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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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import scala.util.control.Exception
import scalaz._
import scalaz.Free.FreeC
import scalaz.Scalaz._
object Kasten {
// The State stuff
sealed trait EffState[S, A]
case class Get[S]() extends EffState[S, S]
case class Put[S](s: S) extends EffState[S, Unit]
trait EffStateFree[S] {
type EffStateS[A] = EffState[S, A]
implicit def ls[A](esa: EffState[S, A]): FreeC[EffStateS, A] = {
Free.liftFC[EffStateS, A](esa)
def sGet: EffState[S, S] = Get[S]()
def sPut(s: S): EffState[S, Unit] = Put[S](s)
val effStateFreeInt = new EffStateFree[Int] {}
import effStateFreeInt._
val daStateFree: FreeC[EffStateS, Unit] =
for {
_ <- sPut(3)
i <- sGet
_ <- sPut(i * 3)
} yield ()
trait EffStateInterpret[S] {
type EffStateS[A] = EffState[S, A]
type StateS[A] = State[S, A]
val transToState: (EffStateS ~> StateS) = new (EffStateS ~> StateS) {
def apply[A](fa: EffState[S, A]): State[S, A] = fa match {
case Get() => State.get[S].asInstanceOf[State[S, A]]
case Put(s) => State.put(s).asInstanceOf[State[S, A]]
val effStateInterpretInt = new EffStateInterpret[Int] {}
import effStateInterpretInt._
val daState = Free.runFC(daStateFree)(transToState)
// The Exception stuff
sealed trait EffException[E]
case class Raise[E](e: E) extends EffException[E]
trait EffExceptionFree[E] {
type EffExceptionE[A] = EffException[E] // A is simply ignored here
implicit def le[A](ee: EffException[E]): FreeC[EffExceptionE, A] = {
Free.liftFC[EffExceptionE, A](ee)
def sRaise(e: E): EffException[E] = Raise(e)
val effExceptionFreeString = new EffExceptionFree[String] {}
import effExceptionFreeString._
val daExceptionFree: FreeC[EffExceptionE, Unit] = le(sRaise("Error!"))
trait EffExceptionInterpret[E] {
type EffExceptionE[A] = EffException[E] // A is simply ignored here
type OptionE[A] = Option[A]
val transToOption: (EffExceptionE ~> OptionE) = new (EffExceptionE ~> OptionE) {
override def apply[A](fa: EffExceptionE[A]): OptionE[A] = fa match {
case Raise(e) => None
type EitherE[A] = E \/ A
val transToEither: (EffExceptionE ~> EitherE) = new (EffExceptionE ~> EitherE) {
override def apply[A](fa: EffExceptionE[A]): EitherE[A] = fa match {
case Raise(e) => -\/(e)
val effExceptionInterpretString = new EffExceptionInterpret[String] {}
import effExceptionInterpretString._
lazy val daOption = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToOption)
lazy val daEither = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToEither)
import scalaz._
import scalaz.Free.FreeC
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
object KastenT {
// The State stuff as a MonadTransformer
* Compare to Kasten
* @tparam M a Monad
* As opposed to Kasten, where I just transformed to State,
* I want to transform to StateT[M] now, and also allow other
* operations of M
trait TransformEffState[M[_]] {
implicit def MM: Monad[M]
sealed trait EffState[S, A]
case class Get[S]() extends EffState[S, S]
case class Put[S](s: S) extends EffState[S, Unit]
case class OtherState[S, A](ma: M[A]) extends EffState[S, A]
trait EffStateFree[S] {
type EffStateS[A] = EffState[S, A]
type FreeCT[A] = FreeC[EffStateS, A]
def ls[A](esa: EffStateS[A]): FreeCT[A] = {
Free.liftFC[EffStateS, A](esa)
implicit def lss[A](ma: M[A]): FreeCT[A] = {
Free.liftFC[EffStateS, A](OtherState[S, A](ma))
def sGet: FreeCT[S] = ls(Get[S]())
def sPut(s: S): FreeCT[Unit] = ls(Put[S](s))
def sOtherState[A](ma: M[A]): FreeCT[A] = lss[A](ma)
trait EffStateInterpret[S] {
type EffStateS[A] = EffState[S, A]
type StateTS[A] = StateT[M, S, A]
val STM = StateT.stateTMonadState[S, M]
val transToState: (EffStateS ~> StateTS) = new (EffStateS ~> StateTS) {
