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Lesson's learnt building the Guardian

Below is a collection of my favourite responses I gathered from Guardian engineers when asked the question: What have you learnt starting from scratch and building a mobile-first next generation web platform for the Guardian?

Daithi O Crualaoich

  • Work with great people.
  • Deploy like crazy. This means the team has to control the infrastructure as well as code.
  • Design is not a service. Designers have to sit in the team.
  • Infrastructure is intrinsically unreliable. Discard and replace is the robust strategy.
  • Use your CDN for HTML too.
  • Don't always do as you are told.
andyhd / maybe-monad.js
Created January 16, 2012 01:02
Maybe monad in Javascript
function maybe(value) {
var obj = null;
function isEmpty() { return value === undefined || value === null }
function nonEmpty() { return !isEmpty() }
obj = {
map: function (f) { return isEmpty() ? obj : maybe(f(value)) },
getOrElse: function (n) { return isEmpty() ? n : value },
isEmpty: isEmpty,
nonEmpty: nonEmpty