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Created April 27, 2010 00:24
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(defn- parse-protocol-specs
"Takes a list of symbols and function implementations as expected by
the deftype function, and returns the symbols and maps expected by
the extend macro."
(loop [ret {}
specs lst]
(if (empty? specs)
(recur (conj ret [(first specs) (take-while seq? (next specs))])
(drop-while seq? (next specs))))))
(defn- create-impl-map
"Takes a vector containing two items: the symbol naming a protocol, and
a sequence of the implementation functions as you might write them in
deftype. Transforms this in a vector pair containing the symbol naming
the protocol and the implementations as a map you might pass to extend."
[[protocol impl-seq]]
[protocol (zipmap (map #(-> % first keyword) impl-seq)
(map #(list 'fn (rest %)) impl-seq))])
(defmacro defimplementation
"This macro takes a name followed by the arguments you might give to deftype
when you are implementing its protocols (ie, a symbol followed by function
implementations, repeated as needed). It creates a map with the given name
that maps protocols to the function map the extend macro would expect."
[name & args]
(let [fn-specs (parse-protocol-specs args)
specs-map (apply hash-map (mapcat create-impl-map fn-specs))]
`(def ~name ~specs-map)))
(defn- parse-mixin-directives
[[implementation & args]]
(loop [ret {}
[directive & remaining-args] args]
(condp = directive
:override (let [overrides (parse-protocol-specs
(take-while #(not (keyword? %))
(recur (hash-map (map #(vector (first %)
(merge (second %)
(overrides (first %))))
(drop-while #(not (keyword? %)) remaining-args)))
:only (let [included-protocols (take-while symbol remaining-args)]
(recur (reduce #(merge %1 (implementation %2))
ret included-protocols)
(drop-while symbol remaining-args)))
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"Expected one of: :override, :only.")))))
(defn- parse-mixin-impls
(loop [ret {}
impls args]
(if (empty? impls)
(cond (symbol? (first impls))
(conj ret [(first impls) (eval (first impls))])
(vector? (first impls))
(let [impl-map (parse-mixin-directives (first impls))]
(conj ret impl-map))
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"Expected a symbol or vector of implementations."))))))
(defmacro mixin
[name & args]
(let [final-impls (parse-mixin-impls args)]
(prn final-impls)
(prn (concat (map #(second %) final-impls))) ; Need to get the items out of the list of impls->{prot fns} maps.
`(extend ~name ~@(concat (map #(second %) final-impls)))))
;; To make it cause the exception:
(defprotocol UpstreamHandler
"Protocol to mirror the functionality in SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler."
(channelBound [this ctx e])
(channelClosed [this ctx e])
(channelConnected [this ctx e])
(channelDisconnected [this ctx e])
(channelInterestChanged [this ctx e])
(channelOpen [this ctx e])
(channelUnbound [this ctx e])
(childChannelClosed [this ctx e])
(childChannelOpen [this ctx e])
(exceptionCaught [this ctx e])
(messageReceived [this ctx e])
(writeComplete [this ctx e]))
(defimplementation TestImpl UpstreamHandler (channelBound [this ctx e] (println "Hi.")))
(deftype TestType [])
(mixin TestType TestImpl)
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