def apply[A](fa: EffState[S, A]): StateT[M, S, A] = fa match {
case Get() => STM.get.asInstanceOf[StateT[M, S, A]]
case Put(s) => STM.put(s).asInstanceOf[StateT[M, S, A]]
case OtherState(ma) => StateT[M, S, A](s => => (s, a)))
///////////// For Id
val transformEffStateId = new TransformEffState[Id] {
def MM = implicitly[Monad[Id]]
val effStateFreeInt = new EffStateFree[Int] {}
import effStateFreeInt._
val daStateFree: FreeCT[Unit] =
for {
_ <- sPut(3)
i <- sGet
_ <- sPut(i * 3)
} yield ()
val effStateInterpretInt = new EffStateInterpret[Int] {}
import effStateInterpretInt._
val daState = Free.runFC(daStateFree)(transToState)
///////////// For List
val transformEffStateList = new TransformEffState[List] {
def MM = implicitly[Monad[List]]
val effStateFreeInt = new EffStateFree[Int] {}
import effStateFreeInt._
val daStateFree: FreeCT[Int] =
for {
e <- List(1, 2, 3): FreeCT[Int]
_ <- sPut(e)
i <- sGet
_ <- sPut(i * 3)
} yield e
val effStateInterpretInt = new EffStateInterpret[Int] {}
import effStateInterpretInt._
val daState = Free.runFC(daStateFree)(transToState)
///////////// For Task, now we are talking...
val transformEffStateTask = new TransformEffState[Task] {
def MM = implicitly[Monad[Task]]
val effStateFreeInt = new EffStateFree[Int] {}
import effStateFreeInt._
val daStateFree: FreeCT[Int] =
for {
e <- Task.delay(readLine).map(_.toInt): FreeCT[Int]
i <- sGet
_ <- sPut(i * e)
} yield e
val effStateInterpretInt = new EffStateInterpret[Int] {}
import effStateInterpretInt._
val daState = Free.runFC(daStateFree)(transToState)
// The Exception stuff as a MonadTransformer
trait TransformEffException[M[_]] {
implicit def MM: Monad[M]
sealed trait EffException[E]
case class Raise[E](e: E) extends EffException[E]
case class OtherException[E, A](ma: M[A]) extends EffException[E]
trait EffExceptionFree[E] {
type EffExceptionE[A] = EffException[E] // A is simply ignored here
type FreeCT[A] = FreeC[EffExceptionE, A]
def le[A](ee: EffExceptionE[A]): FreeCT[A] = {
Free.liftFC[EffExceptionE, A](ee)
implicit def lee[A](ma: M[A]): FreeCT[A] = {
Free.liftFC[EffExceptionE, A](OtherException[E, A](ma))
def sRaise[A](e: E): FreeCT[A] = le(Raise(e))
def sOtherException[A](ma: M[A]): FreeCT[A] = lee(ma)
trait EffExceptionInterpret[E] {
type EffExceptionE[A] = EffException[E] // A is simply ignored here
type OptionTE[A] = OptionT[M, A]
val transToOption: (EffExceptionE ~> OptionTE) = new (EffExceptionE ~> OptionTE) {
override def apply[A](fa: EffExceptionE[A]): OptionTE[A] = fa match {
case Raise(e) => OptionT.none[M, A]
case OtherException(ma) => OptionT[M, A]( => Some(a.asInstanceOf[A])))
type EitherTE[A] = EitherT[M, E, A]
val transToEither: (EffExceptionE ~> EitherTE) = new (EffExceptionE ~> EitherTE) {
override def apply[A](fa: EffExceptionE[A]): EitherTE[A] = fa match {
case Raise(e) => EitherT.left(MM.point(e))
case OtherException(ma) => EitherT.right[M, E, A](ma.asInstanceOf[M[A]])
///////////// For Id
val transformedEffExceptionId = new TransformEffException[Id] {
def MM = implicitly[Monad[Id]]
val effExceptionFreeString = new EffExceptionFree[String] {}
import effExceptionFreeString._
val daExceptionFree: FreeCT[Unit] =
for {
_ <- sRaise("Error!"): FreeCT[Unit]
} yield ()
val effExceptionInterpretString = new EffExceptionInterpret[String] {}
import effExceptionInterpretString._
lazy val daOption = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToOption)
lazy val daEither = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToEither)
///////////// For List
val transformedEffExceptionList = new TransformEffException[List] {
def MM = implicitly[Monad[List]]
val effExceptionFreeString = new EffExceptionFree[String] {}
import effExceptionFreeString._
val daExceptionFree: FreeCT[Int] =
for {
