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Created September 28, 2011 14:19
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Highchart pointer
@graph_column ='column') do |f|
f.series(:name=>'Correct',:data=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
f.series(:name=>'Incorrect',:data=> [10, 2, 3, 1, 4] )
f.title({ :text=>"clickable bar chart"})
f.legend({:align => 'right',
:x => -100,
f.options[:chart][:defaultSeriesType] = "column"
f.options[:x_axis] = {:plot_bands => "none", :title=>{:text=>"Time"}, :categories => ["1.1.2011", "2.1.2011", "3.1.2011", "4.1.2011", "5.1.2011"]}
f.options[:y_axis] = {:title => { :text=>"Answers"} }
f.options[:plotOptions][:column] = { :stacking=>'normal',
:cursor => 'pointer',
:point => {:events => {:click => "alert('fitetu');" }}
= high_chart("graph_column", @graph_column) do |c|
= "options.plotOptions.column.cursor = 'pointer'"
= " = function() { location.href=''; }"
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