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Created May 2, 2013 23:06
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Save davidruhmann/5506140 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update HOSTS file for Virtual Domains
:: Hide Commands
@echo off
:: Setup User Interface
title Virtual Domain HOSTS Update
setlocal EnableExtensions
pushd "%~dp0"
:: Verify Administrator Access
call :IsAdmin 1 %* || exit /b 1
:: Define the HOSTS file location
set "HOSTS=%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\Etc\HOSTS"
if not exist "%HOSTS%" (
echo ERROR: HOSTS file could not be found. Process Aborted.
pause >nul
goto End
:: Backup HOSTS
echo Creating Backup...
echo %Temp%\HOSTS.bak
echo F | xcopy /q /h /y "%HOSTS%" "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak"
if not exist "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak" (
echo ERROR: Unable to backup HOSTS file. Process Aborted.
pause >nul
goto End
:: Domain selection
echo Virtual Domains:
echo 1. SolMastr
echo 2. 1201DepM
echo 3. AblPrep
::echo 4. [Other]
set /p "Input= > Please select your domain: "
if defined Input set "Input=%Input:"=%"
:: Process selection
set "Domain="
if /i "%Input%"=="1" set "Domain=solmastr"
if /i "%Input%"=="solmastr" set "Domain=solmastr"
if /i "%Input%"=="2" set "Domain=1201depm"
if /i "%Input%"=="1201depm" set "Domain=1201depm"
if /i "%Input%"=="3" set "Domain=ablprep"
if /i "%Input%"=="ablprep" set "Domain=ablprep"
::if /i "%Input%"=="4" set "Domain=other"
::if /i "%Input%"=="Other" set "Domain=other"
::if /i "%Input%"=="[Other]" set "Domain=other"
if not defined Domain goto Domain
:: Show Current Entries
echo Current %Domain% HOSTS Entries:
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('find /n /i "%Domain%" "%HOSTS%"') do echo %%B
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%A in ('find /c /i "%Domain%" "%HOSTS%"') do set "Info=%%B"
set "Info=%Info::=&echo(%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('"echo(%Info%"') do set "Count=%%A"
set /a "Count=Count"
echo Total = %Count%
:: Options selection
echo Entry Actions:
echo 1. Remove
echo 2. Update or Add ^(IP Address^)
echo 3. Comment Toggle ^(Disable or Enable^)
echo 7. Select Domain
echo 9. Exit
set /p "Input= > Please select an action: "
if defined Input set "Input=%Input:"=%"
:: Process selection
set "Action="
if /i "%Input%"=="1" set "Action=remove"
if /i "%Input%"=="remove" set "Action=remove"
if /i "%Input%"=="2" set "Action=update"
if /i "%Input%"=="update" set "Action=update"
if /i "%Input%"=="3" set "Action=comment"
if /i "%Input%"=="comment" set "Action=comment"
if /i "%Input%"=="7" goto MainMenu
if /i "%Input%"=="select" goto MainMenu
if /i "%Input%"=="9" goto End
if /i "%Input%"=="exit" goto End
if not defined Action goto Action
:: Perform action
if /i "%Action%"=="remove" (
if "%Count%"=="0" echo NOTE: There are no entries to remove. & goto Action
set /p "=" <nul >%HOSTS%
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('find /v /n /i "%Domain%" "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak"') do echo(%%B>>"%HOSTS%"
set "IP="
if /i "%Action%"=="update" set /p "IP= > Enter the new IP Address: "
if defined IP set "IP=%IP:"=%"
if /i "%Action%"=="update" (
if not defined IP goto IP
if not "%Count%"=="0" (
set /p "=" <nul >%HOSTS%
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('find /v /n /i "%Domain%" "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak"') do echo(%%B>>"%HOSTS%"
echo(%IP% %Domain% #%Domain%>>"%HOSTS%"
echo(%IP% ip%Domain% #%Domain%>>"%HOSTS%"
echo(%IP% #%Domain%>>"%HOSTS%"
echo(%IP% #%Domain%>>"%HOSTS%"
if /i "%Action%"=="comment" (
if "%Count%"=="0" echo NOTE: There are no entries to comment. & goto Action
set /p "=" <nul >%HOSTS%
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('find /v /n /i "%Domain%" "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak"') do echo(%%B>>"%HOSTS%"
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('find /n /i "%Domain%" "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak"') do (
set "Entry=%%B"
call :ToggleEntry
if not exist "%HOSTS%" (
echo ERROR: HOSTS failed to modify. Attempting to roll back changes...
echo on && type "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak">>"%HOSTS%"
:: Done
echo Done
goto ShowEntries
:RemoveHOSTS {HOSTS} {Domain}
setlocal EnableExtensions
:: Empty the HOSTS file copy everything back but the domain entries.
set /p "=" <nul >%HOSTS%
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('find /v /n /i "%Domain%" "%Temp%\HOSTS.bak"') do echo(%%B>>"%HOSTS%"
endlocal & (exit /b 0 )
:ToggleEntry {Entry}
setlocal EnableExtensions
:: Add or Remove the comment character from infront of the set entry.
if "%Entry:~0,1%"=="#" ( echo(%Entry:~1%>>"%HOSTS%" ) else ( echo(#%Entry%>>"%HOSTS%" )
endlocal & (exit /b 0 )
:IsAdminVerbose [Elevate|Params]
setlocal EnableExtensions
call :IsAdmin %*
set "Code=%ErrorLevel%"
if "%Code%" equ "0" echo Administrator: True
if "%Code%" equ "1" echo Administrator: False
endlocal & ( exit /b %Code% )
:IsAdmin [Elevate|Params]
:: Check for Administrator privileges and request privileges if Elevate is set.
:: NOTE Elevate causes the batch script to restart and forget the arguments.
:: NOTE "runas" is an undocumented verb for the ShellExecute function.
:: ErrorLevel 0 = Admin, 1 = Not Admin
setlocal EnableExtensions
:: Check for Access
::net session >nul 2>&1
"%SystemRoot%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\config\system" >nul 2>&1
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 ( exit /b 0 )
:: Check Preference
set "Elevate=%~1"
if not defined Elevate ( exit /b 1 )
:: Eleveate Privileges
call :ElevateVB %* || call :ElevatePS %*
endlocal & ( exit /b 1 )
:ElevateVB [Params]
:: ErrorLevel 0 = Success, 1 = File Error, 2 = Elevate Error
setlocal EnableExtensions
:: Generate VBScript
set "VB=%Temp%\Admin.vbs"
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%VB%"
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "%*", "", "runas", 1 >> "%VB%"
:: Execute VBScript
if not exist "%VB%" ( exit /b 1 )
endlocal & ( exit /b %ErrorLevel% )
:ElevatePS [Params]
:: ErrorLevel 0 = Success
setlocal EnableExtensions
:: Get Command Line and Escape Quotations
set "Args=%~s0 %*"
set "Args=%Args:"=\"%"
:: Execute PowerShell Command
PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('cmd.exe', '/k %Args%', '', 'runas')
endlocal & ( exit /b %ErrorLevel% )
title %~dp0
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