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Created March 1, 2017 18:50
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Polymer behavior to distribute properties on lazily added Light DOM children
* When light DOM children are distributed into a `px-map` framework component,
* that component will often have to share a reference to one of its properties
* with the child. This behavior wraps around that use case, ensuring that
* properties will be applied to any distributed light DOM children and that
* changes to those properties on the parent will trigger a re-distribution
* to the children that keeps them up-to-date.
* Distributions should be configured in the component's Polymer constructor
* in a similar way to the `observers` block provided by the Polymer library.
* For example, this `simple-parent-component` distributes its `name` property
* it any light DOM children:
* ```
* <dom-module id="simple-parent-component">
* <template>
* <!-- ... -->
* </template>
* </dom-module>
* <script>
* Polymer({
* is: 'simple-parent-component',
* properties: {
* name: {
* type: String
* }
* },
* distributions: ['name']
* });
* </script>
* ```
* When this parent component is placed on a page, anything placed in its
* light DOM will automatically be set up with a `name` property that
* will always inherit its value (and any updates to that value) from
* the parent `name` property.
* For example, the light DOM children `simple-child-component` will have
* the `name` property distributed to them with the value `Some Name`:
* ```
* <simple-parent-component name="Some Name">
* <simple-child-component></simple-child-component>
* </simple-parent-component>
* <script>
* // The child has inherited the parent's name
* var child = document.querySelector('simple-child-component');
* console.log(; // => 'Some Name'
* // Updating the name of the parent will also update the child's name
* var parent = document.querySelector('simple-parent-component');
* parent.setAttribute('name', 'New Name');
* console.log(; // => 'New Name'
* </script>
* ```
* @polymerBehavior PxMapBehavior.DistributeProperties
const DistributeProperties = {
attached() {
if (this.distributions && this.distributions.length) {
detached() {
if (this.distributions && this.distributions.length) {
* Creates new observers that watch for new light DOM children to be
* distributed and watch for changes to a `property` and apply that
* `property` to the children.
* @param {Array} properties - A list of property names to attach to children
_addDistributionObservers(properties) {
for (let property of properties) {
// If the string is formatted like 'property as newProperty', distribute
// the on the children as child.newProperty
const findPropAsProp = /^([\w]+)\b as \b([\w]+)$/g;
const foundStrings = findPropAsProp.exec(property);
const propertyName = (foundStrings||[]).length ? foundStrings[1] : property;
const childPropertyName = (foundStrings||[]).length ? foundStrings[2] : property;
this._distributeOnNewChildren(propertyName, childPropertyName);
this._distributeOnPropertyChange(propertyName, childPropertyName);
* Removes all distribution observers when the host is detached.
_removeDistributionObservers() {
// Remove parent -> child light DOM distribution observers
const newChildDistributors = this.__newChildDistributors;
if (newChildDistributors && newChildDistributors.length) {
const distributeFns = newChildDistributors.values();
for (let fn of distributeFns) {
// For now, it seems like Polymer.Bind automatically cleans up all the
// dynamic property change effects, so we'll end here.
// If performance becomes an issue, we may need to look into manually
// removing the effects created `Polymer.Bind.addPropertyEffect`.
* Attaches an observer that is triggered when light DOM child nodes are
* distributed or updated. The `propertyName` property and value from the
* parent will be applied to the children automatically.
* @param {String} propertyName - The name of the property to distribute to light DOM children
* @param {String} childPropertyName - The name the property will be given on the children (can be the same as `propertyName`)
_distributeOnNewChildren(propertyName, childPropertyName) {
const distributors = this.__newChildDistributors || new Map();
if (!distributors.has(propertyName)) {
// @TODO: This would be the way to observe without Polymer.dom, but due
// to the way Polymer ~1.6 orchestrates DOM manipulation, it doesn't work.
// Revert to this code in a newer version:
// const boundObserverFn = this[observeFnName].bind(this);
// this[observerWrapper] = new MutationObserver(boundObserverFn);
// this[observerWrapper].observe(this, {childList:true});
let distributeFn = () => this._distributePropertyToChildren(propertyName, childPropertyName);
let distributorInstance = Polymer.dom(this).observeNodes(distributeFn);
distributors.set(propertyName, distributorInstance);
* Attaches a `Polymer.Bind` complex property observer that watches for changes
* to the value of `propertyName` and syncs the new value to children.
* @param {String} propertyName - The name of the property to watch for changes
* @param {String} childPropertyName - The name the property will be given on the children (can be the same as `propertyName`)
_distributeOnPropertyChange(propertyName, childPropertyName) {
const distributors = this.__propertyChangeDistributors || new Map();
if (!distributors.has(propertyName)) {
// @TODO: This is Polymer 1.X-flavored code that relies on the internal
// `Polymer.Bind.addPropertyEffect` API. In the future, we should use
// the hooks Polymer 2.0 will provide into the observer API vs. calling
// this internal watcher.
let distributeFn = () => this._distributePropertyToChildren(propertyName, childPropertyName);
Polymer.Bind.addPropertyEffect(this, propertyName, 'function', distributeFn);
Polymer.Bind.addPropertyEffect(this, `${propertyName}.*`, 'function', distributeFn);
distributors.set(propertyName, true);
* Distribute the parent property `propertyName` to all child elements as
* `childPropertyName` with value `propertyValue`. Loops through distributed
* light DOM children (found with `getEffectiveChildren`) and update the
* child's property `childPropertyName` if it is out-of-sync with the parent's.
* @param {String} propertyName - The name of the property to distribute to light DOM children
* @param {String} childPropertyName - The name the property will be given on the children (can be the same as `propertyName`)
_distributePropertyToChildren(propertyName, childPropertyName) {
if (!propertyName || !childPropertyName || !this[propertyName] || typeof this[propertyName] === 'undefined') return;
const applyPropertyFn = () => {
const children = this.getEffectiveChildren();
for (let child of children) {
if (!child[childPropertyName] || child[childPropertyName] !== this[propertyName]) {
child[childPropertyName] = this[propertyName];
this.debounce(`apply-property-${propertyName}-reference-to-${}-children`, applyPropertyFn, 1);
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