i <- List(1, 2, 3): FreeCT[Int]
j <- {
if (i < 3) sRaise("Error!"): FreeCT[Int] else List(i): FreeCT[Int]
} yield j
val effExceptionInterpretString = new EffExceptionInterpret[String] {}
import effExceptionInterpretString._
lazy val daOption = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToOption)
lazy val daEither = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToEither)
///////////// For Task
val transformedEffExceptionTask = new TransformEffException[Task] {
def MM = implicitly[Monad[Task]]
val effExceptionFreeString = new EffExceptionFree[String] {}
import effExceptionFreeString._
val daExceptionFree: FreeCT[Int] =
for {
i <- Task.delay(readLine).map(_.toInt): FreeCT[Int]
j <- {
if (i < 3) sRaise("Error!"): FreeCT[Int] else FreeCT[Int]
} yield j
val effExceptionInterpretString = new EffExceptionInterpret[String] {}
import effExceptionInterpretString._
lazy val daOption = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToOption)
lazy val daEither = Free.runFC(daExceptionFree)(transToEither)
// guckst du
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.Free.{Return, Suspend}
import scalaz._
// explore scalaz.Free with Free Functor and >1 IO description type, namely Console and DB
object DoubleFreeFr {
sealed trait FreeFunctor[F[_], +A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): FreeFunctor[F, B]
case class Map[F[_], I, +A](fa: F[I], g: I => A) extends FreeFunctor[F, A] {
def map[B](f: A => B) = Map(fa, g andThen f)
def freeFunctorFunctor[F[_]]: Functor[({type λ[A] = FreeFunctor[F, A]})#λ] = new Functor[({type λ[A] = FreeFunctor[F, A]})#λ] {
def map[A, B](fa: FreeFunctor[F, A])(f: A => B): FreeFunctor[F, B] = fa map f
type FreeC[F[_], A] = Free[({type λ[+x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#λ, A]
def request[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): FreeC[F, A] = {
implicit val freeFunctorFunctorF = freeFunctorFunctor[F]
Suspend[({type λ[+x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#λ, A](Map(fa, (a: A) => Return[({type λ[+x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#λ, A](a)))
sealed trait Console[A]
case object ReadLine extends Console[Option[String]]
case class PrintLine(s: String) extends Console[Unit]
object Console {
def readLn: Console[Option[String]] = ReadLine
def printLn(s: String): Console[Unit] = PrintLine(s)
object RealConsoleIdTrans extends (Console ~> Id.Id) {
def apply[A](c: Console[A]): A = c match {
case ReadLine => Some(readLine())
case PrintLine(s) => println(s)
object RealConsoleTaskTrans extends (Console ~> Task) {
def apply[A](c: Console[A]): Task[A] = Task(RealConsoleIdTrans(c))
sealed trait DB[A]
case object LoadLine extends DB[Option[String]]
case class SaveLine(s: String) extends DB[Unit]
object DB {
var dbVar: Option[String] = None
def loadLine: DB[Option[String]] = LoadLine
def saveLine(s: String): DB[Unit] = SaveLine(s)
object RealDBIdTrans extends (DB ~> Id.Id) {
def apply[A](db: DB[A]): A = db match {
case LoadLine => DB.dbVar
case SaveLine(s) => DB.dbVar = Some(s)
def freeLift[F[_], G[_]](fg: F ~> G)(implicit G: Functor[G]): ({type f[x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#f ~> G = new (({type f[x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#f ~> G) {
def apply[A](f: FreeFunctor[F, A]): G[A] = f match {
case Map(fa, g) =>
val RealConsoleIdFFTrans = freeLift(RealConsoleIdTrans)
val RealDBIdFFTrans = freeLift(RealDBIdTrans)
type ConsoleFF[A] = FreeFunctor[Console, A]
type IO[A] = Free[Task, A]
object ConsoleProgram {
import Console._
implicit def requestConsole[A](fa: Console[A]): FreeC[Console, A] = request(fa)
val consoleProgram: FreeC[Console, Unit] = for {
_ <- printLn("What is your name?")
name <- readLn
_ <- name map {
n => printLn(s"Hello, $n!")
