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Created February 26, 2024 12:22
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  • Save davidsneighbour/fb8c0d0188cb9340feab83f77a443093 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Refactoring GoHugo aliases into proper methods
float = "cast.toFloat"
int = "cast.toInt"
string = "cast.toString"
after = "collections.After"
append = "collections.Append"
apply = "collections.Apply"
complement = "collections.Complement"
delimit = "collections.Delimit"
dictionary = "collections.Dictionary"
first = "collections.First"
group = "collections.Group"
in = "collections.In"
index = "collections.Index"
intersect = "collections.Intersect"
isset = "collections.IsSet"
keyvals = "collections.KeyVals"
last = "collections.Last"
merge = "collections.Merge"
newscratch = "collections.NewScratch"
querify = "collections.Querify"
reverse = "collections.Reverse"
seq = "collections.Seq"
shuffle = "collections.Shuffle"
slice = "collections.Slice"
sort = "collections.Sort"
symdiff = "collections.SymDiff"
union = "collections.Union"
uniq = "collections.Uniq"
where = "collections.Where"
cond = "compare.Conditional"
default = "compare.Default"
eq = "compare.Eq"
ge = "compare.Ge"
gt = "compare.Gt"
le = "compare.Le"
lt = "compare.Lt"
ne = "compare.Ne"
sha256 = "crypto.SHA256"
sha1 = "crypto.SHA1"
md5 = "crypto.MD5"
hmac = "crypto.HMAC"
base64Decode = "encoding.Base64Decode"
base64Encode = "encoding.Base64Encode"
jsonify = "encoding.Jsonify"
warnf = "fmt.Warnf"
warnidf = "fmt.Warnidf"
errorf = "fmt.Errorf"
erroridf = "fmt.Erroridf"
printf = "fmt.Printf"
print = "fmt.Print"
println = "fmt.Println"
humanize = "inflect.Humanize"
pluralize = "inflect.Pluralize"
singularize = "inflect.Singularize"
i18n = "lang.Translate"
T = "lang.Translate"
add = "math.Add"
div = "math.Div"
mod = "math.Mod"
modBool = "math.ModBool"
mul = "math.Mul"
pow = "math.Pow"
sub = "math.Sub"
fileExists = "os.FileExists"
getenv = "os.Getenv"
readDir = "os.ReadDir"
readFile = "os.ReadFile"
partial = "partials.Include"
partialCached = "partials.IncludeCached"
babel = "resources.Babel"
fingerprint = "resources.Fingerprint"
minify = "resources.Minify"
postCSS = "resources.PostCSS"
toCSS = "resources.ToCSS"
safeCSS = "safe.CSS"
safeHTML = "safe.HTML"
safeHTMLAttr = "safe.HTMLAttr"
safeJS = "safe.JS"
safeJSStr = "safe.JSStr"
safeURL = "safe.URL"
chomp = "strings.Chomp"
countrunes = "strings.CountRunes"
countwords = "strings.CountWords"
findRE = "strings.FindRE"
findRESubmatch = "strings.FindRESubmatch"
hasPrefix = "strings.HasPrefix"
hasSuffix = "strings.HasSuffix"
replace = "strings.Replace"
replaceRE = "strings.ReplaceRE"
slicestr = "strings.SliceString"
split = "strings.Split"
substr = "strings.Substr"
title = "strings.Title"
lower = "strings.ToLower"
upper = "strings.ToUpper"
trim = "strings.Trim"
truncate = "strings.Truncate"
time = "time.AsTime"
duration = "time.Duration"
dateFormat = "time.Format"
now = "time.Now"
emojify = "transform.Emojify"
highlight = "transform.Highlight"
htmlEscape = "transform.HTMLEscape"
htmlUnescape = "transform.HTMLUnescape"
markdownify = "transform.Markdownify"
plainify = "transform.Plainify"
unmarshal = "transform.Unmarshal"
absLangURL = "urls.AbsLangURL"
absURL = "urls.AbsURL"
anchorize = "urls.Anchorize"
ref = "urls.Ref"
relLangURL = "urls.RelLangURL"
relRef = "urls.RelRef"
relURL = "urls.RelURL"
urlize = "urls.URLize"
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 <directory>"
exit 1
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
script_directory="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)"
if [ ! -d "$directory" ]; then
echo "Directory '$directory' not found."
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$conversion_file" ]; then
echo "Conversion file '$conversion_file' not found."
exit 1
while IFS='=' read -r search_string replace_string; do
search_string=$(echo "$search_string" | tr -d '[:space:]' | tr -d '-')
replace_string=$(echo "$replace_string" | tr -d '[:space:]' | tr -d '"' | tr -d '-')
find "$directory" -type f -exec sed -i -E "s/(\s|\(|\{)($search_string)(\s|\)|\})/\1$replace_string\3/g" {} +
echo "Replaced '$search_string' with '$replace_string'"
done <"$conversion_file"
echo "Replacement complete."
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