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Created December 8, 2021 09:51
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Apple Image Capture Deduper
// Deduper for Apple Image Capture as it doesn't compare files and duplicates on import
// Is currently prone to crashing on certain (large?) files with malloc error
// drop in dir that images are imported into
const fs = require( "fs" );
const crypto = require( "crypto" );
let names = {};
function init() {
fs.readdirSync( "./" ).forEach( ( file ) => {
console.log( "file", file );
let stripped_file = stripName( file );
if ( ! names[ stripped_file ] ) {
names[ stripped_file ] = [];
names[ stripped_file ].push( file );
Object.keys( names ).filter( ( key ) => {
const name_list = names[ key ];
return ( name_list.length > 1 );
}).forEach( ( key ) => {
const name_list = names[ key ];
console.log( "name_list", name_list )
let md5s = {};
let skip = false;
name_list.forEach( ( file ) => {
if ( skip === true ) {
console.log( "skipping b" )
const stats = fs.statSync( "./" + file );
console.log( "[" + file + "]" )
let md5;
try {
md5 = getMD5( fs.readFileSync( "./" + file, { encoding: "utf8", flag: "r" } ) );
} catch ( error ) {
const stats = fs.statSync( "./" + file );
console.log( "stats", stats )
skip = true;
console.log( "skipping a" )
if ( ! md5s[ md5 ] ) {
md5s[ md5 ] = [];
md5s[ md5 ].push( file );
if ( skip === true ) {
console.log( "skipping c" )
Object.keys( md5s ).forEach( ( md5 ) => {
if ( md5s[ md5 ].length > 1 ) {
let unlinks = [];
let keeps = [];
md5s[ md5 ].forEach( ( file ) => {
if ( / \d+/.test( file ) ) {
unlinks.push( file );
else {
keeps.push( file );
console.log( "keeps", keeps )
console.log( "unlinks", unlinks )
if ( ! keeps.length ) {
console.log( "empty keeps" )
if ( unlinks.length ) {
keeps = unlinks.splice( 0, 1 );
console.log( "keeps 2", keeps )
console.log( "unlinks 2", unlinks )
if ( unlinks.length ) {
unlinks.forEach( ( file ) => {
console.log( "unlinking", file )
fs.unlinkSync( "./" + file );
function stripName( name ) {
return name.replace( /\s\d+/, "" );
function getMD5( content ) {
return crypto.createHash( "md5" ).update( content ).digest( "hex" );
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