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Trumpet plot
## data via
df <-
read_csv("total-agricultural-area-over-the-long-term.csv") %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
filter(!entity %in% c("World", "Greenland"), year >= 0) %>%
mutate(entity = case_when(
#str_detect(entity, "Brazil|United States|Canada") ~ "Americas and the Carribean",
str_detect(entity, "Brazil") ~ "Latin America and\nthe Caribbean",
str_detect(entity, "Canada|United States") ~ "Northern America",
str_detect(entity, "Russia") ~ "Europe",
str_detect(entity, "Rest of Asia") ~ "Asia (excluding\nIndia and China)",
#str_detect(entity, "India|China") ~ "Asia",
TRUE ~ entity
df <- df %>%
group_by(entity, year) %>%
summarize(cropland = sum(agricultural_area_crops_grazing_hyde_2017, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#mutate(timestep = year) %>%
#mutate(timestep = (year %/% 100) * 100) %>%
mutate(timestep = ((year * 2) %/% 100) * 100 / 2) %>%
group_by(entity, timestep) %>%
summarize(cropland = max(cropland, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
group_by(entity) %>%
mutate(last = cropland[which(timestep == max(timestep))]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(entity = fct_reorder(entity, -last))
df_labs <-
entity = factor(levels(df$entity), levels = levels(df$entity)),
cropland = c(720000000, 400000000, 125000000, -125000000, -340000000,
-540000000, -710000000, -815000000, -872000000)
cols <- c("firebrick", "tan", "#F39530", "#778e99", "grey74",
"#003b4c", "#bbcad2", "grey81", "grey88")
row_shift_arc <- function(xmiddle, direction, ymin1, ymax1, ymin2, ymax2, radius, thickness) {
# inner arc
thickness_mid <- ((ymax1 - ymin1) + (ymax2 - ymin2))/2
data <- tibble(x0 = xmiddle, y0 = ymax1 + (ymin2 - ymax1)/2, a = radius, b = (ymin2 - ymax1)/2, angle = 0)
data$m1 <- 2
data$m2 <- 2
n_ellipses <- nrow(data)
n <- 10000
data <- data[rep(seq_len(n_ellipses), each = n), ]
points <- rep(seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = n + 1)[seq_len(n)],
cos_p <- cos(points)
sin_p <- sin(points)
x_tmp <- abs(cos_p)^(2 / data$m1) * data$a * sign(cos_p)
y_tmp <- abs(sin_p)^(2 / data$m2) * data$b * sign(sin_p)
data$x <- data$x0 + x_tmp * cos(data$angle) - y_tmp * sin(data$angle)
data$y <- data$y0 + x_tmp * sin(data$angle) + y_tmp * cos(data$angle)
inner_arc <- data
# outer arc
data <- tibble(x0 = xmiddle, y0 = ymin1 + (ymax2 - ymin1)/2, a = radius + thickness, b = (ymax2 - ymin1)/2, angle = 0)
data$m1 <- 2
data$m2 <- 2
n_ellipses <- nrow(data)
n <- 10000
data <- data[rep(seq_len(n_ellipses), each = n), ]
points <- rep(seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = n + 1)[seq_len(n)],
cos_p <- cos(points)
sin_p <- sin(points)
x_tmp <- abs(cos_p)^(2 / data$m1) * data$a * sign(cos_p)
y_tmp <- abs(sin_p)^(2 / data$m2) * data$b * sign(sin_p)
data$x <- data$x0 + x_tmp * cos(data$angle) - y_tmp * sin(data$angle)
data$y <- data$y0 + x_tmp * sin(data$angle) + y_tmp * cos(data$angle)
outer_arc <- data
data <- bind_rows(
inner_arc %>% arrange(y),
outer_arc %>% arrange(-y)
if(direction == "right") {
data <- data %>%
filter(x >= xmiddle)
if(direction == "left") {
data <- data %>%
filter(x <= xmiddle)
row_shift_arc(500, "right", -10, 0, 150, 160, 30) %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
geom_polygon() +
# Test
space_var = 30e6
df1 <- df %>% filter(timestep <= 500) %>% mutate(shift = 0e08, timestep = timestep - 0)
