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Last active February 28, 2024 21:15
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PG Dump and Restore between two easy panel services
# Function to find the container ID of a service's first running task
find_container_id() {
local service_name=$1
docker service ps --filter "desired-state=running" --format "{{.ID}}" $service_name | head -n 1 | xargs -I {} docker inspect --format "{{.NodeID}} {{.Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID}}" {} | awk '{print $2}'
# Function to extract the database name from the service name
extract_db_name() {
local service_name=$1
echo "${service_name%%_*}"
# Prompt for source and destination service names
read -p "Enter Source Database Service Name: " source_service
read -p "Enter Destination Database Service Name: " dest_service
# Find container IDs for source and destination services
source_container_id=$(find_container_id $source_service)
dest_container_id=$(find_container_id $dest_service)
# Extract database names from service names
source_db_name=$(extract_db_name $source_service)
dest_db_name=$(extract_db_name $dest_service)
# Database user
# Check if the destination database contains data
table_count=$(docker exec $dest_container_id psql -U $db_user -d $dest_db_name -t -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public';")
table_count=$(echo $table_count | xargs) # Trim whitespace
if [ "$table_count" -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: The destination database contains $table_count tables."
# Ask for user confirmation to proceed
read -p "Are you sure you want to continue and overwrite the data? (y/n): " confirmation
if [[ $confirmation != "y" ]]; then
echo "Operation aborted."
exit 1
# Disconnect all connections to the destination database
docker exec $dest_container_id psql -U $db_user -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '$dest_db_name' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();"
# Drop and recreate the destination database with proper quoting for special characters
if ! docker exec $dest_container_id psql -U $db_user -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS \"$dest_db_name\";"; then
echo "Error: Failed to drop the database."
exit 1
if ! docker exec $dest_container_id psql -U $db_user -c "CREATE DATABASE \"$dest_db_name\";"; then
echo "Error: Failed to create the database."
exit 1
# Perform the data migration
if ! docker exec $source_container_id pg_dump -U $db_user -d $source_db_name | docker exec -i $dest_container_id psql -U $db_user -d $dest_db_name; then
echo "Error: Data migration failed."
exit 1
echo "Data migration completed successfully."
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