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Created May 26, 2016 17:13
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A helper 'library' for checking a variable's type, and returning the value or false, for some nice '||' chaining
//ES6? Use const {ifString} = ifUseful
//Otherwise just rename it, or crib the bits you want
//Why? So you can do stuff like -> `let foo = ifString(bar)||ifArray(bar).join('! ')||'Pretty useful!' `
const ifUseful={
ifString:function(v){return (typeof v === 'string'?v:false);},
ifArray:function(v){return (Array.isArray(v)?v:false);},
//What if you want something else? A single param gives you your own function!
ifTypeOf:function(type,v){return v?(typeof v === type?v:false):function(_v){return (typeof _v === type?_v:false);}},
ifInstanceOf:function(inst,v){return v?(v instanceof inst?v:false):function(_v){return (_v instanceof inst?_v:false);}}
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