df2 <- df %>% filter(timestep > 500, timestep <= 1000) %>% mutate(shift = 10e08, timestep = timestep - 500, timestep = abs(timestep - 600))
df3 <- df %>% filter(timestep > 1000) %>% mutate(shift = 2 * 10e08, timestep = timestep - 1000)
# Arc 1
tt <- df1 %>%
filter(timestep == max(timestep)) %>%
arrange(cropland) %>%
mutate(total = sum(cropland) + (n() - 1) * space_var,
total_max = shift - total/2,
ymax1 = total_max + cumsum(cropland) + (row_number() - 1) * space_var,
ymin1 = ymax1 - cropland) %>%
select(entity, timestep, ymax1, ymin1)
tt2 <- df2 %>%
filter(timestep == max(timestep)) %>%
arrange(cropland) %>%
mutate(total = sum(cropland) + (n() - 1) * space_var,
total_max = shift - total/2,
ymax2 = total_max + cumsum(cropland) + (row_number() - 1) * space_var,
ymin2 = ymax2 - cropland) %>%
select(entity, timestep, ymax2, ymin2)
arcs <- tt %>%
left_join(tt2, by = c("entity", "timestep"))
arc_data <- map_dfr(arcs$entity %>% unique(),
df <- arcs %>%
filter(entity == .x)
row_shift_arc(df$timestep, "right", df$ymin1, df$ymax1, df$ymin2, df$ymax2, 100, 20) %>%
mutate(entity = .x)
# Arc 2
tt <- df2 %>%
filter(timestep == min(timestep)) %>%
arrange(cropland) %>%
mutate(total = sum(cropland) + (n() - 1) * space_var,
total_max = shift - total/2,
ymax1 = total_max + cumsum(cropland) + (row_number() - 1) * space_var,
ymin1 = ymax1 - cropland) %>%
select(entity, timestep, ymax1, ymin1)
tt2 <- df3 %>%
filter(timestep == min(timestep)) %>%
arrange(cropland) %>%
mutate(total = sum(cropland) + (n() - 1) * space_var,
total_max = shift - total/2,
ymax2 = total_max + cumsum(cropland) + (row_number() - 1) * space_var,
ymin2 = ymax2 - cropland) %>%
select(entity, timestep, ymax2, ymin2)
arcs <- tt %>%
left_join(tt2, by = c("entity", "timestep"))
arc_data2 <- map_dfr(arcs$entity %>% unique(),
df <- arcs %>%
filter(entity == .x)
row_shift_arc(df$timestep, "left", df$ymin1, df$ymax1, df$ymin2, df$ymax2, 100, 20) %>%
mutate(entity = .x)
# Plot
ggplot(bind_rows(df1, df2),
aes(x = timestep, value = cropland, node = entity, fill = entity, color = entity)) +
geom_sankey_bump(data = df1, aes(shift = shift), space = space_var, smooth = 6) +
geom_sankey_bump(data = df2, aes(shift = shift), space = space_var, smooth = 6) +
geom_sankey_bump(data = df3, aes(shift = shift), space = space_var, smooth = 6) +
geom_polygon(data = arc_data, aes(x, y, fill = entity, group = entity, color = entity), inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 1) +
geom_polygon(data = arc_data2, aes(x, y, fill = entity, group = entity, color = entity), inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 1) +
# geom_text(
# data = df_labs,
# aes(x = 2003, y = cropland, label = entity,
# color = entity, color = after_scale(colorspace::darken(color, .2))),
# hjust = 0, size = 6.5, family = "Bebas Neue", lineheight = .75
# ) +
# scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(NA, 2100),
# breaks = c(500, 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900)) +
# scale_y_continuous(expand = c(.01, .01)) +
scale_color_manual(values = cols, guide = FALSE) +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols, guide = FALSE) +
theme_void() +
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#FAF5F0"),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "#E8E1DB")) +
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