {
lazy val s: List[Int] = List.fill(1000000)(1)
test("Future traverse") {
def fun(i: Int): Future[Int] = Future.delay(i)
val f: Future[List[Int]] = s.traverse(fun)
test("Future traverse_") {
def fun(i: Int): Future[Unit] = Future.delay(())
val f: Future[Unit] = s.traverse_(fun)
trait Resource {
def query(i: Int): Int
def effect(i: Int): Unit
lazy val R = new Resource {
override def query(i: Int): Int = i * 2
override def effect(i: Int): Unit = ()
type λ[α] = Kleisli[Future, Resource, α]
test("Kleisli traverse") {
def fun(i: Int): Kleisli[Future, Resource, Int] = Kleisli(r => Future.delay(r.query(i)))
val k: Kleisli[Future, Resource, List[Int]] = s.traverse[λ, Int](fun)
val f: Future[List[Int]] =
// throws SOE
ignore("Kleisli traverse_") {
def fun(i: Int): Kleisli[Future, Resource, Unit] = Kleisli(r => Future.delay(r.effect(i)))
type λ[α] = Kleisli[Future, Resource, α]
val k: Kleisli[Future, Resource, Unit] = s.traverse_[λ](fun)
val f: Future[Unit] =
// does the same as the test above, but does not throw SOE
test("Kleisli traverse map _ => ()") {
def fun(i: Int): Kleisli[Future, Resource, Int] = Kleisli(r => Future.delay(r.query(i)))
val k: Kleisli[Future, Resource, List[Int]] = s.traverse[λ, Int](fun)
val k2: Kleisli[Future, Resource, Unit] = => ())
val f: Future[Unit] =
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