} getOrElse printLn("Fine, be that way.")
} yield ()
// consoleProgram.foldMap(RealConsoleIdFFTrans)
object DBProgram {
import DB._
implicit def requestDB[A](fa: DB[A]): FreeC[DB, A] = request(fa)
val dbProgram: FreeC[DB, Option[String]] = for {
_ <- saveLine("hallo")
s <- loadLine
} yield s
// dbProgram.foldMap(RealDBIdFFTrans)
object BothProgram {
import Console._
import DB._
import Type._ //
type ConsoleDbEvidence[F[_], A] = (Console[A] \:/ DB[A])#λ[F[A]]
case class Wrap[+F[_], A](f: F[A])(implicit evidence: ConsoleDbEvidence[F, A])
type wrap[A] = Wrap[Any, A]
implicit def requestConsoleOrDB[F[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit evidence: ConsoleDbEvidence[F, A]): FreeC[wrap, A] = request[wrap, A](Wrap(fa))
val bothProgram = for {
_ <- printLn("What is your name?")
name <- readLn
previousName <- loadLine
_ <- saveLine(name.get)
_ <- printLn("Saved your name to the DB. The name save previously was " + previousName.getOrElse("(None)"))
} yield ()
object RealBothIdTrans extends (wrap ~> Id.Id) {
def apply[A](wr: wrap[A]): A = wr match {
case Wrap(db: DB[A]) => RealDBIdTrans(db)
case Wrap(co: Console[A]) => RealConsoleIdTrans(co)
val RealBothIdFFTrans = freeLift(RealBothIdTrans)
// bothProgram.foldMap(RealBothIdFFTrans)
// request(DB.loadLine).foldMap(RealDBIdFFTrans)
package david
import scalaz.{StateT, State, Monad}
import scalaz.syntax.MonadSyntax
import scalaz.Id
object Fr {
sealed trait Free[F[_], A]
case class Return[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
case class Suspend[F[_], A](s: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F, A]
case class FlatMap[F[_], A, B](s: Free[F, A],
f: A => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, B]
def freeInstance[F[_]]: Monad[({type λ[A] = Free[F, A]})#λ] = new Monad[({type λ[A] = Free[F, A]})#λ] {
type λ[A] = Free[F, A]
def point[A](a: => A) = Return(a)
def bind[A, B](a: λ[A])(f: A => λ[B]): λ[B] = FlatMap(a, f)
sealed trait Console[R]
case class ReadLine[R](k: Option[String] => R)
extends Console[R]
case class PrintLine[R](s: String, k: () => R)
extends Console[R]
object Console {
type FreeConsole[A] = Free[Console, A]
def readLn: FreeConsole[Option[String]] =
Suspend(ReadLine((s: Option[String]) => Return(s)))
def printLn(s: String): FreeConsole[Unit] =
Suspend(PrintLine(s, () => Return(())))
trait CoPoint[F[_]] {
def copoint[A](p: F[A]): A
trait StatefulInterpreter[F[_]] {
def interpret[A](p: F[A]): (StatefulInterpreter[F], A)
trait ~>[F[_], G[_]] {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): G[A]
// Free[Console, _] Interpreter
object fci {
import Console._
val syntax = new MonadSyntax[FreeConsole] {
def F: Monad[FreeConsole] = freeInstance[Console]
object consoleInterpreter extends CoPoint[Console] {
def copoint[R](c: Console[R]): R = c match {
case ReadLine(k) => k(Some(readLine()))
case PrintLine(s, k) => {
object mockInterpreter extends CoPoint[Console] {
def copoint[R](c: Console[R]): R = c match {
case ReadLine(k) => k(Some("mock"))
case PrintLine(s, k) => k()
def runConsole[A](coPoint: CoPoint[Console])(io: FreeConsole[A]): A = io match {
case Return(a) => a
case Suspend(s) => runConsole(coPoint)(coPoint.copoint(s))
case FlatMap(s, f) => runConsole(coPoint)(f(runConsole(coPoint)(s)))
case class BufferedInterpreter(reads: Seq[String], prints: Seq[String]) extends StatefulInterpreter[Console] {
