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Created December 4, 2012 21:07
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[Batch] Get the line number of a statement within a batch file. (Debugging)
:: Batch Code Line Debugging
:: Retrieve the batch file line number where the Line function is called.
:: by David Ruhmann
:: Hide Command and Isolate Scope
@echo off
:: Usage Example
call :False xResult
if /i not "%xResult%"=="false" goto Done
rem Capture the line number of the failure by offsetting to the relative line.
call :Line xLine eUniqueLabel -3
call :Log "" "ERROR: False failed. Line: %xLine%." 1 "%Random%"
goto End
:False <xReturn>
:: A function to return false to emulate calling a function that has a failure.
set "xResult=false"
endlocal & if not "%~1"=="" set "%~1=%xResult%"
goto :eof
:: by David Ruhmann
:Line <xReturn> <xUniqueID> [xOffset]
:: Find and return the line number of the unique id adjusted by the optional offset.
:: Returns -1 in the case of an error or the unique id is not found in the file.
:: Note: The unique id cannot contain backslashes and MUST have spaces on each side.
:: Note: Change " %~2 " into " %~2" to only require a space before the unique id.
set "xLine=-1"
for /f "usebackq tokens=1 delims=:" %%i in (`findstr /n /c:" %~2 " "%~f0"`) do set /a xLine=%~3 + %%i
endlocal & if not "%~1"=="" set "%~1=%xLine%"
goto :eof
:: by David Ruhmann
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