def interpret[A](c: Console[A]): (StatefulInterpreter[Console], A) = c match {
case ReadLine(k) => (copy(reads = reads.drop(1)), k(reads.headOption))
case PrintLine(s, k) => (copy(prints = prints :+ s), k())
def runConsoleS[A](inter: StatefulInterpreter[Console])(io: FreeConsole[A]): (StatefulInterpreter[Console], A) = io match {
case Return(a) => (inter, a)
case Suspend(s) => {
val (inter2, a) = inter.interpret(s)
case FlatMap(s, f) => {
val (inter2, a) = runConsoleS(inter)(s)
// def runConsoleSt[A](io: ConsoleIO[A]): State[StatefulInterpreter[Console], A] = State(si => runConsoleS(si)(io))
def runConsoleSt[A](io: FreeConsole[A]): State[StatefulInterpreter[Console], A] = io match {
case Return(a) => State(inter => (inter, a))
case Suspend(s) => State(inter => {
val (inter2, a) = inter.interpret(s)
case FlatMap(s, f) => State(inter => {
val (inter2, a) = runConsoleS(inter)(s)
implicit val stateInstance = StateT.stateMonad[StatefulInterpreter[Console]]
def runConsoleSt2[A](io: FreeConsole[A]): State[StatefulInterpreter[Console], A] = io match {
case Return(a) => stateInstance.point(a)
case Suspend(s) => State((inter: StatefulInterpreter[Console]) => inter.interpret(s)).flatMap(runConsoleSt2)
case FlatMap(s, f) => runConsoleSt2(s).flatMap(a => runConsoleSt2(f(a)))
type ConsoleState[A] = State[StatefulInterpreter[Console], A]
object ConsoleStateTrans extends (Console ~> ConsoleState) {
def apply[A](c: Console[A]): ConsoleState[A] = State(si => si.interpret(c))
object RealIdTrans extends (Console ~> Id.Id) {
def apply[A](c: Console[A]): A = c match {
case ReadLine(k) => k(Some(readLine()))
case PrintLine(s, k) => {
object Free {
def runFree[F[_], G[_], A](trans: F ~> G)(free: Free[F, A])(implicit G: Monad[G]): G[A] = {
def recurse[B](free: Free[F, B]): G[B] = runFree[F, G, B](trans)(free)
val GM = implicitly[Monad[G]]
free match {
case Return(a) => GM.point(a)
case Suspend(s) => GM.bind(trans[Free[F, A]](s))(recurse)
case FlatMap(s, f) => GM.bind(recurse[Any](s))(a => recurse(f(a)))
import Console._
import fci.syntax._
val convert = for {
f <- readLn
_ <- printLn(f.getOrElse("None"))
} yield ()
// run "for real" with: Free.runFree[Console, scalaz.Id.Id, Unit](fci.RealIdTrans)(convert)
// run with State and Buffer:
// val s = Free.runFree[Console, fci.ConsoleState, Unit](fci.ConsoleStateTrans)(convert)
//"ans", "zwa"), Nil))
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz._
import scalaz.syntax.MonadSyntax
object FrFr {
sealed trait Free[F[_], A]
case class Return[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
case class Suspend[F[_], A](s: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F, A]
case class FlatMap[F[_], A, B](s: Free[F, A],
f: A => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, B]
def freeInstance[F[_]]: Monad[({type λ[A] = Free[F, A]})#λ] = new Monad[({type λ[A] = Free[F, A]})#λ] {
type λ[A] = Free[F, A]
def point[A](a: => A) = Return(a)
def bind[A, B](a: λ[A])(f: A => λ[B]): λ[B] = FlatMap(a, f)
sealed trait FreeFunctor[F[_], A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): FreeFunctor[F, B]
case class Map[F[_], I, A](fa: F[I], g: I => A) extends FreeFunctor[F, A] {
def map[B](f: A => B) = Map(fa, g andThen f)
type FreeC[F[_], A] = Free[({type λ[x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#λ, A]
implicit def request[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): FreeC[F, A] =
Suspend[({type λ[x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#λ, A](Map(fa, (a: A) => Return[({type λ[x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#λ, A](a)))
sealed trait Console[A]
case object ReadLine extends Console[Option[String]]
case class PrintLine(s: String) extends Console[Unit]
object Console {
def readLn: Console[Option[String]] = ReadLine
def printLn(s: String): Console[Unit] = PrintLine(s)
trait ~>[F[_], G[_]] {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): G[A]
object Free {
def runFree[F[_], G[_], A](trans: F ~> G)(free: Free[F, A])(implicit G: Monad[G]): G[A] = {
def recurse[B](free: Free[F, B]): G[B] = runFree[F, G, B](trans)(free)
val GM = implicitly[Monad[G]]
free match {
case Return(a) => GM.point(a)
case Suspend(s) => GM.bind(trans[Free[F, A]](s))(recurse)
case FlatMap(s, f) => GM.bind(recurse[Any](s))(a => recurse(f(a)))
object RealIdTrans extends (Console ~> Id.Id) {
def apply[A](c: Console[A]): A = c match {
case ReadLine => Some(readLine())
case PrintLine(s) => println(s)
object RealTaskTrans extends (Console ~> Task) {
def apply[A](c: Console[A]): Task[A] = Task(RealIdTrans(c))
def freeLift[F[_], G[_]](fg: F ~> G)(implicit G: Functor[G]): ({type f[x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#f ~> G = new (({type f[x] = FreeFunctor[F, x]})#f ~> G) {
def apply[A](f: FreeFunctor[F, A]): G[A] = f match {
case Map(fa, g) =>
val RealIdFFTrans = freeLift(RealIdTrans)
type ConsoleFF[A] = FreeFunctor[Console, A]
type IO[A] = Free[Task, A]
val freeCCSyntax = new MonadSyntax[({type λ[A] = FreeC[Console, A]})#λ] {
type FreeConsoleFunctor[A] = FreeFunctor[Console, A]
def F: Monad[({type λ[A] = FreeC[Console, A]})#λ] = freeInstance[FreeConsoleFunctor]
import Console._
implicit def consoleToFreeCCBindOps[A](c: Console[A]) = freeCCSyntax.ToBindOps(request(c))
implicit def consoleToFreeCCFunctorOps[A](c: Console[A]) = freeCCSyntax.ToFunctorOps(request(c))
val program: FreeC[Console, Unit] = for {
_ <- printLn("What is your name?")
name <- readLn
_ <- name map {
n => printLn(s"Hello, $n!")
} getOrElse printLn("Fine, be that way.")
} yield ()
// Free.runFree[ConsoleFF, scalaz.Id.Id, Unit](RealIdFFTrans)(program)
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object MyIo2 {
sealed trait IO[+A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = this match {
case FlatMap(x, g) => FlatMap(x, (a: Any) => g(a).flatMap(f))
case x => FlatMap(x, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] =
FlatMap[A, B](this, a => Return(f(a)))
def run: A =
object IO {
def apply[A](a: => A): IO[A] = Suspend(() => Return[A](a))
def join[A](ffa: IO[IO[A]]) = ffa.flatMap(identity)
@tailrec def run[A](io: IO[A]): A = io match {
case Return(a) => a
case Suspend(r) => run(r())
case FlatMap(x, f) => x match {
case Return(a) => run(f(a))
case Suspend(r) => run(r() flatMap f)
case FlatMap(y, g) => run(y flatMap (a => g(a) flatMap f))
case class Return[A](a: A) extends IO[A]
case class Suspend[A](resume: () => IO[A]) extends IO[A]
case class FlatMap[A, B](sub: IO[A], k: A => IO[B]) extends IO[B]
def PrintLine(msg: String): IO[Unit] = IO(println(msg))
val actions: Stream[IO[Unit]] =
Stream.fill(1000000)(PrintLine("Still going..."))
val composite: IO[Unit] =
actions.foldLeft(Return(()): IO[Unit]) {
(acc, a) => acc.flatMap {
_ => a
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